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Posts posted by kingofsquid

  1. Empty moralizing leads to nowhere and anyone who says they never played a pirated game or used a pirated program is most likely lying. The only people who don't use them are the clueless users who use their pc for watching movies and playing solitaire.


    Man, I ain't never pirated anything! (well there was that thing with 300 but that wasn't me)

  2. Alien vs Predator?


    That is something I'd pay money for!


    And you can AvP and AvP2 are out with AvP3 coming out next year


    For What??? mewantmewantverybadlyavpisawesomewoot!


    Let me space that out a little: me want me want very badly avp is awesome woot!


    There! :p

  3. Hey guys, I just decided to play kotor 2 with some cheats and for some reason whenever I try and get an item generated it gives me some kind of useless grenade. I was wondering if anyone could help me resolve this issue.


    What's the grenade called???? :lol::)


    Adhesive Grenade. The effect is simply,


    Effect: Generates a great temporary decoration on the floor called blue mushy goop. Great effect rofl.gif


    Adhesive grenades suck. They are only useful for blaster or throw lightsaber users, which both suck (especially TL)

  4. the best treatment for frostbite was immersion in water between 100 and 122 degrees.



    I assume that's not using normal centigrades, but rather some odd foreign temperature scale?


    I guess that this must be an american report, so it's probably Farhenheit (sp?)

  5. Chosen, this is for the future of course, at least until the end of my football season (games not televised, it's just a small school team, I ain't no pro or anything).


    1.Assassin's Creed

    2.Halo 3

    3.Fable II


    In an effort to re-rail this topic, I ask: Is Thrall the orc leader in WoW?

  6. Here's another game I'd like to see made:


    You know how in most first-person games, the player is human fighting aliens or monsters? Well, I'd like to see a game where you are an alien or monster and you have to fight both your kin and human soldiers. Like playing one of the other races in Mass Effect or from the Star Wars series, something like that.


    Alien vs Predator?


    That is something I'd pay money for!

  7. So I managed to play Alpha Protocol in my dreams. Here are my impressions.


    First things first. Art design. The screenshots that Obsidian shows are a lie. The Art Design takes it's cues more from Mask of the Betrayer kind of thing. Some locations were like... there was this place that resembled the best parts of Wall of the Faithless, Korriban and Malachor 5. I know Korriban and Malachor 5 are considered to be examples of bad level design, but I'm talking about the visual side, not how you were allowed to move in them.


    The level design was very smooth. It was a dream after all so it felt like I could go anywhere.


    Combat for some reason in my dream was in first-person. I guess the third-person thing is also a lie by Obsidian. I'm not an expert to judge first-person... all I can say is that it felt pretty damn real.


    Now to the storyline. Now this was weird. There's this female politician and...


    Well the thing is that there was this President guy and he went to some unholy site in nearby Iroquis Confederacy lands. Unholy because it was the land of Skinwalkers. He contacted those skinwalker spirits because he wanted to have eternal life. He wanted to know how to become a Skinwalker. So he did. And it meant that after one of his skins died or was released of power, his skinless body waited in the dark halls of White House for the newly elected presidental candidate to come and then he attacked him, ripped his skin off and weared it as his own. "Democracy is for suckers!" And then he ate that dead guy. So technically he was a king that lived forever, just with different faces.


    So when you start the game you don't know this. There's this female politician who gives you assigments. You pretty much have to eliminate all things that stand against her presidential candidation. So you kill a lot of people and it feels like you are feeding from their essence... like their deaths make you stronger somehow.


    So she becomes a president and then tries to kill you. You get pissed off, kill a lot of people and then stand before her. She then reveals the secret - you are that skinwalker president guy. Your memory was removed once you were forced to wear the skin of some random white trash guy and you were made to believe like you were some spy agent working for the government, while actually you have been the government for past centuries.


    And now you have to kill her for some unexplained reason.


    So you kill her. And now it gets really weird. Turns out that she is also that skinwalker president guy. You are both that guy. But you are her hunger. It's very fuzzy.... I think there might be some plotholes here. You are like that cannibalistic hunger turned into a person. And that's why killing people makes you stronger. You are a hole in the fabric of reality, consuming all that stands before you. You are the opposite of life... not death, but the nothingness. You have become the primal nothingness. Life doesn't die with you, it just has never existed once it meets you. Before she dies she mentions how beautiful you are to her. And then you leave.


    I was generally surprised by the storyline. It wasn't what I expected at all. But I think Obsidian tried to do some social/political commentary with this. I just didn't get it. I have a feeling that the non-obsidianite world will just not get it and that it might be ridiculed. But... as confusing as the storyline was, it felt awesome.


    There were also partymembers. Liara and Wrex with tentacles.





    ...WHAT THE CRAP!!!!!?????

  8. OK, ummmmmm, for a starter game, Halo 3, Fable II, or Assassin's Creed?


    I own Halo 1 and 2 and Fable (the original and TLC), so skipping games in a series cannot happen.


    Sucks that they ain't maken no Pros no more. Bet EBay has one though.

  9. Hey, um...... I really need some help, but I really don't see the need of a brand new thread for it.




    Could I get like a price and feature guide for XBox 360? I am looking for the most for my money, without breaking the bank. Probably going with Pro (Don't know anything bout Arcade, and Elite seems overpriced), but I need help here!

  10. Metroid Prime 3 Corruption is good, Blazing Angels is very good, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law is hilarious, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is good. And they are all for Wii.


    Blazing Angels was pretty horrible.


    :) Not true. BA is one of the best games I have ever played. And add Wii Sports: Bowling and Tennis on that list too. Bowling is fun!

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