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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattperez/2019/05/01/exclusive-the-saga-of-star-citizen-a-video-game-that-raised-300-millionbut-may-never-be-ready-to-play/amp/ Possibly a hit piece, but it has value in that it'll at least wind up Roberts' bonkers fanbase some. More random, but funny.
  2. Not quite sure the US can take Brazil, but they have a bunch, it seems.
  3. The last photo of President Salvador Allende alive at the La Moneda presidential palace, Sept. 11, 1973. Ah man, came across a gem of a quote from Bolton in searching on this, on why he avoided going to Vietnam
  4. Lots of other resources other than oil. Does certainly follow a trend though, although I'd say the US' constant interference in Latin America over several decades is at play here more than oil.
  5. Pompeo now saying that Russia told Maduro to stay. Can't say I find the source all that credible, heh.
  6. You sound like a shill for Epic. No doubt a Chinese intelligence agent, to boot.
  7. Lighten up, Francis
  8. For work, my theme song is Huh, didn't realize this was actually a cover of a rap song. Finally understand what's with the 25 lighters, as well.
  9. Have to fill out some creepy motivational survey at work, puzzled why they frame "I do this for the money" as a bad thing in the results.
  10. So the Lich King died to a rogue ? Pft.
  11. John Singleton died https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/29/john-singleton-to-be-taken-off-life-support-by-family-monday.html Stupid Google redirect, my mistake in the C&P there.
  12. Found the vocals pretty funny, myself. Hard to really do stereotypical metal singing to acoustic and he's having fun with it
  13. This guy has triggered a lot of metal fans for not taking it seriously or something.
  14. Saw tonnes of these ads when Predator 2 was on TV
  15. Tropico 6 isn't too bad, but nothing too revolutionary. Still have the same issue about homeless people being very picky about what building they want to live in, messes up my design to have to spread residential areas all over the place and need more transit than I have to. Global achievement stats still amuse me, only 10% of players have beaten the third map for example.
  16. Well, I assume none of them killed themselves. That'd mean more work for me.
  17. Office went drinking and axe throwing last night, luckily I have better things to do and no one is here as they were all out late. So have a day with no coworkers around
  18. As always, new things are worse than old.
  19. I am also sure his pronunciation is different, sort of a Hyacinth Bucket deal.
  20. But did they get paid?
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