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Posts posted by kingofsquid

  1. Galaxy is OK, i borrowed it from a friend and beat it. Any good Strategy or RPG will work.




    :woot: TSL!!!!!! It has everything I want on the PC version! RPG elements, replayability, and mods out the wazoo!!!!!! How did I not think of it sooner?!??!?!?!??!

  2. 13 bucks for a 6-month subscription after one free month. Not bad! And dial-up does work right?


    You have to actually BUY the game for like ~$50 as well. I wouldn't go anywhere near any online game with dial up. Try the free trial.


    And it's 13 bucks a month for 6 months.



    I know I have to buy the game. and to the rest of the post I say "instert long string of expletives".

  3. Uh... WTF happened to the Star Wars section on the boards?


    They died. :p


    I sense a great disturbance in the force, like dozens of crazed fans all screaming out at once.



    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE[falls out of chair, gags, brain melts out ears, head catches on fire, legs and arms fall off as what is left spontaneosly combusts]

  4. The Titans Expansion (must have original to play) is a great RTS. Here is a Titan of Atlantis (left) fighting Titan of Greece (right) :http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:9bIaP2...90screen003.jpg



    Not really obscure, but hardly a video game superpower (such as Neverwinter Nights, WoW, and Final Fantasy)



    Another picture? okay....




    I know, I like Titans....

    Sorry it is in a URL, but it said no dynamic pages in the tags....WTcrap!?!?!?

  5. I was argueing your point on the fact you said Bioware hasn't released any games on the 360 yet, as you said they made Mass Effect, why not KotOR III? Think about all the sequels that carried over from the Xbox to the 360 and then tell me different...it'd be like after Halo Bungie didn't decide to make further games, clearly not smart as the game made tons of money. Why buck the trend and not continue with consolers? As I said its industry, even though (as you claim) the game wrapped up nicely it sold extremely well making them a heavyweight company, it only makes sense that a sequel would be coming...that's a no brainer for anyone.


    Maybe KOTOR 2 didn't sell so well? There's more to it than BioWare going "Hey, lets make KOTOR 3!" You're talking as if BioWare was the one that also made KOTOR 2, and also made a huge amount of money selling KOTOR 2. It's not like BioWare is doing poorly having not made KOTOR 3.


    Here's the crux of it though: Neither Lucasarts nor BioWare are interested in making KOTOR 3 at this point. BioWare HAS, however, been interested in exploring the MMO market. But yeah, they as a company shouldn't do what they are interested in, and do what you want them to do. Which is ironic, because they made KOTOR which is a game that they were interested in making at the time.



    That's why I blame Lucas, why not of given Obsidian the chance to clean everything up...it would have been done and out by now but they sat on their asses for 4 years and did nothing. Then they could've made this MMO project for PCer's who kept demanding more and more content, I'm sure in the end influencing Lucas more than a little on deciding this course.


    Why should they give Obsidian a chance to clean everything up, if maybe they weren't happy with what Obsidian ultimately did. And no, you can't say that the game would have been out yet because they weren't just "sitting on their asses for 4 years [doing] nothing." Lucasarts and Obsidian (nor BioWare) don't simply exist to make KOTOR games for you. As a result of Obsidian not working on KOTOR 3, we're about to get Alpha Protocol...a game that I think looks like it will be a ton of fun.



    Hey, I paid my hard earned money like everybody else and grew to love the franchise, as I said it was powerful enough to make me a dedicated SW fan...why should we consolers get shafted?


    Shafted? Please. For starters, you "consolers" got both KOTOR and KOTOR 2 before it was released on the PC. History is overburdened with PC games that are now console exclusives. Heck, you talk about Halo, which was originally being designed for the Mac and PC, but then later came out on the XBOX exclusively for over a year. I don't complain about it though. It is what it is.


    This is basically what your argument is coming down to? Essentially "I want to play more Star Wars games in The Old Republic time frame but since SWTOR is an MMO, and hence probably only for the PC, I can't!!!"



