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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. My surname features two "Y" and people have been mispronouncing & misspelling it for as long as I remember. In fact, I'm not 100% sure how to pronounce it myself.
  2. There used to a TV-series a long while back called Kindred: the Embraced which featured some of the Bloodlines clans, but it got cancelled after 10 episodes or so. My experience with these series prompted me into getting Bloodlines.
  3. True, but FO3's story is what it is to introduce new players to the Fallout universe. The Commonwealth is probably going to be central to an eventual FO4, considering how Bethesda always places references to future sequels in their games.
  4. Anything is better than simply following a map marker to somewhere, kill something and fast travelling back to pick up your reward. It must be said that travelling in Morrowind easily became as trivial as Oblivion after a while (mark/recall spells, Divine/almsivi intervention, etc), the difference is that at least Morrowind made it a natural part of the world, not just a cop-out for the impatient by clicking on an icon an a map and appearing at said place after a loading screen.
  5. I can't wait to push back the hordes of Oblivion. Or Blight, whatever it was.
  6. Gizmo, do you think/expect Fallout: New Vegas will look & play like an advanced Fallout 2?
  7. The European Parliament recently rejected this proposal from France.
  8. "Le" France? It's funny how the people who made this law apparently haven't heard about anonymous surfing and encrypted downloading..
  9. Bethesda should sell T-shirts marked with that little conversation. Gotta hand it to them though, those conversations in Girdleshade (sp?) with the "plow her bean field" and all that, were hilarious. Not to mention the Lady Killer/Black Widow ones.
  10. True, but she's one hell of a lightsaberist and is a powerful Jedi, and very attractive and charismatic which equals great Jedi. Indeed, but Darth Talon > Aalya Secura
  11. There's worse than the Fat Man, namely the Hilariously satisfying mod, if you're into that kind of stuff.
  12. I wish you could've kicked that (ungodly annoying) sidekick into spiky spikes. Though there is a certain in-game moment that is tremendously rewarding in that regard.
  13. Fallout 3 had a very diverse voice cast: FO3 credits Compare with Oblivion: Oblivion credits
  14. I think they rather counted on Amata for this, considering the different ways how the quest played out. How many times does one meet the Lyons woman, twice or thrice? Call me sentimental & gullible, but I actually felt bad when Jonas died, and when my character left Amata behind. Probably the first time in any Bethesda game where I felt some genuine attachment to any character. I hadn't expected anything like that from Bethesda before I started the game -- the opening scene of the game was typically brilliant though, right on par with Daggerfall's & Morrowind's.
  15. I'd prefer Obsidian because BioWare's stories are too linear and too clich
  16. Why did you put Aayla Secura first? I'd agree that she's the most attractive... I'd put Revan, Jedi Exile and then Yoda first. Sith: Naga Sadow, Revan, Bane.
  17. I like Gothic 3, but prefer Oblivion mostly because of the universe & lore. The Gothic world doesn't draw me in as much since there's hardly any lore or information about history, gods, etc. at least not comparable to Elder Scrolls. Also, what bothers me in Gothic 3 is that there's almost no women around. The number of women I saw in the game I can count on the fingers of my hand. Anyway, I'm playing Fallout 3, Storm of Zehir & Velvet Assassin.
  18. I think some people should really move on with this Fallout 3 business...
  19. What's so bad about that dialogue, really? I am not a native English speaker, I'd like to know. Sounded like normal colloquial speech to me; keep in mind that the Lone Wanderer is a 19-year old kid.
  20. It's funny how the complexity/difficulty of games has changed... the ancient Wizardry RPGs had some fights that could take up to an hour. Veterans of 80s RPG games probably considered RPGs like Baldur's Gate pathetically easy, just like now we are lauding Baldur's Gate as the 'pinnacle' of complexity and scoff at Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect, et al. But it seems this decline in complexity is true for pretty much every game genre - compare 'ancient' adventure games from Sierra like King's Quest or Quest for Glory to modern ones --- if you missed to pick up a certain object in King's Quest, it could be impossible to finish the game; if you solved a puzzle the wrong way, you could die in gruesome fashion. Can you imagine something like this in a modern adventure game? Compare the old Tomb Raider games to the modern ones - nowadays Lara practically moves herself around the screen, with the player having to push one or two buttons... in the original ones one had to mess around with all possible arcane keyboard combinations to get the job done. I shudder to think that the so-called 'console kiddies' will scoff at games 10-20 years from now and brag that 'in their day' games were much more complex and difficult...
  21. Bethesda should've attributed a certain amount of AP to accessing your inventory during combat, and a certain amount of AP to using a stimpack during combat. Simple & elegant. Incomprehensibly not included. As for the Witcher, there was a potion that immediately restored an amount of health, but this was balanced by the fact that the toxicity of the potion was very high.
  22. Boosting sales at the risk of alienating their loyal fanbase. EA strikes again. On another note, did that mentioned ME trailer feature Eiffel 65 music? I forget.
  23. Err, Asajj Ventress above Galen Marek or Exar Kun?? Keep in mind that Exar Kun used to be Dark Lord of the Sith, & Marek defeated both Vader & Darth Sidious... Ventress was just a lowly apprentice.
  24. I'd say it was brilliant, but I'm probably biased. Most recent Michel Ancel interview: Link
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