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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Can't let that series die.
  2. Eh, only fools preorder or get the DLC outside of some gold edition type pack
  3. Is annoying when you've a large driveway and sidewalk to shovel. Or if you want to clear a laneway for you and your neighbours.
  4. I hear it's so bad not even MMO fans like it. Got decent reviews, a friend's playing it and won't shut the hell up about it. But will have to give it maybe 2-3 more weeks for the shine to come off.
  5. Man, I need more dramatic events in my life.
  6. Don't discuss things with Canadians, they're a hopeless lot. Still no name on this guy, where's Wikileaks when we need them
  7. Damn, was hoping he would say it sucked on PC. Hm, guessing it'll end up in the ME2 range.
  8. Well there is a resource in MP, in SP the big picture is just preparing for the mission mostly. In squad selection and equipping them (when to carry AT weapons, melee, etc.). You do have more tactical concerns in the actual game, but most RTS games are more T than S anyway. I like the gameplay in DOW2 also as it suits the way Marines operate as the game tells you once "We are a speartip, not an army", base building doesn't make that much sense for them as opposed to IG.
  9. I'm betting you won't like it, then
  10. Bah, don't need resource management - the harvested type, at least- or bases for an RTS. You get better gear and abilities. Tarkus' ability to have frags depend on energy is very very useful., Cyrus' upper abilities make things a lot easier too.
  11. Wonder how hard it would be to drive that guy to suicide, hmm. Anyway, big stink in Canada over this. SPCA apparently was approached, but said they couldn't put the dogs up for adoption. Mind you, he didn't tell them "it's adoption or death via shotgun and blade".
  12. Even better is the worker that did this, filed for worker's compensation as he has PTSD, and won his claim and got a good settlement. Shame they haven't released his name though, would amuse me to see what happens to him. Although he's allegedly a shell of a man, heh. http://www.cbc.ca/consumer/story/2011/01/3...mutilation.html Apparently the police are investigating comments made on social networking sites, for calling for "vigilantism", as well, heh.
  13. Thought up a design for a game where you have to survive in a white wasteland called "Shovelout : A Post Snowpocalyptic RPG". More snow than we've gotten in a while here, PITA to shovel it all before work and more still coming. Bastard kids get a snow day.
  14. Eh, everytime someone uses something like this. EA did it with one of the C&Cs and Ubisoft did it.
  15. They'd look like burnt corpses. Remember, kill the mutant
  16. I'd wager because it's impotent for its purpose and becomes an irritant, or that it seems spy-like.
  17. Well Razor et al. must be pretty happy with this, heh. Programs that have to phone home, I just have to shake my head at.
  18. She's way too cheery.
  19. Took me a while to notice that too, was looking at the highlighted countries.
  20. Finally managed to sort out my MP3 collection, got everything in folders according to artist/album. Major pain, but at least I found significant duplicates. Now, I code SQL to the Modern Warfare 2 soundtrack, have to make it somewhat exciting
  21. They charge people for that, hmm.
  22. Will have to replay DOW2, but seemed I got a lot less filler missions than before in the Gold Edition (or whichever patch made the effective change). Not very hard to identify the missions that are your objectives though "Prime Gene Sample", etc.
  23. They must have changed that, when I played DOW2 that I got in the Gold Edition, there wasn't that much repetition of missions and I got weird changes like random insertion points and boss locations.
  24. Still more EVE, should find a nice single player game. Maybe will try to finish Borderlands' Claptrap DLC Also, very handy guide to things to do in EVE
  25. He didn't say it was only those countries that did it, heh. Anyway, I'm guessing like most militaries they don't have anything but military hardware and as apparently they've tossed the police from the streets in some places, they're all that's out there.
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