eh? am thinking you miss the point. am imagining that golems is 'posed to look clumsy. furthermore, golems has gotta have some drawback or there wouldn't be no challenge at all. have your golem spring up off the mat like some chinese gymnast would not only look silly, but it would be unfair. just as the big 2-h weapons is ponderous/ridiculous slow, so too is your golem.
HA! Good Fun!
Sorry, you're missing the point. An ogre fight consists of sitting there, waiting for the ogre to finish spamming his skills so I can use 2 skills on 'im. Everything else is waiting for the golem to slowly get up (fun fact: enemies get up faster from knockdowns than you, a fireball and a melee group hug kindly demonstrated it to me) just to be knocked down again. Boring and unfair.Besides, the drawback of the golem is weakness against magic. You couldn't even beat the ogre without the golem morph, so it's not like you have a choice.
In other news, Bio was kind enough to line up increasingly difficult and utterly pointless scripted encounters for me (<3 that friendly darkspawn 4v4+8 archers, just so Wynne can have a collapse cinematic), so I'm basically stuck. Wohoo.
And no, I won't set the game on easy.