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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. yeah its a great game, im looking forward to replaying it and I'm only halfway done!
  2. i just saw this. is there proof of this? it would certainly save me the hassle of replaying the game just to make sure kaidan is dead and ashley lives.
  3. yeah i briefly thought of alpha protocol, but alpha protocol is a modern spy game, not a dystopic cyberpunk spy game that might not make a big difference to some people, but it makes a world of difference to me (and purkake as well it seems) but you never know, maybe I'll start playing and my jaw will drop and I'll say "holy crap, this is like a better deus ex without the cyberpunk". It really looks more like mass effect to me though. really though, deus ex is, like many games, more than just the setting, its how it all came together to become a classic. otherwise anything cyberpunk would be like deus ex, or any rpg is like deus ex because its an rpg, it's just not that simple. the combination of elements, the setting, depth of story, ability to affect the world and change the game as you play, the lockpicking and hacking systems, the stealth system that was both line of sight, sound, and shadow, the inventory system, method of upgrading items, skill system, and open ended "here is the objective, there are 30 ways to reach it" type gameplay. thats what deus ex had going for it, the combination of things i don't want to start a whole thing about it, but right now I don't see anything that looks like deus ex on the horizon. I do see a mass effect with better dialogue and C&C though. either way I'm looking forward to alpha protocol on its own merits.
  4. another game I'm looking forward to: the game that finally feels like a proper follow-up to deus ex. whatever game that might be, I can't wait to play it. anything like this on the horizon? I'd say deus ex 3, but thats being made by the invisible war people right?
  5. wait there's more than one right now? i thought it was just: AP Fallout 3:NV and _____ there are more than one ____? neato! and dear god would I like to see Avellone take another swing at the planescape universe. It'd probably be better if he didn't though, the comparisons to the original would likely make the entire effort hugely unsatisfying. It's probably a game designed to take advantage of work they did on the Aliens game. so i expect a sci-fi rpg using Onyx. well, maybe hope not expect.
  6. BATMAN! I bought it after hearing the good reviews. about ten minutes in I was thinking "I've made a big mistake..." - the game felt shallow and stiff and lifeless, the combat seemed terribly unfun and maybe even bad two hours later: I love this game!! - level design is fantastic, - animations are decent (still a little stiff sometimes compared to assassins creed or prince of persia) - art direction is great (arkham island is very cool to just wander around) - character design is strong (particularly croc and scarecrow) - boss battles are fun and varied (scarecrow v bane = TOTALLY different) - combat eventually becomes very satisfying, I actually wish there were more enemies around for me to beat on. those knife guys can be a bitch when there are more than 1 in a group and choose to just jump into the fight fists first - its really really nice to be able to choose how to attack enemies (either pick them off slowly like a predator, or just jump in and pound some faces in) - bullets kill batman!!! now I want this new studio to make every superhero game!! they would be great for a spiderman game or captain america, or a TON of others, as long as they put the same amount of care and thought into each and made efforts for them each to stand out as different.... I smell the sweet smell of success!!!
  7. also, someone mentioned already, but it looks like the oppression of a group of people WILL be more of a talking point in the game than gay rights.... so yeah. i support gay people, and oppressed people. and especially oppressed gay people. and i support the hungry. i don't know exactly who they are but I know they are hungry. and some are thirsty too... i think?
  8. someone said cod mw 2 was obsolete.... what could that mean? is there some other fps that came out recently which has rendered this new game pointless? i just don't understand the comment... i think it was nightshade who said it why obsolete? what happened?
  9. Ravel: "what can change the nature of an rpg... er man?" Nameless One: "You Ravel, as you changed me so many years ago."
