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Skie Nightfall

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Posts posted by Skie Nightfall

  1. My cipher user the hunting bow Persistence, which quickly proved much better than most firearms (at least until near end game).

    High and fast damage gave me much more focus than a big firearm hit. You could still start with a firearm and then switch.

    This confused me as to way so many prefer firearms on Cipher :p


    Regarding Hiravias, I'd say it's weird for me to give a druid a firearm :p



    It's not. It's terrible news. What's the point of having a combat-sticky engagement mechanic if it's just ignored by the enemies? The whole purpose of "engagement", from what I understood, was to avoid the BG scenario where your ranged squishies are just constantly rushed. Like in actual D&D, where there are limitations on combat movement and a tank character can actually hold enemies and protect ranged characters.


    This is exactly the worse aspect of BG combat--the total inability for a tank to tank. It does seem to be a regular part of combat in the expansion and it's ****ing ****. I don't want to have to drag my goddamn fighters across the battle field five goddamn times while constantly re-positioning my main character to avoid instantaneous melee death *EVERY GODDAMN BATTLE*. My tanks are built defensive, with ****ing multiple-engagement talents and deflection and ****, to ****ing tank--to hold multiple enemies on them. Literally my entire party is built around the simple concept of holding enemies on my tanks and dealing damage with my damage dealers. Every item I have, every talent I took, every spell I know--it's all built around that one simple strategy.


    If they're just going to completely ignore engagement and run off after my casters every. single. time. (as they have been doing) then this entire expansion will be nothing but a constant micromanagement slag of chasing characters around a battlefield. How fun. Yay.


    Wow. First time I see a post of someone who understands BG combat wasn't perfect, and that the engagement idea is there for a reason. Finally.

    The things I suffered in the beta forums tongue.png


    I'm guessing some more balancing is needed. Obviously the fighter can't have high deflection + high accuracy + extra engagements + high damage. So saying it's the op's problem if his/her fighter doesn't punish disengagement is kinda silly.


    Actually both him and you don't have a clue what you are talking about. In Bg games it was super easy to tank. You kited a bit with ranged and sent your tank after the chasing enemy and the enemy went back to attacking the tank. Also the squishy classes had good cc spells that would take out of the battle those that came to hit them.


    This change to PoE is awesome for people that use IE mod and turn off disengagement attacks, we can now play it almost like BG since enemies will disengage more often (with no penalty with IE mod) and you will need to kite and not just tank&spank like in vanilla PoE



    So kiting is your perfect combat mechanism instead of engagement? wtf?

    Seriously tired from all the people who want an IE clone.

    Just go fund a game that use the real IE. People have overhauled BG2 into a completely new game before.

  3. It's a silly question I know but how can I play the expansion? In the game menu it says the expansion is installed but I cannot find a way to play it directly. Is it only accessible from within the normal gameplay? I use the GOG version.

    I think so. It's more content in the main game you can go to during the main plot after you get the stronghold (more or less).

    It's not a continuation past main game plot.

    • Like 1
  4. It's not. It's terrible news. What's the point of having a combat-sticky engagement mechanic if it's just ignored by the enemies? The whole purpose of "engagement", from what I understood, was to avoid the BG scenario where your ranged squishies are just constantly rushed. Like in actual D&D, where there are limitations on combat movement and a tank character can actually hold enemies and protect ranged characters.


    This is exactly the worse aspect of BG combat--the total inability for a tank to tank. It does seem to be a regular part of combat in the expansion and it's ****ing ****. I don't want to have to drag my goddamn fighters across the battle field five goddamn times while constantly re-positioning my main character to avoid instantaneous melee death *EVERY GODDAMN BATTLE*. My tanks are built defensive, with ****ing multiple-engagement talents and deflection and ****, to ****ing tank--to hold multiple enemies on them. Literally my entire party is built around the simple concept of holding enemies on my tanks and dealing damage with my damage dealers. Every item I have, every talent I took, every spell I know--it's all built around that one simple strategy.


    If they're just going to completely ignore engagement and run off after my casters every. single. time. (as they have been doing) then this entire expansion will be nothing but a constant micromanagement slag of chasing characters around a battlefield. How fun. Yay.


    Wow. First time I see a post of someone who understands BG combat wasn't perfect, and that the engagement idea is there for a reason. Finally.

    The things I suffered in the beta forums :p


    I'm guessing some more balancing is needed. Obviously the fighter can't have high deflection + high accuracy + extra engagements + high damage. So saying it's the op's problem if his/her fighter doesn't punish disengagement is kinda silly.

    • Like 5
  5. Oh man, I love this game so much!


    Definitely filled my expectations. So far it's the best RPG I've played in the last 7 years or so, and we'll see how that goes once I finish it.


    There are still some bugs sure, but there are still more patches to come it seems, which is great. I think some stronghold handling should probably be improved.

    I really like the system, from stats to how weapons and combat is handled. I think Obsidian did a very good job with the game.

    I find the graphics amazing and immersive. I never thought you could do that in isometric view. I hope for a bright future with more games like this.


    I don't mind all the backer NPCs, but there are really really way too many godlike races there.


    That's it, very short, just had to throw how much I like the game out there. I'm somewhere at half point. Finally getting to play it for the first time since beta, a while after it got released :p

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