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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. decided to stop playing arkham origins for a while and try the new AC: Pirates of the black cove or whatever its called 4 hours in and its SO much better than part 3 thus far. I don't know much else, but i do know that the opening hours of AC3 were terrible and the opening hours of AC 4 are pretty good. The mission where you get your ship was really cool. no way to tell if it will end up as good as AC2, but it seems like some of the major muddles in AC3 were addressed
  2. Go fight a chimera then. You will have an opinion after that. :D I just stumbled across those crocs in the well. I was killing one pretty easily, but then I ran under a waterfall and my lantern went out. So I see the croc I thought I was fighting suddenly have full health and I'm like, what? Then I see another one with full health ... and then another one. Lesson of the day: Don't run under a waterfall with your lantern. It makes crocodiles/lizzard men multiply. i died several times in that cave during my first game. i was so scared of lizardmen i think i waited till i gained like 15 more levels before going back and then (of course) i blasted them into tiny pieces
  3. a game without trash mobs is practically screaming "Turn Based" to me either that or "epic boss fights" ala Shadow of the Colossus
  4. wow thanks for bringing this to my attention, i almost forgot to vote TB but then i did and everything was k. also, TB is winning right now, so everything is super k. RTwP is so much more lame than TB. like, twice as lame or more even.
  5. i never really understood why force lightning was considered evil. its probably less evil than just shooting someone in the kneecap with a blaster right?
  6. i got it for free and, being a huge fan of the first game and a big fan of the second game, believe its not worth more than half price. its got a few improvements over the first two, but several elements are actually worse. i give it a B- (though im only ten hours in, so maybe it gets better?)
  7. twisted metal black, league of legends, batman origins, mercenary kings i need to complete batman, its been languishing too long on my desktop, installed and unfinished
  8. mercenary kings is a pretty fun sidescrolling contra type game its still in beta i think, but you can play it on steam. i've played about 4 hours so far and think its worth buying if you like the genre I'm also still playing arkham origins, and dabbling with twisted metal black hd on ps3 twisted metal black is my favorite twisted metal, i played it soooo much back on the ps2, the ps3 hd version is like a nostalgia pipeline right into my brain
  9. i didnt know blood bowl 2 was even a thing! i'm pretty excited because i think blood bowl is a great game but the pc version is not the most polished bit of software, a full bore sequel could be just the ticket
  10. I can't stand it when people say "video games aren't serious". video games are a new form of art/entertainment. like movies were in the 20's and 30's. They can be as serious as they intend to be, and someday will MORE engrossing and evocative than any film could hope to be. we haven't gotten there quite yet, but there have been moments in gaming that show glimpses of it. i've cried while playing video games, because of the game itself. twice that i can think of. (walking dead was one of them). how many movies have made me cry? probably about a dozen or so (same for books). I play games for many reasons, but one of them is that I genuinely believe "video games" are the single greatest form of art/entertainment/media we have, and dismissing them as being unacceptable vehicles for social discussion and/or emotional engagement is, imo, dismissing film and literature in the same breath. edit: video games DO have an issue in that most major releases have the emotional maturity of a G.I. Joe cartoon at best. but you can't dismiss the entire medium because the popular trend is to release trashy fiction/railroad-gun-simulators edit 2: also, comic books. most of them are pulp fiction, but some of them are literary works that have a lot of weight and depth. I hope that video games will eventually evolve past where comics have.
  11. the last cod i played was modern warfare 2, and i was tempted to get ghosts since it had been a while since i'd played a cod style shooter, but the bad reviews kept me away. if im going to play an on-rails game, i want it to be a great one.
  12. did you try Dark Arisen? it has a number of changes which eliminate a lot of the tedium that the original dragon's dogma had. That said, I fully recognize that DD was not a game for everyone. it does have a handful of design flaws that might be too hard for some folk to overlook
  13. That sounds like some kinky sex. spoken like a man who reads a lot of grant morrison
  14. i think at this point the DA series would be better off if they went full action game and didnt try to shoehorn "tactical" play into it as well. i agree with the above comments that the two styles are holding eachother back. the tactical combat of DAO was clearly a mistake in the eyes of bioware, so they should just embrace the dark side and make an amazing open world action/rpg like dragons dogma or dark souls or something that being said... i wish we had more tactical rpg's to play, but wasteland 2 and project eternity will be out soon enough so i guess that'll be enough for me for a while edit: i wonder if the hardcore bioware fans were polled, which combat style would be preffered: rtwp or full-on action game on these boards, rtwp is, i think, the preferred style. i myself prefer turnbased first, and then full action as a second. I never thought rtwp was the best solution for game combat
  15. Great Cannon is awesome. But it's best to spawn 4 orbs and hit away. :D I like Magick Archer even more. And yes, a sequel with some improvements everywhere would be awesome. magic archer ended up being my favorite class, it surprised the heck out of me but they have some of the coolest skills in the game.
  16. http://kotaku.com/30-minutes-of-very-pretty-dragon-age-inquisition-foota-1462885108 30 minutes of gameplay looks like a mix of dragon age 2 and dragons dogma. I'm guessing it will end up better than the former, but not as good as the latter. edit: i know its early, but the world space looks too big with not enough to do, and the two handed sword combat animation lacks the oomph/impact that the animations in dragons dogma had (then again, capcom animators are some of the best in the video game world imo)
  17. been playing diablo 3 with the mrs. no auction house. smashing monsters is still pretty fun. started up a new D&D game with some friends, nothing better than actually rolling dice at the table
  18. nothing has topped the mr freeze fight yet the two boss fights i've done so far were fun though, and really stuck out as highlights of the game thus far
  19. by the time grim dawn actually comes out i'll be totally bored with path of exile, so that should work out pretty well
  20. been playing arkham origins the boss fights are the highlight here, and the cinematics are pretty good too. The level design is a step down from the first two games but man it feels good being batman
  21. to be fair, AC4 was built for current gen. lets at least wait for AC5 to make the lol next gen jokes (which will probably be deserved)
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