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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Could make the expansion easier.
  2. I've gotten a good run with my (amusingly named) Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. Was fairly cheap when I got it, too
  3. Well, you could play it with the mouse and keyboard. Flight sticks are cheap these days, by the time they'd make this game they should be back in stock.
  4. I want a TIE Fighter remaster
  5. They must be sweating buckets.
  6. Started Lost Horizon, so far it's not too bad for a knock off Indiana Jones game.
  7. There's money in nostalgia.
  8. The guitarists scanning the crowd like they're checking for threats is the best part of this video.
  9. Kids these days have it easy. Internet everywhere, not having to use 3.5" floppies...
  10. And I get to ride in the front of the pickup truck.
  11. They do use the MRO as a go between. https://mars.nasa.gov/msl/mission/communications/#data From reading about it seems the issue is a mix of infrastructure on Earth - NASA identified that the DSN they use for these communications needs improvement - and issues such as power and space on the rovers. So really just down to money, I guess
  12. This reaction came to me too late. Great clip from YPM too. https://gfycat.com/indelibleblondamericanmarten
  13. Those damn windmills blew Ted Cruz' plane off course, too.
  14. Reminds me I need to talk to my boss about my promotion. I'll be promoted to Senior Human Cron Job.
  15. If it doesn't have interpretive dance, it will suck more
  16. I just play Tupac or something occasionally off mute, confirms my IT gangsta nerd status.
  17. Returned to work after time off, only made it 5 minutes into daily conference call before urge to kill self returned. Was pretty funny though, seems even after all this time of WFH people still don't know to mute themselves, invest in a cheap headset so there's no massive echo when they speak. People figuring out the way a list works is still an issue, but given up on that (sure Jeff, just join and talk about your item at #14 when we are on #2...). At least no one breathing heavily, on this call.
  18. Well, apparently FERC could. But they're EVIL Gubment folk.
  19. Why are they clowns, exactly ?
  20. Is funny to watch when you consider the delay.
  21. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/energy/article/Perry-says-Texans-wiling-to-suffer-blackouts-to-15956705.php Conservatives in the US are really paranoid about "leftist" overreach. And again wind and solar are to blame here.
  22. "It's a birthmark" "What do you mean?" "He was born with it" Best dialogue.
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