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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Yep, but they may grow back once the West leaves and their eyes move elsewhere. Same might happen with Boko Haram. Hm, US can maybe get a reason to station some troops in Chad or Nigeria.
  2. Eh, I wouldn't hold out on their days being numbered. Taliban is still around, after all.
  3. Biggest concern was why the Spit didn't try to draw him into a turning fight. That and not too sure gear works well to force an overshoot at that speed
  4. People need to learn to be around people they hate, it's actually quite fun some times. But then again, my family thrives on verbal abuse
  5. http://www.vg247.com/2014/05/22/heres-all-of-the-leaked-watch-dogs-gameplay-footage-so-far/ Leaked Watch Dogs gameplay
  6. Meh, taking pictures of one's self pouting with a sign holding a shell script comment on it isn't all that impressive to me. But whatever people do to make themselves feel better. I'd argue that it is naive to expect a state to do something because it is moral and just, well at least any state with any significant power, all done out of interests. Given Boko Haram doing this stuff for some time now, I can understand people's apathy.
  7. That mission took me forever as I lost all but one of the ships to crack it. Still remember the out of place "Achilles hammers at your gates" quote by one of the NPCs.
  8. Take the problem head on and point out that whatever they said about your wife is the issue and then go from there. Is worth keeping a relationship with your mother, blood does count for something.
  9. Not propaganda really, just usual politicians whoring themselves. This looks good on the government to citizens, yay they are saving innocent girls, etc. I suppose one could argue the US can now show it's might as a force for good or whatever based on this, but I'm pretty sure no one is naive enough to buy that these days. Seems like the better tactic for Boko haram would have been to kill them all, definitely no one would care, no twitter campaign, etc.
  10. Playing Democracy 3, is alright. I've purged religious people from society and have Christian terrorists trying to kill me (not really sure how I did that), but have done fun stuff like legalized all drugs and tax them heavily.
  11. Hm I guess they were, benefit of being years behind the curve is I've learned to be impressed with so so graphics
  12. Feh, struggle through the graphics not looking fantastic at least for one game.
  13. Firaxis On How Civ: Beyond Earth Really Isn’t Alpha Centauri
  14. Project Eternity sure brought a lot of interesting people here.
  15. Watched Arsenal do it the hard way. But they won, wooohoo
  16. Given the context of the discussion now, this was rather funny.
  17. Well, happy to be a monster then
  18. Could be. Looks good if the people of Nigeria are rising up against the scourge of Boko Haram, rather than foreign troops. I guess it'd just be information as they were warned in advance, and no risk of some US/British soldier dying or getting hurt so win-win that way.
  19. Board has a lot of Euros, they eat that stuff up it seems. Anyway, the Internet in general has a lot of abuse, which in a way I don't mind - crap on a screen doesn't make me want to weep or feel dehumanized. But I guess the lesson is that some victims of it are more special than others.
  20. Meh, hardly reprehensible, nothing sacred about people looking sad and holding up signs. Though I suppose it was effective, leaders love good PR like saving kids. I did get a laugh out of a strip club closing in Toronto and a commenter posted "#bringbackourgirls :(", heh. In other news - http://www.aljazeera.com/news/africa/2014/05/nigeria-villagers-kill-boko-haram-fighters-2014514152412389219.html Good on the villagers.
  21. Rough neighbourhood perhaps. Think the dog got put down, too, but I still wonder what ticked him off to attack the kid. Not a cat person myself, so all this cat praise in the news is irritating
  22. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/16/us-ukraine-crisis-sanctions-canada-idUSBREA4F02O20140516?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&dlvrit=992637 That's Harper for you.
  23. Well people that will kill or have killed people are already handled by laws, so no need to handle that specially. Don't want to fall into some thought-crime type stuff where you look at someone and then say they will probably do something bad so better jail them first. I get the sense BruceVC would probably jail people who post sexist things online or catcall a woman on the street. I am not in the USA, am in Canada. But the US idea of free speech is nice, the state won't toss you in jail but the citizen next to you might take exception to your call to "hang the darkies" or whatever and tell you what for and that is fine.
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