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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Was a funny situation where client insisted on having a meeting to describe an issue I already fixed. So join the call and ask him why are we having this. He says he booked an hour off for it and needs a break from other meetings
  2. Ignorance is cool!
  3. Content creators, if I recall correctly.
  4. I like Tonga's. Nice version done by their marines
  5. Paranoia is a drug (Deus Ex quotes come so easily!), but it's easy to fall into the sense that everyone else is an enemy and spiral out from there, I think.
  6. The piece aside, the conductor sweating himself to death is remarkable.
  7. 350 million fortresses is not my idea of the 'land of the free'.
  8. Pathetic fallacy for sure https://www.newsweek.com/scaffolding-holding-american-flag-trump-north-carolina-rally-collapses-1543896
  9. Dude needs to lay off the porn.
  10. Doesn't really seem that much of a threat then. People using BLM as an excuse to smash windows are the type to do that for any reason, so you handle that as you would any disorganized violence. That they can supposedly hurt the economy by pushing their "wrong" ideas is the same as any political organization, as well. Well sure, whether or not these lessons benefit the public is another matter.
  11. What is the real threat from BLM, though?
  12. Forgot why I was unimpressed with Deponia, the schtick of Rufus being a douchebag everyone laughs at is getting tired. In for a penny, in for a pound though, got three of these games to push through.
  13. How was. "Yes, we can" off-putting ? Was just a campaign slogan, right, like MAGA. People saying they love a politician proves people are always dumber than you expect, though.
  14. Star Citizen backers need to use this line of attack.
  15. Yep, so they'll excuse anything.
  16. He was the best Russian on film
  17. Sean Connery https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2020/10/sean-connery-dies
  18. Is it about a General Commander ? I still don't get this title.
  19. Damn children, always ruining things.
  20. Behold, the third party voter
  21. Not sure it'll work, sort of have loot boxes now, right ?
  22. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-donald-trump-wisconsin-elections-641a8174e51077703888e2fa89070e12 Bastards, beat Jared to the punch.
  23. Customers in Planet Coaster are babies, too scared to ride a coaster with a couple of parts where they are subjected to 11 g, pft.
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