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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. "Ebay on Thursday started removing listings for the six Dr Seuss books that are no longer going to be produced. They emailed people who had listed the books, saying that the post violated their 'offensive materials policy'. " Huh, doesn't really mesh with the headline. Nor do the screenshots from the eBay emails, that's the Mail I suppose. Time to go watch some people impotently wring their hands about 'cultural marxism'.
  2. Childhood books made me look up stuff on the Hardy Boys...and wow that series got weird.
  3. Could never make sense of these subgenres of metal.
  4. Well not specifically you but I do see people making the claim that we're on the slippery slope to some tyranny, also some funny stuff that only if you are racist will you see something as racist. Eagerly anticipating Youtube recommending me some neckbeard icon preaching about it
  5. I see Seuss' books are selling well, so is a good marketing plan I guess. Not quite sure it's book burning, but guess we'll see how different companies and agencies handle it within the next weeks. Local PL here said they don't know what to do yet, I am betting they'll chuck them in storage or something.
  6. Yep is warm today. Went out for a walk, had to dodge people though. I have one interesting neighbour, they have a flagpole on their deck and they fly relevant flags - Canada for July 1, US for July 4, was impressed to see a Welsh flag there. Wonder how many flags they have Generally they fly the Qing Dynasty flag, not sure if that is a statement or anything, will have to read up on that. The house near me with the Antifa flag remains disgraceful. I should buy them a Spanish Republican flag to spruce up the display.
  7. Ok dude, we get it, you have a great view.
  8. Being an engineer we were just told to roll with whatever the mathematicians told us. So they all say 0 is a Real and an Integer, so I'll stick to that
  9. The hell is wrong with you ?
  10. Bunny Wailer
  11. How do you catch electric eels ? Use click bait. What happens next will shock you...
  12. The almost non sequitur references to evil Antifa in Wray's hearing is pretty funny
  13. Well, based on the money they are getting, safe to say their customers aren't caring, either.
  14. Yep, but seems odd to name a telescope for an administrator. Shouldn't be that big a deal to rename it to some scientist. Given the fact this project was started in 1996, has ran over budget a lot...maybe name it after Chris Roberts!
  15. Might as well, not like they're actually going to finish that telescope. Naming it after Webb seems odd, should just pick someone that did work at NASA. Maybe name it after Gene Kranz.
  16. It's -15 C out here, is warming up though. It is sunny out, so will go enjoy a walk in the cold as the all the wussie Torontonians can't handle this cold. I am always perplexed at that attitude from people here, all owning expensive CG/Para/Sorel coats
  17. Wouldn't the non leap year birthday be March 1st ?
  18. https://nee.lv/2021/02/28/How-I-cut-GTA-Online-loading-times-by-70/ Good work by this person, cut the loading times for GTA Online. If that were the only problem with GTA Online
  19. Taking out a Bf109 with a pumpkin was one of the more interesting puzzles in Lost Horizon. Well ok, not much of a puzzle as it's using all the items on one screen.
  20. Wait, Dragonforce aren't all girls ?
  21. Got my bonus recently, so bought a $1.50 pack of pens to gift myself.
  22. It's all in the numbers. Terror built into the system.
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