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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Grey Goo doesn't alternate factions though, you go through the Beta, Human and Goo campaigns in sequence, no ? Kind of like SC in that regard. Reminds me I need to finish that off.
  2. Heh, it's the way it is but not as it should be. Restricted to the legions of tools waging war over culture or whatever online mind you, which always pays to remember is probably not all that large a segment of the populace.
  3. Hopefully not the series, that got boring at the end, especially with the last book being a retelling of the third.
  4. From what I've been able to tell she had a history of depression, could be the straw as Malc suggested. What I find funny is that those who will be making crocodile tears about this are the same who cry about the evil of trigger warnings and the need for snowflakes to toughen up. A trigger warning/exposed to a normal situation and can't handle it is the same as cyber bullying from a mob......???? Really, we are putting being bullying on the same page as trigger warnings?! Whatever people's thoughts about seeing a trigger warning on the front of a play or seeing snowflakes scream in childish rage because Trump is in office, I think we can all agree if we saw those and saw someone getting bullied....I would hope that most everyone here would be disgusted or at least know the bullying was wrong no matter what ur stance is. I'm sorry maybe not seeing something or sense of humor flew right over my head, but I think that's a real ****ty comparison that don't really hold water. No it's pretty apt. Change who's being bullied to some "SJW" and all this sympathy would drain real quick from the ones upset by this. Like I said, any corpse as a bludgeon. Edit for an egregious typo.
  5. I forget you were the one whining about people being mean to Trump, right?Whining? Nah, just questioning why every comment at that time had to be a direct knock to our president and disrespecting his family. Then I was suddenly catagorized by ignorant people as a Trump supporter, and someone who voted for Trump. It seemed like people got really mad because I had made a good point and tried to act as if they knew my whole political stance for simply saying that I wouldn't join in. You made a good point in that? Well, whatever you want to believe.
  6. Yep. It was huge on the Canada subreddit, lots of people whining about SJWs. Any corpse as a bludgeon, I guess
  7. Yeah, seems like it might have just been the straw that broke the camel's back. Porn industry chews through people.
  8. Reddit.
  9. I forget you were the one whining about people being mean to Trump, right?
  10. Or just say the complaints were all bots.
  11. Just knives ? No forks ? Bah, forget that noise.
  12. People care about this?
  13. What kind of stuff goes on there?
  14. F-16 really is a pretty plane
  15. Didn't know Carol of the Bells is a Ukrainian folk song, huh
  16. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/05/why-trumps-promise-to-move-us-embassy-to-jerusalem-is-so-controversial.html https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/dec/05/jerusalem-embassy-move-can-the-saudis-stay-trumps-hand
  17. https://www.pcmag.com/news/357738/ubisoft-offers-assassins-creed-iv-and-world-in-conflict-for World in Conflict for free, and some AssCreed game as well.
  18. She sure like to dance about in her videos Not really a Christmas song, but choirs here always sing it around this time.
  19. I'm just glad the AI isn't totally blind to flanking attempts like it was in Rome 1.
  20. Let Youtube dictate what music I would listen to. Started out with Savatage then somehow ended up with Manowar, so that ended that experiment after 10 minutes.
  21. If I got upset by computer game stories and plots unfolding in predictable ways, I would not have played more than a dozen PC games in 35+ years. You write that as if it were a bad thing. You could have done something useful with all that time Started the Destiny 2 free trial, seems ok although just did one mission. Definitely not worth the sticker price as is, though.
  22. Well that and it assumes you'd think that was the 'stupidest' law ever. Would also be better if it was comparing it to the store selling things by record label and that the store is also a record label as well.
  23. Not quite sure that analogy works
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