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Posts posted by kingofsquid

  1. it's up to you if you believe that the Catholics are members of a cult; it's really a matter of definitions

    it's not really a matter of definitions, it is a matter of magnitudes. most christian religions, most religions for that matter, allow their worshippers to come and go as they please (though they clearly don't want you to leave). you are not harrassed to the point of fear for your life if you choose not to continue to follow. they are also not specifically concerned with taking money from their flock either (though clearly all religions would like something in this regard). you can worship all day, and take advantage of the services they offer, without donating a single penny. neither of these is true of scientology, not even remotely.


    cults operate at the detriment to their followers and to the benefit of only their leaders. this is not true of most religions. certainly all religions have some cult-like aspects (any worship fits the definition of cult), but they simply do not meet the conditions generally thought of as a true cult. it's like shades of gray. some are a bit more extreme, mormon and/or latter day saints, for example (no, they are not the same thing), and others are very extreme to the point of actually being what we would normally refer to as a cult, jehova's witnesses, for example.


    generally, it comes down to the level of control over followers' lives that is in place.




    True. My church (now I am speaking for myself) does not try to control my life besides what every religion or cult does (by teaching). In fact, I am like a friend to my preacher. Heck, I am his friend.

  2. I would like to point out that the end of revelation is triumphant, not destruction. Just thought I'd throw that out. I've decided not to hunt you folks down and force you to read my bible. Instead, I'll write a mean post about game romances. There, see, we can all win!


    PS. I also figured it would make sense to spell revelation properly.


    Sorry for misspell. And yes, it is triumphant, but the original earth is destroyed. And you believe too. Good! :rolleyes:

  3. How will it end? I'll tell you how it will end... a disaster of biblical proportions. Old Testament, real wrath of god stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthqakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, MASS HYSTERIA! :aiee:


    This would have to be the closest. Has ANYBODY read the last book of the Bible? Anybody? Anybody at all? I really can not believe some of this stuff.



    You do know hes quoting Ghostbusters right?


    You're kidding. That's in Ghostbusters??? I am not quoting!!! :lol::lol::teehee::teehee::woot: And D_N, that is explicitly stated in Revelations. Seriously. That is fact if anything is.

  4. How will it end? I'll tell you how it will end... a disaster of biblical proportions. Old Testament, real wrath of god stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthqakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, MASS HYSTERIA! :verymad:


    This would have to be the closest. Has ANYBODY read the last book of the Bible? Anybody? Anybody at all? I really can not believe some of this stuff.

  5. My Xbox works fair......occaisionally. Most of the time it messes up for no apparent reason. When playing Fable: The Lost Chapters (which is actually in very fair condition), it never works. I have tried clearing the cache, deleting old memory, dusting off the Xbox, blowing the inside of the Box when the thing opens when I put the game in there, moving it from the usual spot (in a box-like area in my computer desk) to outside the desk in the floor (which is less dusty and better ventilated), and cleaning the disk. :verymad::verymad::verymad: NOTHING WORKS!!!! Please help! And the XBox works much better on games like K1, TSL, Halo, Halo 2, Counter Strike, and sort-of Thief: Deadly Shadows....... Please Help!

  6. Methinks you doth protest too much. You seem way too desperate to defend the traditional MMO pricing scheme. Perhaps you are simply in denial over the excessive amount of money you have spent on MMOs and need to justify it to yourself. Frankly, anyone that gets that angry about a subject like this must have something more going on. Definitely would explain why you decided to resort to insults rather than address the legitimate points I raised. Ah well, I guess expecting a legitimate intelligent discussion on the subject was a bit too much on my part. Maybe next time.

    He's not protesting or "whining", simply stating a fact. Most of the pricing schemes mentioned by nihilus were unfeasible because they'd require either A)a much larger user base, on WoW scales B) The kindness of people or C) expansion and too much risk for reward.


    Honestly, count up how many games you've bought over the past year and price them out and I'm betting you find you spend about 2k on games each year.


    Honestly, if anyone is whining it's you guys. If you're gonna come up with ideas, at least make them feasible/workable within the industry without a significant drop in revenue generation. And don't say "cut profits to 0" because then the company wouldn't have ANY reason to even MAKE the game.


    :verymad: Zip it. I do not own 2k in games. :verymad:

  7. Monthly fees for MMO's are just stupid, Galaxies requires a 20 buck monthly fee, you know, that comes to 240 bucks a year, which is way overpriced, however, some MMO games are free. What MMO games need to realize is that there are oodles and oodles of different ways to make some cash.


    If you don't think it's worth the money, then you're well within your right to spend it elsewhere. Playing Star Wars video games is not a necessity in life, and the market has clearly shown that people are willing to pay $20/month for games like these.



    1. Banner Ads: Yes, by putting ads on a site, the site is required by law to pay the companies who put the ads up, it's how YouTube makes cash, and they dont charge one cent to put upload a video. Other companies and sites like google and Disney make big bucks from banner ads.


    I have no real issue with banner ads, or in game ads if they fit the setting. However, a lot of people do. Would you rather play KOTOR full screen, or with a banner ad taking the top inch of your screen?



    2. Donations: some people can donate money to help pay for your so called "further gameplay expansion", which I think is just false garbage they make up so they can make the companies look rich financially.


    Donations are unreliable. Furthermore, it sounds like you just made a counterpoint against it yourself here. I'm not quite sure what you were trying to say.



    3. Rather than just charging people monthly, how about yearly if you so called want to make it, required, you make cash out of people buying your product, and that will have to be good amount of cash, every little bit helps, right. 20 bucks may not seem to much, but when you look at it yearly, you'll be surprised on the number it adds up to.


    All you've done here is essentially suggest a significantly lower monthly fee. Paying $20 at the end of the year is significantly less money than people paying $240 at the end of the year. You better have 12x the install base simply to break even revenue-wise.



    4. Other products. Take Mattel for example, they make games, but they make money by making other products such as toys, and in addition people buy the games to sort of double the amount of cash made.


    I suppose. I don't know how lucrative the toy industry is. It sounds like it could just as easily be a way to lose some money.



    5. Stock trading. May sound like some gambling thing, but if you know what your doing, you can gain a few hundred bucks to help you gain some big bucks if you do it yearly.


    What? Are you suggesting that companies offer their MMOs for no subscription fee, and take their money and play the stock market instead?



    Even charging people 10 bucks a month adds up to 120 bucks a year. Charge people 5 bucks a month to make 60 bucks a month.


    Would it still make sense to do that if they ended up losing money over the $240/yr model?


    My gosh, do you have to complain and whine about every fricking little thing? My gosh, it's like talking to a two-year old.

  8. Crapcrapcrapcrap!!!!!!!!!! Ah, welll, there is always my grandparents computer, which is the one that played Diner Dash and Force Commander. (wrote from 2 differen computers) Started this on that computer. And no, this is not a gaming laptop. It can play Warcraft 3, although that is unimportant.....

  9. How do you find that? Wait. Give me a second..... No, cannot find the graphics card and RAM. This thing has played Diner Dash and Star Wars: Force Commander. Should this thing be able to play TSL if it can play that?

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