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Everything posted by Oner

  2. I've heard 4E took inspiration from MMOs, if that's true it's not surprising if the system was begging for a video game adaptation.
  3. Our group's been having fun with the occasional game of DnD, though copying in all the special abilities in the online char sheet is a damn hassle.
  4. Distracted by game Thanks to the dude in the shade Wasteland 3 is cool I'm not far in the beta, but it's a lot less janky to control and the systems feel a lot more modern. Good stuff. Skills have a fixed requirement instead of raising/lowering success chances. You pick a duo of characters to start with, either pre-defined like Punk Lovers, Father-Daughter, Mentor-Student, or make them from scratch. Some of the backgrounds read like they might lead up to something later down the line beyond the initial stat boost they give, but no idea. Voice acting and conversation animations so far have been pretty good and conversation skill checks (read: options) reasonably frequent. Though so far I kinda regret picking up a shotgun, it lacks the close range punch I'd expect.
  5. Not really, I rarely mod games outside of bugfixes and technical upgrades. I've heard good things about Clan Quest though.
  6. It was split later, originally you installed everything or nothing.
  7. As far as I remember the gameplay changes in general. Your blood pool works differently, some quests were modified, etc.
  8. Only creator drama I know of is some Oblivion nude modder got super salty that they call it a patch when it's clearly a mod and made a pure patch in response, appropriately enough called the True Patch.
  9. I'm on a roll: Wasteland Raiders No tears, no toilet paper. Your key is gone
  10. Wasteland the third Hardly Doom Eternal but Give me your key Alternatively: Home InXile Corona Isolation Hikikomori
  11. I'm not sure but I think you answered your own question?
  12. I love DS9 too but everything being perfect? When was the last time you've watched season 1? Or the fact that season 2's finale and season 3's (or was it 3 and 4? been ages since I watched it) opening have the exact same premise?
  13. We use it in my friend circle because we also do PnP RPGs and sometimes you just want to quickly differentiate which one you're talking about.
  14. I preferred DA2 myself. Bioware was actively trying to get out of the rinse and repeat design they've been doing for years and trying out new things. Yes, it was a mess hampered by a tight deadline, but so were the Obsidian games we know and love.
  15. Sure, my issue is the flip side of this, where one game gets a dozen labels for no good reason.
  16. Really? I've almost only seen universal praise.
  17. Something something contrarians. See, taking a quarter of my post and a tiny fraction of a game's rules to illustrate a point is exactly why people arguing semantics to label a game this or that genre is silly. Also 1d10 hp ain't nothing to scoff at! At level 2, that can easily be an over 100% increase!
  18. Eh, Far Cry might have an upgrade/leveling system but nobody would call it an RPG outside of contrarians. We can argue about the specifics of what makes a genre what it is, but at the end of the day you look at a racing game with 30 cars, 20 guns, a shallow incremental +5% speed/handling/acceleration advancement system, 2 endings and it's a racing game. Not an RPG, or an FPS, and certainly not a Puzzle-RTS.
  19. It's not a matter of opinion. It's a roleplaying game, with mechanics to match. On a computer. Hence, cRPG.
  20. Also Cyberpunk is a cRPG too, just because it's first person doesn't change that.
  21. DS 1 port was indeed very bad (and also over 5 years old?) and Automata had it's issues, but nowadays good ports are aplenty. Dark Souls 3, Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil 2 Remake, MGS V (or so I've heard), the list goes on. Sure, some of these could be argued to be simultaneously developed instead of being ports of existing console games, but some older games had the same excuse and still got shafted hard.
  22. You definitely played the wrong ports then.
  23. That's nice to hear. That said, it seems like a complex game under the hood, which means more bugs to squish. But we'll see. I certainly won't complain if the game has fewer bugs.
  24. If you get Leviathans, Utopia, Synthetic Dawn, Distant Stars (most of these for the extra events and "story" beats) you should be good. Haven't gotten Ancient Relics and Federations isn't out yet so can't comment on those. I don't know if the extra songs are in patches or if you need the DLC for them but SD is worth it just for the music: Then again the whole OST is amazing.
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