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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i just watched the trailer and yeah, max payne in name only. still, max payne wasn't exactly the citizen kane of video games (that would be planescape torment, or fallout) so a bizarre re-imagining doesn't really bother me. it DOES seem useless, why not just call this "Last Call" or something generic and vaguely action-movie-esque? does anyone look at this and say "hell yeah the sequel to max payne! i can't wait!" ? oh well, if its good, i'll buy it, just like anything else
  2. i've decided to put skyrim away for a while. im about 140 hours into it, with 7 different characters. i think a nice 6month-yearlong break will be good, the dlc/expansion stuff will be out and i'll be able to go into it with refreshed eyes. time to start working on my backlog again... or just replay FF7 or something for the 10th time lol
  3. whoah... this is real? toooooo bad i don't know squat about making video games! cause i'd totally want to make an infinity engine game!
  4. my team in ME2 was miranda and jack. i liked that they hated eachother, it made the banter more amusing for me. I just assumed that the whole point of keeping your team alive was then you got to keep using them in part 3....
  5. i heard a rumor that you don't get to have any of your squadmates from part 2 on your team in part 3. if that's true then fuuuuuuuu i hated the squad mates from ME 1
  6. im in gaming limbo: can't decide whether i want to play Xenogears, Vagrant story (for the 3rd time), Valkyria chronicles, LA Noire, Chrono Cross (for the 4th time), or Metal Gear Peacewalker
  7. can i get a oh hell yeah!! http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1218794p1.html
  8. it looks kinda generic, but it actually looks really awesome to me. this appears to be what kingdoms of amalur was trying to be (a fairly open world rpg, with action combat). im definitely keeping an eye on this, if it could somehow combine the elements of elder scrolls and dark souls it could be one of my favorite games ever. of course, it will probably end up being a disappointment, most things are, but that doesn't mean im not intrigued with the concept.
  9. Why hating? You'd do the same if you were the CEO. Can't let have Valve get away with the biggest market share. When Origin grows stronger and bigger, Valve eventually has to do better than just offer us hats and daily deals on 3 year old indie crap games. The customer wins. the customer would win if we were given a choice. but we aren't being given a choice. you HAVE to use origin to play the last chapter of mass effect. for steam its the same with a bunch of games that require steamworks. if we were given a choice, the game would be available on BOTH steam and origin, and the two services would have to offer bonus things, like items or discounts or better service etc in order to get people to CHOOSE their service. its taking one of the big problems with consoles (console exclusive titles) and adding it to the pc. great. just what i ****ing wanted.
  10. I like having options, and the fact that games REQUIRE steam makes me mad, but it also makes me mad when a game is not offered on steam at all. so i hate EA the most for pulling their games off steam AND requiring origin instead. i'm just resigning myself to the reality that megacorporations will own everything i think i own, and will kindly let me use the things i bought from them so long as i continue to buy their digital add-ons.
  11. i wish the animations for axes and maces were as cool as the sword ones. axes should be able to hack off arms and legs, maces and hammers should make heads explode.
  12. that design looks awesome, getting a very cool metal gear vibe from it. im not going to touch the stupidity of the plot twist, but thats another issue completely, and one i think is pretty irrelevant since the overall plot has never mattered to me in this series.
  13. it probably helps that fallout was released before MMO's existed
  14. I just hope ME 3 doesn't suck so hard it makes me start to dislike part 2.
  15. im not contributing to double fine because im saving my money to contribute to obsidian.
  16. i don't care as much about the documentary, but i want to see a more fleshed out idea before contributing. that said, if the game sounds like what im looking for then its worth a lot more than a mere $60 to me. Definitely turn based combat, i'd like to see an overall return to the idea of planescape torment and fallout 1-2 of a more pen&paper-esque crpg. an original setting, or better: a twist on a setting (like how planescape is a bizzarre twist on steampunk and D&D fantasy, and fallout was a darkly humorous take on post apocolyptic america). characters and dialogue like we haven't had since torment, forget voice acting - i miss the old puzzles you would find in the dialogue like in planescape torment, something that is much harder to do with fully voiced dialogue. the last great rpg was planescape torment imo, something that can hearken back to that game in writing and mechanics is what i most want. so yeah: planescape torment. fallout 1+2. they don't make em like that anymore and i want them to start again!
  17. i want more character play-style options. the sandbox is sooo big, i wish there were more ways for me to play while exploring it. necromancy, spears, poison/curse spell trees, throwing weapons, greater differences between the different races etc
  18. i would put up some serious cash if MCA and JE Sawyer said they wanted to make a turn based fallout game... EDIT: Actually if the turn based xcom project turns out well, maybe a new fallout rpg is not such a far-fetched idea...
  19. some awesome stuff for skyrim, lets hope they release some of those mods, like spears.... smh "take too much dev time" my ass.
  20. im getting ME3. but if its as disappointing as DA2, then it will be the last game i pay full price for from bioware for a long time
  21. i really want someone to add in spears, whips, and throwing weapons so i can play a castlevania type character
  22. FF9 was the last great Jrpg. I hope not forever, but there definitely hasn't been a great one since that game.
  23. oh man, that is sooooo appalling. the worst worst worst part is that it took me a full ten seconds to notice the ME3 characters in the back there. they fit right in
  24. that actually looks really cool. it would be REALLY great if they had different class mechs, the very large ones feeling more like traditional giant mechs, and the video here actually just of the smaller types.
  25. lol yeah the counsel pretending there were no more reapers and not believing anything shepherd said immediately made me ignore the plot of ME2. The game to me was a series of small stories about the people on the ship, with no main plot. I really liked some of the side stories (particularly the bug doctor guy, and the psycho girl), but the main plot was very poop (but easily ignorable poop, so it didnt change my opinion of the game).
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