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Posts posted by kingofsquid

  1. I like the Halo music. The one part of Halo series that sticks out in my mind is early on in Halo 2, when you get into that tank and start making your way across the bridge blasting everything in sight and the music kicks in, it was pretty awesome.


    This is a good custscene-



    BTW did you know that on Halo 2 the "Ladies Like Armor Plating" mission name is changed to "Ladies Like Superior Firepower" on Legendary?

  2. [sigh] The mom has swine flu. She's doing ok, but i think i might be coming down with it too. heck.


    Get well soon. :)



    I am rigging a 3D model at work (rigging is putting a skeleton in and making sure body parts deform properly when moving, for those not in the know). Except I've been working on this model for like two weeks and I am really bummed out on it and I cannot bring myself to work on it properly. TVtropes isn't helping. :D


    Thank you. As a matter of fact, i feel great! No fever, slight headache(normal for me), no nausea. Tamaflu works well, first time i took it my fever went down from 102f to 98.8f. If it is true that after 24 hours without a fever you are not contagious, than mom is okay(she also has a cold), and at 7:00 i will be ok too.

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