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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Why do you guys think it'd be better with bigger teams ? What they need to do is disable all forms of communication in game. Bunch of ****ing subhumans play it.
  2. Interesting changes to WoW. Level scaling is in all zones, flexible expansion order so you can skip Outland ?
  3. Trying to follow Blizzcon at work
  4. Serves you untermensch right! Though I guess you would have to use that weird writing form where you write more down rather than across or something
  5. I like roller balls best, but something elegant about fountain pens. Must be the light touch required
  6. Hope makes people stupid sometimes
  7. My collection of 120 says no. I should get a Kaweco pen again
  8. Meant for 401k contributions, sorry. Our retirement savings plan is lower of 18% income or 25k or so (ignoring room carried over).
  9. That is ridiculously low. Is it currently a percentage of income?
  10. Wonder if the loot boxes are historically accurate
  11. Extreme vetting will eventually ask if you play terrorist in CS.
  12. Not sure that indicates much of people getting used to it, don't overstate this forum's role in people lives, heh. Surprised he lived, given the NYPD shooting. Then again maybe they missed a lot like the Empire State Building shooting
  13. Not a bad flashbang with latest news https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/10/31/john-kelly-calls-robert-e-lee-an-honorable-man-and-says-lack-of-compromise-caused-the-civil-war/
  14. I like that my Maurauder has been buffed so I need to do even less
  15. Still salty that they never patched the PC version, which made it unplayable as far as I'm concerned (map and the overlay had different resolutions, making the map useless for all intents an purposes, only "solution" is to lower the game's resolution). I hear the Gog version was fixed, don't intend to re-buy a game because the devs/publisher were too lazy to fix my box copy though. Was just complaining to myself about that, well that's a shame. But I've endured worse to completion
  16. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-10-30-star-citizen-shows-off-cities-the-size-of-planets Well, that sounds cool. Roberts will either be a god or end up in a corn field at this point
  17. Yeah, other than one time someone not wanting someone who was "obviously" gay, most of the reasons have been stupid rather than discriminatory. Funniest reason was that the guy was too into programming to be hired as a programmer
  18. Those people always have amusing ideas of what their country is. Context of it matters, even though the names being rusted or hidden kind of defeats the point. Also Manafort charged. Not a shock
  19. Eh, I dunno. Been through hiring processes and see good people binned for the most nonsensical of reasons.
  20. Not really. Seems like it'd be different to people based on age. One of those hijacked symbols.
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinhead And the metalhead girl I knew are my sources. So 10% better
  22. Playing The Saboteur. Just got to the open world part I think, seems fun enough to be worth the $7 so far
  23. Downside to living in a house is trick or treating, back in our condo it was nicer. Family likes giving these kids candy so I have to waste my night giving it out to the ungrateful ****ers. Hopefully it rains on Tuesday
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