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Posts posted by kingofsquid

  1. Allow me to maintain my point as well that this is Lucas' fault to begin with, pushing KotOR II out the door then having ample time to setup a KotOR III with Obsidian but chose not to ignoring what the fans wanted, KotOR III. And don't say that its not because we all know its exactly what the majority wanted, sure TSL was full of holes but it was still a good game with (in my opinion) a better underlined story that sold very well...the holes make the game what it unfortunetly is, rather unfinished but Lucas bears at the very least half of the blame for this, they were at fault just as much as Obsidian for the finished product. TSL was a good game, it could've very well been great. Obsidian wasn't even given a chance to finish what they started and clean everything up...


    Bottom line- No matter how you slice it, "Bioware wanted to make an MMO"...blah, blah, blah. Its greed, its what its all masked in...the desire for Lucas and Bioware to make as much money as possible not listening or answering the pertinent question of- KotOR III.





  2. Flamestrike used to be so awesome in Warcraft 3. :'(



    Anyway, um, to buy WoW, BC, andWotLK, plus the first 7 months, equals up to about $200. WoW, BC, and WotLK(40 each) free trial month and first 6 months for 13 dollars each, equals bout $200. Am I right?

  3. In warcraft 3, Frozen Throne, one of the Blood Elf heroes can cast Pillar of Fire, a spell that causes a red circle to appear on the ground and shoot up a massive blast of fire, and even after the spell ends, flames burn the area for a short time.


    And what was wrong with that link anyway (Purkake's)?


    Hey can I get a link to WoW wiki?

  4. in the country


    And I have to have BC? I was planning to buy WotLK anyway, but......crap.

    Gilneas? Velen? Who? And what about EBay? Anyway, I want to be a blood elf, or whatever those guys are that have Pillar of Fire (best dang power ever).



    Hey, um, BTW:



    Isn't Arthas the Lich King? Wait, yeah, from the cool ending of Frozen Throne!


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