  10. this is another one of those, this guy must be joking or crazy mass effect was 10x better than kotor? I definitely did not get that impression upon playing them both for the record though, i didnt like kotor 1. I DID like kotor 2. so take that for what you will mass effect and kotor 1 are actually not that far apart in my book except the story in kotor was way better. companions were lame in both (except that robot killer dude - he was cool)
  11. again I will point out that my lunacy comment was not intended as an insult. I don't often choose to insult people and this is hardly a case for it I was being genuine with a side of humor that didnt translate so my apologies for insinuating you were an actual lunatic. I did not mean to offend you. your comment just caught me off guard because it was so far outside the realm of what I was expecting (i've never before encountered someone who actually thought nwn was more of a roleplaying game than BG2)
  12. you totally missed my point I'm saying that bioware keeps ripping off their own games and doesnt do anything original. they havent moved things forwards in ten years. the last thing i want is a return to BG. we've already played that game
  13. i agree she was, but it bothered me less because it was the first time bioware did it. that they have done it every game since is totally retarded
  14. my lunacy thing wasnt an insult. if you can actually explain it in clear terms then you clearly wouldnt be crazy... it just sounds crazy when you say it so i want to hear your not crazy reasoning if you have any
  15. i can't help but feel the mmo announcement is the last dying gasp of the desperate. cough*fallout mmo*cough how about we get another real rpg before i get too old and cranky to appreciate it when it does arrive. i've found the whole genre to be rather stale for the past many years. bioware is banking on the same formula over and over again black isle is gone obsidian is having a hard time really getting their talent to shine it's time for something to spice things up and make rpg's interesting again. remember when baldur's gate first arrived? it made a splash because it got people excited about rpg's again. remember fallout? yeah that was a totally stale game right? just a rip off of black isles earlier work... oh wait no it wasnt it was about as fresh and original a crpg as they come (even if it was based on wasteland) remember final fantasy 6? when a story ENDED THE WORLD HALFWAY THROUGH THE GAME. yeah, i'd seen that happen so many times that I just yawned and put down the controller when it happened... oh wait no I didnt I became completely enamored with console rpgs for the next several years, all the way until final fantasy X when it seemed like the fire had died again. my point? it's coming about time for something major to happen in the rpg world. I don't see it yet on the horizon, but sometime soon it should happen. (I'm not saying all rpgs now are terrible, the witcher was decent, but we need the next step in the evolution and mass effect isn't it. NEITHER ARE MMO'S!!!!!) end rant
  16. "characters don't need to talk my ears off about their childhood every 5 minutes in order for me to appreciate them." just thought I'd pull this out as an example of BAD characters. the kind who make me LESS interested in the story and want to stop playing (see mass effect). A good character isn't annoying, talking about your broken childhood every 5 minutes is annoying. some game developers and writers think to be interesting a character must be "tortured". which is untrue. sure a tortured character can sometimes be interesting, but its far far from a requirement.
  17. how is nwn more of an rpg than bg2? explain in clear terms so we can understand your apparent lunacy
  18. Ahem. The Lord Weird Slough Feg, saw 'em in London YEARS ago, awesome \m/ I didn't realise they were on the Brutal Legend soundtrack. that's awesome, my friend has only been their drummer for about 2 years now though, so he wouldn't have been in the band back then. keep an eye (ear) out for the drum solo!
  19. It's out, but only as a digital game. I don't think they are releasing it to stores. If it's not out on steam, I won't buy it digitally. Hopefully they can make it happen otherwise i'd like to buy a real disc. hopefully they can make that happen too.
  20. nwn isn't even half as fun as diablo 1. let alone diablo 2. BG2 and nwn 1 have almost nothing in common in my opinion except they both claim to be rpg's but only one of them really pulls it off I refuse to believe those games were made by the same people.
  21. i can see the appeal, but for myself I need very compelling characters/plot to draw me into an rpg. stats just bore me if there is no compelling plot to lure me in. So I either need to feel compelled by fun gameplay, or drawn into the story and characters. this is why NWN2 rates as just barely above average. The plot is far from compelling and the gameplay is just ho-hum. I never felt the need to see what happened next, or what lay around the next corner. the only really great part of the game I thought was the trial scenes and build up, mostly because I had no idea what was going to happen next and I couldnt wait to find out. after that was over I got bored again.
  22. i'm lookin forward to on 360 borderlands (for the offline 2 player splitscreen) L4D2 (I have to play on 360 cause my friends don't play pc) assassins creed 2 (i actually liked the first one) Batman (no excuse needed) Brutal Legend (particularly because my good friend is in one of the bands on the soundtrack, and its his drum solo during the first boss fight of the game -Harry Cantwell, of the band Slough Feg) ??Call of Duty MW2 (though I think I'd rather play this on PC since there is no offline multiplayer) Shadow Complex on the PC i'm lookin forward to Dragon Age ??Alpha Protocol (I honestly can't decide if I want this on PC or 360, if it's like mass effect I'd rather have it on the 360) US Blood Bowl release (will this ever happen?) On the DS: Scribblenauts On the PS3: Uncharted 2
  23. yeah i looked up some reviews of drakensang on metacritic.... not exactly stellar. I'll pass, but maybe if 5 years from now people can't stop talking about how great a game it was I'll go back and check it out. kinda like what happened to me with STALKER, except it was only 2 years later. that was actually a really awesome game in need of a really good sequel that fixes all the problems the original had
  24. I'm encouraged by sawyers views on vats. makes me think some minor changes will be made for the better (even if its just taking full damage when using it) speaking of... isn't there a mod that does this?
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