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About PastramiX

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Kitchen Stadium
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    [url="http://alphaprotocol.wikia.com/wiki/Alpha_Protocol_Wiki"]Alpha Protocol Wiki[/url]
  1. As much as how frustrating of a tease this is, I'd have to say that this marketing stunt, whatever it might hold, has been incredibly effective. It's made everyone jump up and take notice... exactly what PR campaigns are designed to do. Granted, it's quite a jarring thing to do, but nonetheless effective.
  2. If they're closing-up shop, then I don't think that they would announce that everyone will have unlimited access to download games previously purchased; that wouldn't be consistent with the technical closure that would come with business closure, obviously, unless if they've rigged a legal deal to allow such a "mass withdrawal" so to speak. Again, I think this is just PR stunt... or not.
  3. Windows 7 Professional 64-bitIntel Core i5 540M @~2.6 GHz ATi Mobility Radeon HD 5650; 1 GB VRAM 4 GB System RAM Yep, and I tried multiple saves from multiple games, and they all worked. I can also confirm that the "Reload Last Checkpoint" feature is fixed; enemies always spawn correctly now. Yep.
  4. No problems over 'ere; the patch works fine for me. No corrupt saves, no runtime errors; the game simply runs better than before. Either I'm damned lucky, or y'all computers' suck.
  5. Quick question: is VATS going to be adjusted and modified to make it more on-par with real-time combat? In Fallout 3, real-time became somewhat redundant once your AP recovered, and the system was much more accurate in causing critical hits than real-time; a super mutant ambush could be demolished by entering a ballet of VATS, hide, VATS, hide, VATS, loot, continue. Rather unbalanced, IMO.
  6. I've already tried loading and importing .upks from Alpha Protocol in UDK. Unfortuantely, it makes the program crash. Then again, maybe I'm doing it wrong.
  7. "Hey, look, it's a picture of Darcy. It says, 'Mike & Sean; F*** YEAH!!!'... with three exclamation points."
  8. For VATS, please make the slow-motion death sequences optional. Frankly... in Fallout 3, they were ridiculously over-the-top, and not in a clever way. In Fallout 1&2, when you made a critical hit, a 10mm round in the torso made half the rib cage explode, or a plasma slug melted the flesh from the bone... and it all happened within a half-second, making it more surprising, and in a comical fashion, to boot. Whereas in Fallout 3, every attack granted a slo-mo sequence, which got quite old quite fast. Even if slo-mo deaths are implemented, could they at least occur only during critical hits?
  9. Frankly, I just hope that AP runs at a decent framerate on my rig, regardless of the settings. I could really care less about the graphical quality, as long as I can actually move my mouse deftly without succumbing to gratuitous use of bloom and pixel shaders. While other UE3 games such as UT3 and Mirror's Edge have ran at ~30 FPS at maximum quality, Mass Effect lurches along at the equivalent settings on my rig, unfortunately.
  10. LucasArts doesn't really want the public to know that there was a KotOR II; you can thank TOR for that (Kreia, who?). The entire DnD game franchise is in legal hell due to the latest Atari-Hasbro Battle for the Intellectual Property
  11. Did you install the game using this guide, following the instructions in the first two posts?
  12. People have gotten both K1 & 2 working almsot flawlessly in the Win7 RC via only XP Mode. Link
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