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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. hey josh, at least let us know if we can expect to learn anything more about the game at E3 or within the next few months regardless of E3. Cause if we're not gonna hear anything until 2010 then i'd like to know that so i can plan my obsessions accordingly.
  2. i'd kill for a good scary shadow-over-innsmouth type deal, only problem is it wont be scary BECAUSE I HAVE MINI-NUCLEAR WEAPONS and CHOO CHOO GUNS such a wierd mix of good and bad ideas in that game. clearly someone in power was an idiot and lacked a unified vision other than "if its fun for me we'll keep it in the game!"
  3. I'm generally of the opinion that what works best in fallout is a series of well written and fleshed out sidequests that dont have to be done in any order. a great example is solving the death of the moreno son (i think it was the morenos) who appeared to have died from an overdose of jet. the quest had a story that you uncovered by playing, and eventually led to a satisfying conclusion - but the conclusion could be totally different depending on how well you solved the mystery. so not only do you have lots of C&C, but you meet interesting people (renesco, that crazy drug dealer) and you have an intriguing (albeit short) story. its also somewhat non-linear because you can talk to people in any order you want and get different results but its bite-sized so it doesnt over-complicate the writers jobs. having tons and tons of quests with the same level of attention to detail, interesting characters, good dialogue, and choices&consequences is what I would consider the easiest and best route to take with the new game. the main "plot" can be very simple and short as well step 1,2,3 necropolis for water chip, cathedral, military base done. two of those can be done out of order. simple and bite sized too, just like three sidequests put together it's NOT (as everyone recognizes) as detailed a main plot as KOTOR 2. its fo - the quality and character of the "sidequests" in relation to the main quest were always one of the things that seperated fallout from other rpgs. and I posit generally that even the main quest was just three sidequests (the only real difference is that you had to do them to get the end credits)
  4. i have that same problem with nwn 2, i get past the trial (awesomeness) to the part where i build up my stronghold and then have to do that ruins quest and I just ... stop playing, i have no idea why I keep hitting a wall there
  5. the outcasts and evergreen mills were my two most disappointing groups in the game, both seemed like they would be areas thick with quests and things to do... one was just a dungeon and the other a lousy fetch quest. Paradise Falls had two quests, a fetch quest, and at least one little side quest thing - why no love for Evergreen Mills? more real quests please! less dungeons!
  6. wow crap, an idea from gromnir that i really like! it would be fantastic if the big bad was determined based on player choice during the first half of the game. not only would that be fun and good for replay, but it would be fairly novel too. now if only you'll learn to write more coherently...
  7. stimpacks to me are even more unbalanced than vats. at least until they start making it a heal over time mechanic or cost ap to use I made a mod where my stimpacks only heal 1/4 of what they originally did, to reduce my ability to heal midfight. (simply because I have to use more of them and this actually makes them seem a bit rare) the only way my character really heals then is by water fountains or sinks, which cause rads, and I'm using a mod where rads are more dangerous and radaway is less effective. makes the game a lot more fun for me, reminds me a bit of stalker i should probably switch them to a heal over time mod too
  8. I'd actually like to hear gromnirs idea of what an intriguing idea is. just because he's obviously a madman and is hopped up on mercury. should be interesting no matter what. HA! Good Fun!
  9. it was just one mine... and it was in the dirt so I'm not surprised he didnt see it. I dont think that's the problem...
  10. FIX AI ISSUE: how awesome was it in deus ex that you could just plant mines in the airplane where navarre would come to pick up the resistence dude and she'd get thwacked before you had to fire a single bullet. goddamn that game was awesome. how much did it suck when you planted a landmine in fallout 3 and a person walked over it and KNEW IT WAS YOUR LANDMINE even though no one saw you plant it? I remember having the idea of assasinating people with landmines by figuring out their travel route and then sneaking over to plant the mine... I unfortunately did not foresee telepathic enemies...
  11. hey aristes you should repost that really long but good example of what you want from the town/city relations. you know, the lake and the city and the village warlord that was a great example of a region without cookie cutter villains and heroes, and i dont think many people got to read it as it got buried pretty damn fast
  12. lol yeah i got a kick out of sawyer saying "I don't know how all this works" THATS the type of thing you probably shouldnt be saying to the rabble. you should rather be saying "I'd like to include a town like ________ but we'll see what we have time for..." keep it vague and non-commital, but still telling us about your mindset so we can then be entertained and excited. and after all you need us excited because.... well ....you don't. but whatever
  13. i'd suggest keeping expectations in check, there is just one year of dev time on this bad boy, so be prepared for fallout 3.5 Now with more C&C and C&D(characters and dialogue)
  14. bring on the legion! ceasars legion are the group that run the remains of the strip, and their headquarters is in a casino where ceasars palace is IRL. bring on more evangelical religious groups! all the games had them except fallout 3. (those atom bomb guys dont count -there was no quest/content/story) raiders you can negotiate with! how intensely dissapointing was evergreen mills? a whole "city" reduced to just another dungeon - what a goddamn waste that was more quests! quests in every city! quests from more characters! quests that the outcome effects other quests! multiple cities with equally valid but impossible to reconcile viewpoints! choice and consequence! (blowing up a city shouldnt leave the questgivers alive - it should remove quests!)
