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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Wish I had a better mobile data plan so I could watch this while commuting.
  2. I am still wondering how the events in MP3 help him get over his wife and daughter's death though. Maybe will replay it.
  3. He's just saving it for when they really need it.
  4. Pretty much. Did prompt them to invest in Iron Dome - though not too sure how cost effective that is as a system, as someone brought up on a previous incarnation of this thread. Interesting video but nothing really new to me (members here have brought that up on...several incarnations of this thread and terrorism ones). It is similar to what you hear with regards to other issues - men and sexist behaviour is one that is probably more timely. Does make me think of rather amusing sights of ones declaring their loyalty so loudly to avoid suspicion though, heh. Is a rather iffy refutation, though, but what can one expect.
  5. Tough task trying to characterize an entire religion or ethnicity, but I guess you've hurdled that mountain.
  6. I wonder what they will do to it to "modernize" it, heh. Probably nothing more than a built-in hint system ?
  7. Not really a Max Payne game without Max's narration. I'd like ones to cut out the weird strobe effect they keep tossing in with the cutscenes.
  8. Ah, that was a good one, thanks for that. Actually, as a further aside, Oby isn't all that bad I've found, mainly he catches abuse rather than dispensing any - he knows how to get you lot and your panties in a twist. As for the Israeli kids and no one caring, I think it's more of a case of the angle of a revenge killing when the Palestinian kid was killed. Which leads into it being a flare up of more violence between those two sets of people, and ta-da, world news. Rather than it being a case of no one caring about Jews buying it.
  9. This is a status update.

  10. Ok Agiel, how much is Lockheed paying you ? Heh, up here the F-35 project is catching flak due to the cost overruns and still debates on whether or not Canada needs it vs an upgraded F-18, Rafale, Gripen, etc. (think those are the only ones marked as alternatives in discussions). Mainly along lines of not being a two engine plane and it being overkill for what the RCAF is expected to do.
  11. Now we get to watch Robben flop around for another 90 minutes.
  12. Wonder when the WW2 jokes will fade
  13. When did I say I didn't care about them, exactly ? Nothing funnier than wannabe moderator types, I guess.
  14. Blue oby at it again.
  15. Found both of them that I played to be rather dull, the Zodiac one especially. Though the fight in the room with the ceiling coming down was something interesting, I suppose. But not like I paid a lot for it, got it on a Steam sale.
  16. Says a lot with a little, nice cover.
  17. For him, I think his nightmare would be playing it.
  18. They did a Q&A on Raptr, summary stolen from EG (no hits for you)
  19. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/324283889/potato-salad
  20. You got ripped off, the Sleeping Dogs DLCs were awful. Arma 3 currently, learning the editor so I can make something for my friends and I to play, have tasks down (so do one task, then another is assigned). Just need to play with having the mission end, and I think that's about all I need for a start - the rest I recall from Arma 2 creation.
  21. Hm, need to get this year's away Germany shirt
  22. God damn it Ozil sucks at finishing. Should have been 8-0.
  23. Fred is going to need bodyguards.
  24. Uh....Brazil throwing this ?
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