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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Ignore is for the weak. I'm pretty sure Volourn said that.
  2. What was MOBA about Homeworld ?
  3. Seems pretty obvious.
  4. Was planning to waste my time looking it up tonight, at first glance I assumed it was Myst or at least similar. Probably a bad example, either that or should have gone with Journey - people seemed to like that one for it's emotional connection with them or some silliness like that. Heh, that shrew Alexander mentioned on how games in the future, sans gamers, will be "tragicomedy, vignette, musicals, dream worlds, family tales, ethnographies, abstract art". Yeah.
  5. Nah, not true from a quick search. SJWs being histrionic like they are though, it can be hard to tell. Surprised this is on IGN - http://www.ign.com/blogs/robojules/2014/09/02/the-editor-has-no-clothes
  6. Well, naturally you wouldn't. Still allows for them not being equal though, I guess the poster meant the differences were not largely impactful. Ah well.
  7. Yep, I mentioned that in the second sentence that you cut out. Weird to extrapolate based on that set, but what can you do.
  8. Funny thing is, good chance he's serious.
  9. Is a game some of the people railing on about white males and their misogyny and racism ruining gaming have brought up as a new ideal, innovative and not about violence, etc. So games must move away from GTA or COD or whatever these wannabe elites cast their noses up at. So chose DE as a reason.
  10. Which he made in response to TMZuk's post about very specific subpopulations, therefore surely winning some kind of award in Comically Missing The Point. Well he disagreed with the post, the bit he quoted seemed to be attacking the opinion on absolute, not a subset. Certainly wouldn't help the overall theme of the poster arguing about equality to focus on N. EU., anyway, so is an interesting piece of evidence for the point. Seems to have gone on from there, somehow ended up comparing a female athlete to untrained males, which is a rather brainless comparison.
  11. Fighter's point was about averages though, you'd have to be...heh, well, ok.
  12. Got into trouble for snarking at some FNG in NY. Couldn't take the buzzwords without being a bit lippy. "Action items", "drill down", "touchpoint session" and "pain points" to name a few. Ah well, not like much will come from that
  13. Really ? Comparing strength of an average man and woman in your post and also was in the thread. I forget what you people call that argument though, is a catchy word for it. Fine to point out some differences exist between the two, I think the woman would have superior endurance.
  14. Maybe, but it serves no relevance to the point the person's making, you seem to have trouble with seeing that.
  15. Actually I didn't write that you didn't want us to post. Comment was on how important and relevant any of our posts would be as we aren't the Right Type for this issue. Related to the other thread where a poster seemed to be serious about fitness being a requirement to talk about relative fitness. And As for women in game design changing things, who knows. If those girls played COD, GTA, ME, etc, they'll probably grow up into women that will be interested in those kinds of games, but I suppose we may end up with innovative games (hopefully actually innovative, I'm still not sold on the glory Dear Esther possesses). I suppose a female Carmack would do wonders, someone that is brilliant at the technical aspects.
  16. I suspect otherwise. As for women not wanting to talk about it, well that just means they've been brainwashed by the patriarchy.
  17. Nah, we can, but apparently it's not all that important.
  18. There's a surprise. Who's been chased off and by whom ? Probably too much to expect more detail on that charge from you, but that'd be rather impressive to see someone 'chased' off a forum. And dramatic flouncing off like some PE people did way back, doesn't count.
  19. Not really projecting much, seemed pretty clear what with you posting a backhanded comment in the thread and it really is the kind of thing you'd post based on past history. It'd benefit the discussion probably to have more women, but unless you're planning to go out and press gang some in here, we're stuck with what we have.
  20. Time to cut the cord on this one
  21. Thread on the Escapist is pretty good for it, too.
  22. Do notice a diminishing of the technical innovations as opposed to story ones (or whatever the hell they call the aspect that engages players emotionally, supposedly) in some of these articles. Shame, as the engineering aspect of games is a pretty cool thing.
  23. Sure, you're lamenting men only talking about it now but you can't see that in your post ? Seemed pretty clear what your snarky joke was getting at.
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