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Posts posted by kingofsquid

  1. Ow.



    Well, I've picked up the Left Behind series again, and I'm on Tribulation Force. Gotta admit, even for a nonreligious person, it would be a good read. Kinda creepy if you're a Christian and you think about it. Scary, even.

  2. If anybody here actually thinks Osama Bin Laden is a good, moral person, say it, I dare you.


    I don't think that, but those who follow him obviously think differently and, according to his moral system, he would be. :)


    Well, yeah.....


    Hey, are religious threads allowed, if they don't get too....."fighty"?

  3. I don't think they even make smaller than 200GB 3.5'' hard drives for retail. There's no reason why the 360 HDD couldn't be 500GB and actually be able to hold some games and media like other modern technology.


    Well, you can fit a decent amount of stuff on there, just do not install games. It takes up +10 gigs for one game, Fable II takes about 12 and in the name of all things sweet and holy don't install Oblivion.


    I actually got mine last month, and installed 2 games, played about twenty, and have 40ish gigs left (Pro)

  4. Well, nearing the end of AC, and I'm finishing my Mercs 2 Chris profile.


    Oh, and BTW, not sure if i ever mentioned this, but this WoW talk got me thinking, and if I remember correctly, Rise of the Lich King came out the day after I beat Warcraft III: TFT. Since the end of that game is Arthas becoming the Lich King, this seems odd to me.

  5. In terms of the internet, we are still living in a golden age, but we are at the end of it. Like the radio and TV, it will go from being bidirectional to monodirectional in terms of communication.


    I'd have to agree. Right now free unrestricted access to infomation via the web is still common enough in all but the most restrictive countries. But with the US (since the new admin came into power) and UK starting to take measures to censor web content and restrict access to certain web sites I think we are quickly beginning to move away from that. I think more and more over the coming years we'll see governments trying to limit the information it's citizens can reach in the name of "fairness" and "balance".


    Well, I'm moving to Australia if the web becomes like the internet at my school. ANYTHING that could be considered offensive to ANYBODY is blocked:



    All Forums

    Every wiki but wikipedia

    much of wikipedia

    Game Cheat sites

    Yahoo Games

    Some News Sites


    And A WHOLE lot more

  6. @Krookie: My best friend has AC2. He says its awesome, best game he's ever played.

    Well, tell him to play more games then.




    Where I live, PC gamers are nonexistent, but everybody has a 360.


    Speaking of 360s, I got another controller (Wal-Mart is unrealistically overpriced), so I am able to enjoy Halo 3 more now.


    It still sucks eggs though.

  7. I'm gone for 2 months, and when I come back there's so many posts it would take a year to view em alll on dial-up.


    Anyway, I'm playing (ON MY 360, WOOT!) Halo 3, Fable II, and 'Creed 1.


    Halo 3 is disappointing. It's basically a souped-up Halo 2. Halo 2 beats it into the dust on single-player (1 360 controller+No Xbox Live= sucky Halo 3, but not 2).


    Assassin's Creed is nice. Graphics are amazing, and gameplay is easy enough that you can't get permanently stuck, but hard enough that you have to try, not like Halo 3.


    Fable II is awesome with a capital woot. They took one of the best RPGs ever made, and made it better. 'Nuff said.

  8. CrashBox






    They are for the 360, he's talking about the original.... I think.


    Yes. And Maria Caliban is correct.


    I was able to get Halo 2 working JUST long enough to beat it with my profile on this Xbox. It froze once the credits started.


    You know, this is my fourth crapBox. 1st stopped working completely, had it for over 3 years, 2nd had for 1.5 yrs, barely would play jack, 3rd worked perfectly for an hour, then I went to church, came back, and instantly got a RROD, and now I am on my fourth, which works mediocrely

  9. Tried. Don't work. Craap.

    I actually have the workaround for this problem. However, Lando and I happen to go way back, so I don't want a battle to take place on Bespin. Sorry, I won't help you.


    I believe this counts as spam.

  10. A proper turn based strategy game for galaxy scale. Could have real time tactical combat or not. I don't care as long as it has a pause.


    A new Holland flight sim. Failing that, a re-make of TIE Fighter.


    New Dark Forces/Jedi Knight game. It'd have to have a good engine, though. I was unimpressed by that Quake 3 stuff. Pretty enough, but bad gameplay.


    Of course, KotOR 3. A singleplayer RPG set on some other era might be good enough consolation.


    Again, this is Empire at War.

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