From what I've been able to tell she had a history of depression, could be the straw as Malc suggested. What I find funny is that those who will be making crocodile tears about this are the same who cry about the evil of trigger warnings and the need for snowflakes to toughen up.
A trigger warning/exposed to a normal situation and can't handle it is the same as cyber bullying from a mob......????
Really, we are putting being bullying on the same page as trigger warnings?! Whatever people's thoughts about seeing a trigger warning on the front of a play or seeing snowflakes scream in childish rage because Trump is in office, I think we can all agree if we saw those and saw someone getting bullied....I would hope that most everyone here would be disgusted or at least know the bullying was wrong no matter what ur stance is.
I'm sorry maybe not seeing something or sense of humor flew right over my head, but I think that's a real ****ty comparison that don't really hold water.
No it's pretty apt. Change who's being bullied to some "SJW" and all this sympathy would drain real quick from the ones upset by this. Like I said, any corpse as a bludgeon.
Edit for an egregious typo.