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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. fallout 1 and 2 let you do that too, though lowering overall difficulty just changed the dc for skill checks as far as i remember. i personally hate QTE in rpg games, dislike it in other games, and I don't really mind timed dialogue, but i prefer not having it for 90% of dialogue and i want a big fat warning before it comes up the other 10% of the time.
  2. is super meat boy worth it if I don't usually like platformers?
  3. i'm hoping to get the complete dragon age game for under $20. I never played any of the dlc or the expansion, and that seems worth $20 to me. im also hoping to get the new worms game for $5, and dead rising 2 for under 10. i honestly can't think of any other games I'm looking to pick up. I've finally done it... i've bought... everything... (everything i want right now that's been released anyway)
  4. its not totally out of the question, maybe after my wedding next year, once i've had a chance to financially recover, i'll buy some gift packs and give them away, it could start a new obsidian forum gift-giving tradition. i do after all, spend a lot of time here.
  5. so is the only reason they took out full camera control because they wanted to force people to look at the wall and ceiling textures? hopefully that gets modded within 24 hrs of release.
  6. i hope if they do add time limits its only on certain situations (ie just like the way the paragon renegade moments are in ME2) not every single dialogue. generally though, i actually prefer having time to think about my response (and read the ACTUAL LINES) in my rpg games. in my action games i don't really care, but i do like having *choices* in my action games, but I consider it a bonus, not a requirement.
  7. yeah cmon i didnt watch the video but the guy says good stuff about alpha protocol, how casual of a gamer could he really be? I think halo player #317764 has never even heard of AP and would turn off their system if asked to play a game with the amount of reading involved in a game like that. i'd trust his review of mass effect 3 more than many many people simply because he asked that question.
  8. oh. Dear Europe (and rest of world), I'm very sorry gaming is so expensive for you. signed, USA representative from California
  9. new vegas was a fleshed out and grounded world in that it had explanations for things like where they get their water, how they get their food, what kind of tribes exist in the area and why they are there. finding little scraps of paper to tell me about all the neat "lore" in a game setting (im looking at you in particular dragon age) when that lore has little bearing on how people behave in the game is not what i would consider a fleshed out setting. I don't care much about historical little details and which gods betrayed which mortals in the local wingding religion, i care about characters and towns behaving in an internally consistent way. something I think new vegas did very well (for a videogame). In fact, I can think of few other games that have done as well. Baldur's gate gets a bit of a freebie because its built on the forgotten realms which was a very very full featured game setting, with tons of information on all the trade routes/city economies/etc etc, fallout 1 did a great job with it, which is a major reason the game is so well thought of today imo. oblivion and morrowind had this stuff as well, but it never really felt alive, something i DID get from new vegas. Am I biased just because it's obsidian? Probably not, since to be honest, New Vegas is the first obsidian game I felt really was grade A work (despite the bugs). Fallout 3 on the other hand is an example of the absolute worst world building you can find in modern games. None of it made any sense and felt very slapdash and stupid. now of course I realize if you stop and take the time to really think about a lot of the people and places in new vegas (or most any other game) you find all sorts of logic flaws and things that break immersion, but on first glance, and at the basic enjoyment level of playing a game, vegas had, as hurlshot said, all these things in spades. Going from quests in new vegas to quests in morrowind or oblivion... well... its pretty hard to switch gears to a game where every quest has only 1 path and 1 possible outcome. so yeah, i really really hope that bethesda looks hard at what new vegas has accomplished with regard to fleshing out the play setting (not the lore stuff) and quests and Choice and consequence.
  10. oblivions greatest accomplishment may be the creation of mini-memes relating to scum, mud crabs, goblins, and other filthy creatures. its the "all your base" of the 21st century. bethesda also lays claim to the fantastic "[intelligence] so you say bethesda has bad writing?" bad writing. i just hope that they saw all the awesome things that new vegas brought to the interactive world of an open ended rpg and follow suit with skyrim. A more fleshed out and grounded world, some real choice and consequence, TONS of quests with multiple paths... my fingers are crossed really really hard.
  11. that destructoid preview was my favorite so far, it made it seem like all the changes to combat were merely adding more animations and improving the existing ones and then just tweaking the speed of certain attacks etc. i can deal with that. it sounds totally different than what they were claiming a few months ago though. Maybe they realized that alienating their entire fan base was a bad idea.
  12. getting Sid Meiers Pirates!, F.E.A.R, and Battlefield BC: 2. grand total? $11 thank you steam. did anyone play lara croft and guardian of light? is it worth $7?
  13. after skyrim was announced i tried giving oblivion another shot, but after fallout new vegas... i couldnt get into oblivion, the world seems so pointless and lifeless. nothing you do has any consequence in it, its like wandering around an dollhouse filled with paper cutouts of people.
  14. alpha protocol. this game is actually pretty damn good, its not great, but I am really surprised at the reviews it got. it also seems to be almost completely bug free, has it been patched up a lot or something? im not finished yet (about 2/3 through it), but right now i'd give it an 8 or so
  15. i've bought some dlc: lair of shadow broker (ME2) zombie island of dr ned (borderlands) Pitt and swamp people addon (FO3) I still vastly prefer expansion packs.
