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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well life got a hell of a lot easier with Wynne, hah.
  2. I like some of the ominous foreshadowing they have. The bit with the guy telling the kid "You'll see a sword soon enough" was nicest so far.
  3. I guess it's time to get this game, then.
  4. I thought it would have been a bigger download than what I'm hearing. Well hooray, means I won't murder my cap if I get it over Steam, heh.
  5. My proudest achievement if I do say so. Anyway, the Horus Heresy series is pretty good - I mean it's not amazing literary genius and some of the books are pretty bad considering that even (Descent of Angels, and Battle for the Abyss, in my opinion. The SMs in that book aren't real uber zealots, I guess that's one of the effects of the heresy that they end up like that in 40k. They should make a movie based on Ciaphas Cain :D
  6. Bah why'd it have to be the Ultramarines.
  7. Wait, Deus Ex 3 ? When did they make a sequel to the first ?
  8. Meh, if they keep it on consoles only no real loss. It'd be cool if they made a 40k RPG though, could use Dark Heresy's setting. I signed anyway though
  9. Meh, I'm not that shocked by it - I've spent my time brutally executing people in Blood Money sometimes, for example. And apparently you're betrayed and killed at the end of it, so *shrug* (well, so I hear anyway) Sad thing about this is it's just more attention to an already overrated game, hehe.
  10. SOASE : Entrenchment with a friend, and still mucking around with the Dragon Rising editor creating epic clashes of 30 Chinese against 30 Americans.
  11. Killing Floor as well, tempted to buy it but I think the shine's gone off it after 2 hours.
  12. Their marketing team is working overtime for this game. Impressive, sort of.
  13. Never heard of this Dragon Age game before.
  14. Got Risen today, I guess I'll give Dragon Rising's mission editor a rest and give it a go.
  15. Heh, sort of like the old days of FA and using an M203 was automatically "nade spamming".
  16. Apparently the early reviews are good, from PC Gamer UK and France.
  17. Nothing wrong with being a soulless code-writer. It's what I aspire to! Anyway, sorry that I missed your joke, just seemed that you'd actually take my comments at their face
  18. Pft, crying yourself to sleep. That would call for Molotov ****tails and pitchforks.
  19. Not sure what the profitability of the game's design matters to my opinion of it, I'm not seeing any of that money. I've accepted that it'll happen and will continue to, just don't believe that it should. It did matter to me for Vegas and GR, for example, because I enjoyed the whole "one shot, one kill" nature of it in SP and MP. But anyway, we just disagree.
  20. Yeah, it'd be a tragedy if Vegas were never made for sure, hehe. In that case (and most of them I'd say) the IP's better off dead than twisted.
  21. Sinister. Mind you, if Modern Warfare leaves the PC platform, it's our gain
  22. Ah, consoles, thanks again.
  23. Still playing on, I have to say the description of this as a Ghost Recon type game is pretty apt, about as good as the first one I'd say. Can't really compare it to Arma 2, as it's not a sim. Shame about the entity limit, really makes these battles kind of pathetic in scope. Who knew the USMC conducted assaults with 20 guys, heh. Not that impressed with the hostile AI, their ridiculous inaccuracy at 100m aside, it eventually devolves into a whack-a-mole with them in cover. Also they can track you through smoke, which is a bit ridiculous. Friendly AI does perform pretty well, at times. One thing I dislike about the campaign is the way you just appear in the field, no indication of being dropped off or whatever. The 4th mission with your fireteam just in the middle of nowhere was amusing to me at the start.
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