    My bias lol?


    It's plain as day. To say otherwise is simply lying to yourself.



    What's wrong with competition? It keeps the business going doesn't it? Games continue to get better because they're competing with one another


    I have no idea what your point here is.



    ...and grow up lol, tough talk coming from someone who has an Elf of Gondor or whatever in his Sig lmao.


    Thank you for proving my point. Your comment is simply overflowing with maturity. Face it, this is what you are doing: You are pouting because KOTOR 3 isn't being made, and SWTOR is, and have already passed judgment on people that have expressed an interest in SWTOR and assumptions that anyone interested in SWTOR, is against KOTOR 3 (because you've done this to me already). I stand by my statement. You're simply acting childish because a company has gone in a different direction than you wanted them to do, and have now demonstrated that you'd like their product to do poorly simply out of spite. There is no way you can construe this as being in any way a mature reaction to the news.



    The last part I guess your right on, in my opinion I think it wouldn't have much effect though, Lucas just plain doesn't have that many SW franchises in the bank that have been this successfull...they'd likely give it a shot and see. Who knows...Obsidian would probably do it cheap.


    Why would Obsidian do it cheap? Or is this just wishful thinking?




    All I want is the small voice of that percentage of the fans that everyone keeps trying to crush heard...and Bioware's doing a good job to do it but we're still here and still mightly ticked off.


    Because they decided to make a different game than KOTOR 3? You're only ticked off because you're acting like a spoiled brat. But yeah, BioWare has that history of shafting the poor console gamers, hence why they've decided to go ahead with console versions of Dragon Age, and seem intent on establishing a franchise with Mass Effect.


    You have nothing to be ticked off about. SWTOR isn't being made instead of KOTOR 3. If there was no SWTOR, there's no guarantee that there'd be KOTOR 3. Especially since it was canceled internally by Lucasarts several years ago.



    HE'S BEING IMMATURE!!!!??!??! You just took up over 1/4 of a page bashing him! Both of you please shut it and get back on topic!!! :)






    Hey, go to the public profile page of "i want teh kotor 3" and check out his sig. Wonderful, isn't it?

  7. Games are canon, just like every other EU-material not labeled infinities.


    Some things like game-mechanics are obviously not canon, like needing that many hits with a lightsabre, but story- and design-wise everything is canon unless it directly contradicts something superior, like the movies.

    define superior...


    and thematically some things don't make sense in games, for example:


    Jedi driving around in specialized tanks, that... well, they're basically the same tanks but reserved for Jedi. Also, cloaked tie fighters, terminator robots, vader having a cabal of dark jedi at his beck and call... and how many people have flown side car to Lando now?


    I mean sure, the movies are the most definitive source of cannon, but you can't really take games as cannon in anything JUST because they're non-contradictory (heck the books contradict themselves quite a bit). I mean more often than not, the story line of the game is fan-fiction with more holes than a window screen, rather than a real story.


    Except for when they are based on the movies (Rogue Leader, Rebel Strike).

  8. King of Squid's list is more an indication of his young age. That isn't negative in any way, as he will have more years to experience future games than some of us dinosaurs, but he also hasn't had the chance (or sadly old technology will limit him) from experiencing some of the richer games of yesteryear.


    So don't feel bad about your list, just know that there are a lot of gaming experiences out there left to be had.


    Thank you. Hey, um, was KOTOR2 on that list? Anyway, I also do not own a PS3, PSP, or a 360. Or a Dreamcast. Or a SNES.

  9. King of Squid's list is more an indication of his young age. That isn't negative in any way, as he will have more years to experience future games than some of us dinosaurs, but he also hasn't had the chance (or sadly old technology will limit him) from experiencing some of the richer games of yesteryear.


    So don't feel bad about your list, just know that there are a lot of gaming experiences out there left to be had.


    Thank you. Hey, um, was KOTOR2 on that list? Anyway, I also do not own a PS3, PSP, or a 360. Or a Dreamcast. Or a SNES.

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