  16. Black Isle dying was infinitely worse than a trip down action-game lane by bioware. I thought Planescape Torment and Fallout 1/2 were miles better than the baldurs gate games (which I enjoyed a lot as well, just not on the same level), so maybe it's just that I never really expected great rpg's from bioware since they were always second best to begin with, thus the betrayal of the spirit of their best games doesn't seem like as big of a deal to me. I should probably just keep my mouth shut though, if baldurs gate was my favorite rpg i'd be pretty pissed too. Also the Relic example works fairly well because I'm actually a little annoyed with relic because Dawn of War 2 kinda sucked. I've been aching for another homeworld game for years and they have been making junk lately, dawn of war 1 was average, company of heroes was better but not great (i know some people love this game, i think its only ok). but I no longer think of relic as a great developer, and no longer look to them for great rts games, i think they have the potential to make another great one, but its been so long I just don't get my hopes up for it. I stopped being mad at bungie around the time halo 2 came out. I desperately wanted another Myth, and they made halo instead (which was like eating paint chips compared to half-life), but by the time halo 2 was released i had given up hope for another Myth in the foreseeable future. obsidian on the other hand, after new vegas, my hopes are obscenely high for their next game, or at least the next game that sawyer is in charge of. But up until new vegas I just thought of obsidian as decent, but still under the shadow of black isle. I'm just rambling, but my point I guess is this: If you have disliked every bioware game for the last ten years, then why the hell are you still caring? its been ten years, they probably don't even remember what a good rpg looks like, so stop expecting one from them, the next great crpg will be coming from a different company, not bioware. as an aside: bioware games ranked by fun according to this user: 1. Baldur's Gate 1 2. Baldur's Gate 2 3. Mass Effect 2 4. NWN Hordes of the Underdark 5. Dragon Age: Origins 6. KOTOR 7. Mass Effect 8. Jade Empire last note: the UI for dragon age 2 is TERRIBLE. They need to postpone this game 6 months and get their **** straight. I have seen not a single good piece of news about the sequel and it comes out in two months. edit: crap while i wrote all that some previews came out, lemme read them and see if i change my mind about that last note... edit 2: ok i found some stuff i like, the stats now clearly indicated what the derived bonus' are, and the skill trees look better designed/thought out.
  17. people talk about bioware like they make knock-off hostess cupcake snacks. just because they no longer make traditional crpgs doesnt mean they don't make decent story driven action games with some decent/good choice and consequence and dialogue. maybe its just easy to lose perspective because they once were the kings of the crpg? if bioware had never made BG or BG2 would they get the same treatment? or are expectations still insanely high despite about a decade since BG2? don't get me wrong, baldurs gate 1/2 is imo their best work to date, but imo mass effect 2 is their second best, despite being a totally different genre.
  18. i would LOVE it if more games had these options
  19. co-op campaign for the third chapter in a trilogy of single player rpgs? it would be like if return of the jedi had been originally released as an animated musical. splinter cell conviction side story coop stuff? well... i guess that could be ok, kinda like the star wars xmas special
  20. i was expecting WoW the movie, directed by sam raimi and starring peter parker flying through the air and jump kicking griffindors.
  21. i played both modern warfare games before trying WaW and found it to be nearly unplayable, plus the game crashed 4 times in a row at the end of the 4th level (erasing the checkpoint forcing me to do the entire level over and over again, so i gave up on it) also: so i've done the first 3 saudi missions in AP and am enjoying the game quite a bit, have not had any bugs yet either (except for one mook getting stuck on a crate but that happens in every game made with crates in the last 20 years...) hacking minigame is not as frustrating now, thank god. going with a stealth, h2h, and assault rifles build. will I ever be able to get a silencer for my assault rifle?
  22. this isnt even about the modern gamer anymore, this is straight up lowest common denominator design. I'm sure the average 10 year old can figure out how to check a box in the options of a game, this is about somebody who is so high on meth that they can barely work the controller they stole from gamestop. in other words, this is a decision with gamers from florida in mind. sorry florida, you and I both know this is true.
  23. two expansions for diablo 3 means im going to be playing a hell of a lot of diablo 3 over the next ten years...
  24. i can try purkake, but the way i tie games together in my mind as being similar is sometimes very... unique... ok so remember in metal gear solid 1 the feeling you got when traveling between the first building area to the second and you fought vulcan raven in the tank? but then later you can go back and forth between the two building areas more freely and you get that nostalgia feeling remembering the awesome fight you had there? I get that feeling a lot while playing arkham asylum and moving between the different areas of the island. Something about the traveling back and forth to different areas, each time maybe with a new gadget to use? (im not talking on the level of a metroidvania, but still, you get a few gadget upgrades and such when traveling back and forth, like in MGS when you get that rocket launcher you can control to blast the electric panel to get by the elecrtic floor, or when you need to find a sniper rifle to rescue the chick from sniper wolf's trap?) .... so yeah, its a feeling i get bioshock: mainly in the story bits you find in the audio logs, and the color scheme and overall mise-en-scene of batman reminds me of bioshock. they could have had the same artistic director for all i know, it's like recognizing wally pfisters camerawork between nolan films, the films can have different stuff going on, but the way shots are framed etc share certain similarities. so when you combine those things together, the MGS feeling and the bioshock feeling, but you make the game a brawler about batman, you end up with Arkham Asylum, in my mind anyway... i know i sound like a total psycho, but seriously this is how my mind works when comparing overall game "feel" (not the kinetics/friction of gameplay, but more the art, imagery, sound, game design etc etc, i wish i knew a good phrase for this but the phenomena is unique to gaming imo and the phrases i can think of are more film based)
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