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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. lack of enemy variety is one of my top 3 complaints about dragon age. i never want to see another genlock or hurlock ever again.
  2. seconded, arkham asylum reminds me of a mix between metal gear solid and bioshock, but its a brawler. one of the better games to be released in the last few years. its not game of the decade or anything, but it was very very good, and obviously was made by people who really cared about making a batman game.
  3. "your game" sounds pretty neat, go make some millions and make it happen. the learn by doing system is awesome in theory, but is broken in elder scrolls because of those x2 x3 x4 x5 thingies you cant remember well. those are the multipliers added to your stats on levelling up, and they can be totally screwed up depending on the skills you chose for your character. its a metagaming nightmare, and it creates problems for many different character builds, which there is no way to predict unless you intimitaly understand the system before beginning your game. and once you know how the system works... it becomes a lot less magical and a lot more frustrating. giving a uniform amount of stat points on level up, and getting rid of level scaling, would fix 85% of what I don't like about it though.
  4. How many would play a bad game today ? i've seen a lot of people complain about game delays in my life. I never counted though.
  5. ok so i started alpha protocol last night, played for about 25 minutes. the hacking game took me ten of those to figure out. very frustrating. i miss deus ex where you didnt have to play a minigame to hack a computer or pick a lock. bright sides: 1. graphics are good, almost as good as half life 2 imo 2. system is intriguing, i spent a long time deciding what skills to choose 3. I like the dialogue system a lot, makes conversations interesting and tense, no skipping through lines in this one 4. hand to hand combat is awesome so far downsides so far: 1. no turning animation. he just swivels around. i'd have preferred the game in first person perspective if they weren't going to animate his movement properly 2. that ****ing hacking minigame. i invested two points immediately after levelling up the first time into the skill that makes the minigames easier so that i can hopefully not have to bang my head against a wall every time i want to open a door. either that or maybe im just retarded and the minigame will get much easier after some practice
  6. the way im going to look at it: xbox first means that by the time DLC comes out on pc it will have been patched.
  7. im not preordering this game unless we start hearing some good news in the next few weeks. was the leadup for dragon age 1 like this? the only major gripes i remember hearing about that one were the cheesy heavy metal marketing and blood spatter effects
  8. I don't think I've ever complained about a game delay in my 20+ years of gaming. Given the option I would rather play a good game tomorrow than a bad game today.
  9. yes, and paragon sheperd will be given feathered wings by the masselectors
  10. how underrated does it have to be? i think red faction guerilla scored a metacritic 85, and i think it deserves at least an 88...
  11. my guess is they implement a similar system to fallout 3 with regard to world leveling, but still keep that broken ass level up by using system they've had for so long. i would be stoked if they changed it to an exp system, but they won't so im not gonna let it bother me if they fix the level scaling and they go back to more hand placed loot
  12. why do i always forget about demo's.... thanks for the advice!
  13. i dont like either krogan, or either asari, or tali. i didnt like jacob either, and he looked like an alien. the only aliens i really liked were garrus, mordin and thane (but his flashback memory bits were TERRIBLE, like written by an angsty 14 year old terrible). still, the worst npc so far was kaiden imo, boreboreboringborewhinywimpyborebore
  14. cod 4 and modern warfare 2 are the best of the bunch imo. polished to a gleaming shine, then polished some more.
  15. my current to play list (all bought within the last 2 months): alan wake alpha protocol just cause 2 (on sale now on steam for $7.50) amnesia darksiders gears of war 2 sanitarium septerra core professor layton & the curious village the world ends with you pokemon heartgold dragon quest 9 bayonetta does anyone have any suggestions for what order I should tackle these in?? I tend to get overwhelmed this time of year... also: i dont like god of war or devil may cry, but i do like prince of persia and uncharted, so should I buy Castlevania Lords of Shadow?
  16. i want mass effect 3 to be released with a comprehensive tool-set for modding. make the set work with all three games.
  17. man i dont know what you guys are talking about and i've played mass effect 1 and 2 multiple times each.
  18. ooooh i can be positive on page 1. I am very excited to be playing Mass Effects Part 3! will be better than part 1, and worse than part 2, will be complained about by 60% of the forum for the next 4 years or so. of that 60% only 10% will genuinely dislike the game, the others will merely be griping because griping is more fun than not griping.
  19. lovecraftian spy thriller? sign me up!
  20. that sucks yours was stolen, the game is worth quite a bit of $$, and yes it had 2 player same screen co-op (which i like even better than splitscreen cause you are forced to work together to move the screen around)
  21. my thoughts: i loved mass effect 2, mass effect 1 was pretty good. kotor 1 was alright, kotor 2 was great. i'm looking forward to mass effect 3, even if its not quite as good as part 2 it should still be a very very solid game. paragon shep is stupid and should be removed from the game to punish people for using her (i realized i almost forgot to say something insane in my post, i want to fit in after all
  22. twisted metal black is, in my opinion, the best game of the series, then rogue trip, then twisted metal 2 baldurs gate dark alliance is a stupidly fun co-op hacknslash, sequel is pretty good too, but the original is a lil better imo contra: shattered soldier on the ps2 is fun metal slug anthology diablo on the ps1 (its rare though, I have a copy but probably wouldnt be willing to sell it) burnout: takedown on the ps2 is an awesome coop game, even if you hate racing games its fun just for the highspeed crashes, its not as good as say, road rash 2 on the genesis, but its still really fun
  23. thanks for the heads up, i was able to buy all the games i wanted on GoG and have been putting off buying for less than 35$ hurray for holidays! my old laptop will be so happy with all the classic gaming soon to be gracing its hard-drive
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