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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I am waiting for the Die Hard TV series. Well or A Right To Die Hard, with an aging John McClane.
  2. Have colonists killing themselves, which is annoying but unfortunately Earth is in WW3 so no one is going to be coming to replace them. Still holding strong, so hopefully will last until some side wins the war. Trying to keep up electronics and machine parts production is definitely troublesome, I guess I need to figure out a good dome layout - had thought a dome full of residences connected to domes with work or services would go ok, but there's a penalty for working in another dome (I guess commuting via a tunnel is onerous...).
  3. Good thing he hates corruption.
  4. After one told me Cuba still poses a threat to America I gave up. American Redditors are a special kind of imbecile. Usual conference call hell today, where people need 10 minutes to say they did nothing yesterday. Every day.
  5. Well that was the point. If I shoot you, can't use your resulting death as a mark against your fitness. Chavez chose very poorly with Maduro though.
  6. So your government's policies contributed nothing to this, you believe ?
  7. Ever been to the Codex ?
  8. Was curious so took a look. https://steamcommunity.com/app/882100/discussions/0/2268068181703275974/
  9. Nice steady day at work. Spending the day trolling Americans on Reddit, interesting accusations of actually being a Communist. I guess they've moved on from "SJW" or "cuck", good to see them evolve!
  10. Dulce et decorum est, pro TMSC mori
  11. Rosy view of the US you have, people don't hate America because of The Freedom. But people ignore it as the US has money.
  12. Clicking along well in Surviving Mars, although I have renegades (rather disappointed none are named Arkady), so hopefully the colony doesn't fall apart.
  13. Drooling blood sounds like a reason to get further medical attention
  14. Well, they are the leading member of the alliance, for direct spending they put in 22% of a pretty small budget. The complaints about defense spending in general seems like something to drum up purchasers for arms companies more than anything.
  15. https://undocs.org/en/a/res/70/245 At least for UN seems based on gross income, debt load, caps off at 22% of the UN budget. WHO has voluntary payments as well.
  16. Whatever it takes to keep Liverpool from winning a Premier League. Better to nuke Anfield. Just to be safe.
  17. Sure seems to be the issue most Americans have, although it seems off the mark especially with the UN where they are elite of the group, heh. But no need to do away with the WHO and leave nothing there, as was my original point to GD, just have to pick a US/West stooge. Hm, wonder how involved the US was with picking a candidate for the WHO director last time - I guess they'd have backed the British doctor.
  18. It's not an ad hominem, just that over the years I can reliably count on them to cry down any international body (when they complain about the UN, they or any of the Permanent 5 doing that is somewhat funny) or aid effort. As for the WHO I can see how they failed I can see the point, but how have they betrayed the US ? It'll be funny at least to see what reforms Pomepo and Trump will come up with that will make the WHO better.
  19. Did you check the dishwasher?
  20. https://www.dexerto.com/gta/devastating-gta-online-log-in-bug-wipes-all-owned-properties-1353749
  21. This is what happens when your dad didn't love you enough.
  22. Odd comparison, but it's like how UNICEF or the UNHCR is a good idea. Then again, I forget this is dealing with Americans.
  23. Why though ? The idea of the WHO is a good one, no ? Huh, the US in arrears with its payments as well. I guess that shouldn't come as a surprise.
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