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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Managing director at Ubisoft Toronto, so is doing pretty well for herself.
  2. Actually, I had thought he meant the players would have real feelings about that, seems that he meant it was realistic. Then again, the former might hold.
  3. So Geralt just needs to be better looking then ? In the games he seems to be a lot more jaded than he is in the books that I've read. It would be nice to modify his personality a bit more.
  4. So, more party member reactions to things, well, nice to have more detail like that. "A real thing". Strange.
  5. That actually would be a rather neat way of crowd control, not aggressive and not -too- harmful.
  6. "Die but make it happen", good saying - ah, heard it before in "Dance with Death", I think. Also, what a bizarre question to ask, about Lenin and Stalin.
  7. Telling them to not permanently impede people is a lot different from strike breaking, though. Most picket lines hold you up for a while, at least in my experience.
  8. Nope. Rights of the workers to associate and strike, the state shouldn't interfere. Government interference will almost always come on one side, which isn't really good in the end. Look at Air Canada.
  9. Yep, the revamp of old world content made the questing a lot more straighforward. Vanilla had a problem there, early on it was easy, say for humans you went Elwynn-Westfall-Redrige-Duskwood-STV, but around 30ish up until 50ish it's fairly all over the place. Which is kind of nice as you travel, but you'd occasionally find yourself too high for most zones and locked out quests in others, which was awful.
  10. Got into the Warlords of Draenor beta, so am tooling around with that for a bit.
  11. Answer to the question is to not be harassed by police or have the cops act like the "hate the pinko press" stereotype. Also, 'free fire zone' ? How bad exactly is it in Ferguson ?
  12. Hm, perhaps, if it were a joke I'd expect it to be more verbose and with flowery SJ language. Or have a reference to Zionist Cabals.
  13. Come on the post at the Codex is a joke
  14. Shame her screwing or not several game industry folk will detract from any other legitimate criticism.
  15. Desperation would be a requirement for that kind of interaction.
  16. Keyrock was so off base saying this was a flamebait thread, eh ?
  17. "leaked" stuff from the Keep Beta https://imgur.com/a/TjvcA
  18. Where's a good place to get a burger in Moscow ?
  19. Ah, probably not gaming related really, but there's some hilarious drama on with regards to Zoe Quinn (the Depression Quest person), even better as Walker and Fish are on the warpath for her A female PC in AC is good I suppose, I won't play the game but plenty seem to have an issue for that. But then I suppose the PC won't be the "right" kind of one.
  20. what's so bad about having female characters as protagonists? if it was up to me, all games would have female heroines Well, when it's done as a result of foot stamping by those that see this an actual "social justice" issue and hand wringing game "journalists" lecturing it's a bit eye-roll inducing, as opposed to just being done by itself. And it looks good to people like Bruce, so good PR there.
  21. Time to see if my money was well spent.
  22. Still the best WoW Paladin video
  23. They keep changing them a lot. I like the TBC mechanic of different seals but different judgments as well. Right now as Holy, there's not much to it.
  24. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/18/us/michael-brown-autopsy-shows-he-was-shot-at-least-6-times.html Well, either excessive force or a weak ammunition.
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