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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Those voices should be replaced by Generic Female Breton
  2. Not including a multiplayer in this game was one of the stupidest moves ever! Great thing about this game is that it is so easily moddable. I played tons of great mods of this game - someone even made a 'deathmatch' mod.
  3. Stun-lock ftw. Any wildlife animal was more dangerous than an Orc (save maybe Orc shamans).
  4. Acquiring "Lebensraum", i.e. conquering the Eastern lands to make a new home for the Aryans, was one of the main points of Nazi ideology.
  5. They "only" released teaser during UbiDays.
  6. I hope the movie stays true to the several G.I. Joe sticker books from Panini I had around twenty years ago. If I search around my attic, I'd probably find some of the G.I. Joe 'action figures' (+ jeeps & tanks) from around that time too. There was a red ninja chick with a staff who was pretty cool. Ah well...
  7. Reminds me of Highlander: Endgame. For drama, I'd like a story where for instance Bastila finally gets enough of waiting & sets off alone (or with former Exile companions) into the Unknown Regions looking for Revan.. combined with a story about rebuilding the Jedi Order (bringing back KOTOR 2 henchmen) & destroying remaining pockets of Sith on various planets.
  8. It also didn't help that the Germans needed to help clean up the Italians' blunders in the Balkan. Big waste of resources there.
  9. I thought "Arkham Asylum" was something from H.P. Lovecraft. Still playing Darkstar One.. made a decent surge in the main storyline but the end still seems a million lightyears away -literally.
  10. Even if the Germans had completely won the war in the West, the Russians would've still beaten them imo.
  11. No, WoW is a true MMO.
  12. Jolee was just a Jedi who realized the absurdity of the Jedi code, is all.
  13. ...but the camera is even more of a loose cannon than in NWN2.
  14. It would only be generic if there was also a hawt chick on the cover.
  15. I'll get Risen instead of Alpha Protocol & possibly Dragon Age. Open-ended, free-roaming RPGs FTW.
  16. They're a variant of humans, but it's unknown how they came to their short stature. All Tolkien mentions in the prologue to the first book is that "they lived in the upper vales of the Anduin before moving westward". Their origins being unknown is mostly because Tolkien created them out of the blue when he wrote "in a hole under the ground there lived a hobbit" on a scrap of paper and subsequently needed to fit them into his universe somehow.
  17. Ah, but whom? I bet it's some hippie Elf instead of that qunari that's built like a mountain.
  18. Too many RPGs are coming out in October. I can already hear my piggy bank complaining.
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