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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. which makes me wonder, will we ever see another Dune game? (a good one) also: neat that the game is gold, I guess that means it's going to be released on time.
  2. yay! already thats a pretty big step forward over DA1 imo
  3. I 100% agree with everything gromnir just said.
  4. having to constantly be recasting the buff skills would make me go toward an all archer and melee fighter crew.
  5. and calax wins the thread. good find
  6. kotor 2 has the best writing of any bioware game. oh crap. planescape torment has the best writing of any rpg game. there, that's a better statement. edit: I finished baldurs gate 1 last week, its not a turd, it just looks like one.
  7. heyo blizzard is trying to finish diablo 3 for a 2011 release. http://kotaku.com/#!5757690/blizzards-...o-iii-this-year
  8. i like these debates in my current mood: 1. ME2 and KOTOR 2 (is tie) 2. ME1 3. KOTOR 1
  9. seems fair that 5000 honest posts should be sufficient to name yourself whatever you want.
  10. I LIKE action rpgs, hopefully this is actually fun and not just a boring slog through 40 million orc-a-likes
  11. i think reading this lets play is probably more fun than playing, but tig is also making the game sound fun so.... maybe I'll buy it next steam sale.
  12. I love it when developers actually stick up for their game instead of just ignoring the horde. also, I may have drunkenly tweeted at/to you after a comedy show last weekend in which fallout new vegas was brought up, apologies.
  13. the plot in mass effect is not really noteworthy to me, instead its more about the set pieces and characters, i remember scenes from the game, not why those scenes were occurring
  14. ok, normally i don't like gromnir, but that was actually pretty funny.
  15. irenicus was cool, baldurs gate 2 is not as good as planescape torment, and french letters are only good when they spell food and go into my digestive system.
  16. i dont want to know anyone who isn't instantly familiar with the Saint of Killers. and I don't want to even be in the same zip code as someone who has never read preacher
  17. i'm expecting dragons to be like the behemoths in fallout 3. they arrive with music cues and stompy sounds, but are just boss monsters, they will tie into the plot, but not "interact" with it. i could be wrong, but i actually dont really care, i enjoy dragons of both types (ie intelligent, or just flying wrecking balls)
  18. after nearly 200 hours of new vegas I have decided that the boomers are my least favorite thing about the game.
  19. I started up dark messiah of might and magic last night its pretty fun so far, i like kicking people into spikes, but after a few times it starts feeling really silly slowly kicking someone in a circle until they are lined up for the final spikekickofdoom I also have killed the same evil blackarmored guy about 25 times now. same voice, same armor, same guy. he has a lot of twins. does the game get better or worse? I imagine I'll play it a couple more hours tonight and that may be the end of my fun with it, but for a $3 purchase it certainly was worth it just for a couple nights of fun. also, after demons souls I've been hankering for another game where I can skewer things with a spear, but other than diablo 2 and morrowind I'm having a major brain lapse thinking of fun games where you can use a spear. I tried morrowind but then remembered that I hate the combat in that game now that I've played oblivion (i know that sucks right, oblivion is a much worse game, but it totally ruined morrowind for me) any suggestions?
  20. this is one of the best lets play's i've read. keep up the good work. piglotariat... awesome.
  21. yes that would have helped a lot for me. Also, as a separate issue: most of the "quests" in dragon age tend to be a bit light in content. I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything in the world like I do when I finish a quest in fallout 1-2 or new vegas. I think this has been a problem for a lot of bioware titles though, so I'm not expecting much for DA 2.
  22. "The day a man with a bear for a head takes a swing at you with a 150-pound hammer, is the day you may consider restitution. Just think, performing a shout as 10 mean charge your vicinity, with a wolf on your head!" sentences like these are why looking through the bethesda forum is so painful. I'm sure its a second-language issue, but good lord.
  23. dragons look awesome, you crazy. what kind of dragons were you hoping for?
  24. this is not as far from the truth as I would like...
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