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Posts posted by kingofsquid

  1. Ok. This is Lisen:




    Lisen is a very small, very calm dog. All she did was sleep. I took her out for a long walk yesterday. For two hours I let her play on meadows, in the woods, on fields and everywhere in between. On my way home, we passed a football field (soccer field for the yanks) and the damn dog sits down and poops in the middle of it. Two hours of walking where it's free to poop and the damn dog does nothing. Two minutes of poop-forbidden zones and the damn dog lays a turd bigger than itself.



  2. Does anyone know if there has been any deaths due to H1N1 other than those who haven't had all their shots? I'm not worried in the slightest tbh.


    Today I went to my cousins' house and fixed their computer. I must say he's really smart for a two year old.


    Swine flu? Don' know of any deaths nearby, but my cousin had a mild (not deadly) case.

  3. Like I would even click that link...



    Most stuff on the internet I don't even wanna know exists


    What? It's my GF.


    Mate, it's not like I'm going to post a disgusting pic and pretend it's my GF. :ermm:



    It doesn't metter, Krezzie. I've had bad experience with posted links on message boards. My trsus and faith are broken things.



    Once something is learned; it can never be unlearned. :x


    It's just a George Foreman grill, man.

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