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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/169002413/grip-an-intense-futuristic-combat-racer I rather enjoyed Rollcage, so might waste some money on this.
  2. http://ca.ign.com/articles/2015/08/12/gamescom-2015-blizzard-will-consider-warcraft-rts-once-starcraft-2-is-done Blizzard's RTS team may return to WC. If they do, probably a lead up to WoW 2, I guess.
  3. Nice Cant, I need to get on that once I cure myself of Crippling Laziness. Bought myself a birthday gift, an Archer C7 router - it is supposedly good value, but knowing my luck it will be a POS. Don't have anything that works on ac though, but I figure going from g to n will help.
  4. The Guild 3 preview - http://www.hookedgamers.com/pc/the_guild_3/preview/article-1310.html
  5. https://twitter.com/Obsidian/status/630783752986230788
  6. Bethesda fans aren't total deviants, are they ?
  7. FM2015, half way through season and Kuban is sitting 4th, managed to beat CSKA once too, woot. Had a want-away DM though, so I may be boned.
  8. http://www.pcgamer.com/mount-blade-2-bannerlord-will-be-more-transparent-and-accessible/ Mount and Blade 2 to be more "accessible". We all know what that means..
  9. "Taxing", yeah, right.
  10. Bah, they could, being defensive all the time isn't going to win
  11. Evasive maneuvers on cooldown is a bit silly, but, I guess this is the best we can hope for.
  12. Well nice to see they are adding some more meat to the simulation, really ended up being a glorified traffic simulator some times. I'd expected stuff like this to be DLC.
  13. Hey, you can always grind for apexis gear. Well, you could have, anyway. They probably should have left valour/justice points in, you get those doing heroics and can get some snazzy real raider loot to complement your LFR loot.
  14. Hm, kind of always the case in WoW. While they tended to release 5 mans with raid tiers, best gear was always in a raid and was what you ultimately were working towards. They have LFR now though and a decent group finding tool so it is easier than it was back in the day spamming /2 with Hunter LFG MC (ah to be able to say LFG UBRS, have key )
  15. It'll be in the store for $19.99 though.
  16. Maybe locks will get an item from Beyond the Dark Portal - maybe Eye or Scepter of Sargeras. Turalyon and Alleria show up, much like Kul Tiras another case of WoW devs forgetting things from the source material, heh. And Emerald Dream shows up after all these years or rumour, even if it's not as grand as rumoured. Heh, read a comment that is fitting - this is WoW: Fan Service
  17. Nah, I like it, I like race restrictions This artifact thing sounds a bit silly...we get them at the start of the expansion and level it up, I think. Class Order halls makes me think that it's a lot like garrisons, they say it's not, but will detail later. In any case, I will probably end up playing it
  18. And new expansion for WoW is Legion Seems like a lot of stuff thrown in here, get to run around Suramamr, see the Tomb of Sargeras, Azshara is around, see Deathwing's Lair. Artifacts sound interesting, can wield Ashbringer(...), make stuff from Frostmourne.
  19. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2015/08/04/blizzard-confirms-starcraft-ii-legacy-of-the-void-will-release-in-2015.aspx?utm_content=bufferf2614&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Last part of SC2 due this year
  20. Had to laugh when I was talking about the Gulf War to a coworker and some younger guys thought we meant the one in 2003 and didn't know of the 1991 one. Time to get the walker.
  21. The HH stuff is ok - the Angels books were alright as are Dembski-Bowden's, but holy crap are they milking it. I can see the Siege of Terra, if they even get there, being 4-5 books
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