  15. i REALLY REALLY like crashgirls suggestions for adding more depth to both vats and real time combat how about being able to go prone to improve accuracy and have a smaller sillhouette(sp?) or having aimed shots cost extra ap (great idea - thats been in existence for decades in other games...) having reloading cost ap being able to move in vats at the cost of ap Unfortunately, all of these things are not gonna happen, because the dev time is only long enough for new content like story and characters. Hell i bet the entire game is being made with the toolset, so it's just going to be a mod/dlc with outstanding production values, a great coherent story, and fascinating complex characters all played IDENTICALLY to fallout 3. and honestly, if thats really what we get, I'll be happy enough, because its still leaps and bounds better than what fallout 3 was. go team venture
  16. The people in Fallout 1 and 2 had bigger settlements in less time after the bomb. Yes, but the game engine was simpler and didn't take up as much resources. that doesnt excuse the problem, unless you are saying it would be impossible to have larger towns that in fallout 1 using fallout 3's engine. and i really really doubt that is the case. besides you can always break the larger town up into districts to avoid that problem anyway, its annoying but still better than the bizarre "city" with 15 people in it and no farming.
  17. a large wasteland settlement would be something like bartertown from mad max 3. If I had to guess I'd say there were about a thousand people there on any given day. maybe many more when you consider the prison colony underground and all the people who hang around the area outside the main city. (like those caravans at the hub or was it the den, i always confuse those two) might have been a few thousand people there. I seriously doubt we will have a town that size in the game, so no one should be worried about a city having too many people to feel like a wasteland. how many npcs were in the main city in oblivion? a few hundred? not even close to bartertown, which is one of the quintessential wasteland cities
  18. its weird how big morrowind felt. lack of immediate fast travel REALLY opens up the size of the gameworld. worlds started getting smaller (despite actually being larger) once you could start teleporting all over the place. dont get me wrong, i like SOME fast travel but i like it morrowind style, where there are certain hubs that allow fast travel, new vegas should require the presence of a caravan to fast travel (ie you must join the caravan to teleport around) or at least make that a setting in the options menu for us people who want it. there should be TONS of settings, including whether or not you are invincible during vats, whether or not shots and moving in realtime cost action points, whether or not the game is turn based, what the view of the game is, whether or not ammo has wieght all of these should be options in the settings menu! right in the game! freedom of choice and all that If sawyer likes options, then maybe we'll have them!
  19. It would be great, even if there is nothing to show, if at E3 there was a least an interview or Q&A session about New Vegas that at least discussed the direction they were taking the design and the likely factions we'll be seeing. I'm curious, has sawyer and company already begun writing dialogue trees? I'd guess they have people working on this by now since they dont have to muck with the engine that much.
  20. this is so cute. It reminds me of being 12 again, nevermind the fact that I'm a 26 year old attorney with not enough clients and too much coffee. lol. I'd really like vegas to have one big huge city with tons of depth and characters (including joinable factions like the mob families - each with 4-5 fully fleshed out quests) and sidequests ranging from little things like helping the farmers learn how to rotate crops and repairing their well to big things like HUGE quests that take hours to complete and have lots of Choice and Consequence and Character development, and then 4-5 cities/shantytowns about the size of megaton with only 3-4 quests of the length and depth of Blood Ties or Stealing Independence per shantytown then there should be misc wanderers or smaller baby towns like Big Town or republic of Dave that have only 1-2 quests with hourlong length to them. so basically I want a lot more quests, characters, choices, and character development. with better writing. I want much much fewer random wasteland buildings that exist for little purpose other than holding raiders
  21. myst on the iphone.... the past and future are colliding!! the world will shatter! JE Sawyer needs to come on here and post something about the new game! anything! seriously a piece of concept art, or a paragraph about the direction they want to take the game, anything! just name the name of one npc in the game cmon you know you need to do this in your soooouuuuuullllll
  22. ok cool twinkie, then I envy you, because you now have the opportunity to experience the game for the first time. something that a person can only do once, and I've already done it seriously, you owe it to yourself. buy it and play it, dont think about whether you will like it. just do it. you wont be sorry
  23. if you play world of goo, with the volume up, at night, by yourself, in one or two sittings, and don't feel a deep emotional and thoughtful connection with the themes being expressed, then you are without a doubt, a soulless individual. twinkie, if you dont see the appeal, it means you havent played the game all the way through. nothing i need to say other then just go and buy it, dont think about it, just buy it and play it, turn up the volume, play it late at night by yourself, and just marvel at what is happening between the lines. the game is an existential masterpiece of art, story, sound, and design with meditations on the meaning of life, the existence of god, and what reality is even made of. also included are jabs at pop sensationalism and what it is to be loved, or idolized. and all of this is done in a PUZZLE GAME, with only one chapter containing a dialogue tree.
  24. booyah! if just 1 in ten people who played fallout 3 falls in love with the originals then we are on our way baby! bah i just realized that people play fallout 3 on console and thus wont be playing the originals damnit HEY PEOPLE WHAT IF BETH RELEASED THE ORIGINALS ON XBOX. why not? just blow up the character size so that people can read it its turn based so the controller would work just fine for gameplay purposes i think its brilliant im also losing my miiiiiiinnnnnnddddd
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