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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. First time I have ever heard them called stiffy disks. First patch I ever got was on one, was for Command & Conquer, ah good times.
  2. Bread and water.
  3. Maybe they confused him with the Russian General who drove Saint-Cyr (coolest name in the Napoleonic Wars, maybe after Osten-Sacken) back from St. Petersburg.
  4. Was expecting a Korth.
  5. Went grocery shopping, dude in front of me in line had the eight pointed star tattooed on his arm. The heresy spreads.
  6. Still stuck on First Blood but it seems the game's broken in difficulty where reloading a save causes corruption in the save and things going wrong. Would explain the odd behaviour. Bah. Maybe will go dig up my old CDs...
  7. Even cheating on that mission in Nexus, I still failed. Really seems buggy, either I was very competent when I was younger or the game's a lot different than the version I played it on Colossus wouldn't raise the fortress shield and would just die in the first minute.
  8. If you're lucky he'll bug out and just stand still for you to kill him, happened in both my playthroughs
  9. Nasal Metal
  10. Sarcasm is uncalled for.
  11. Imagine the expansion packs for this.
  12. Hit a wall with this damn mission First Blood in Nexus, can't kill the enemy before I fail the objective. I did clear it but lost 2 ships I need for the next mission. And no way to turn difficulty down without restarting the whole game, hah.
  13. Today, I try to find a way to replace myself with a shell script
  14. How many pages on Miranda's ass ?
  15. Is a New Zealander doing this, people assumed it was an American - which is odd as no firearms involved.
  16. Well, I guess it depends on how far into denial they go, after some point whitewashing the CSA starts to belie that.
  17. Neither, first saw him as Prince William of Orange in Sharpe, which maligns the historical Prince a fair bit.
  18. When one of the top men says stuff like It sort of makes it clear. Also funny when you see the walking corpse Stephens appears to be in photos But then again, that Lost Cause crap is easy to fall for.
  19. Not knowing what I am doing is turning out to be a very bad idea in Nexus. Should have read the manual, but slowly plodding along, silly me was trying to use all my weapons and wondering why the Whiskers wouldn't lose its shields. Still is a very fun game, shame the sequel failed its Kickstarter.
  20. Getting the vaccine slowly here, I think I'll get vaccinated sometime in September. Means I get to be the one to go outside for everything for the family (all are pretty high risk). Huh, never noticed the typo there in all the times watching this movie.
  21. The answer definitely is not "because the receptionist is smoking". Friend's experience.
  22. I hate that question in interviews. I feel attacked.
  23. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner was a warning, indeed.
  24. Hm, doesn't work for me on the Warhammer Community page, but suppose that'll get fixed. Good for him, giving 40k fans the bolter porn they need
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