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Skie Nightfall

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Posts posted by Skie Nightfall


    Installing only WM 2.01 gog patch broke it for me. From what I understood you do need both patches.


    What I did though is update it using Galaxy after I broke it.


    This time I'll probably just let Galaxy sort out the patches for me.


    You should, for some reason Galaxy will ignore any manual patching done to the game. It just patches over it again, so once you go Galaxy with a game you need to stay with Galaxy or reinstall.



    Yea, nothing like downloading 5GB again via Galaxy.

    Manual installations register, so that's a difference.




    Crpg vgeteran here. I previously finished the game with a cipher on normal difficulty, version 1.06.

    Enjoyed it, and definitely planning another playthrough at a higher difficulty.

    (Game gets especially easy when you hit mind plague)


    I want to play a barbarian, and my debate is if I should play on hard, or skip directly to potd. This is also considering that 2.0+ already added some improvements that are suppose to make the game more challenging.


    Any advice/opinions?



  3. It's rare that I like crafting systems like this in rpgs, and was worried about PoE having one, but it actually turned out quite good the way it is.


    You don't get to create super items, you can create decent ones or improve your own to a limit. It keeps the need and fun at actually finding/buying items, while still being useful and not cumbersome. I also don't feel the need to save materials for later.

  4. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who loves the game ^.^

    I was looking for a story based rpg, and this is definitely the best one I played since at least the original Mass Effect.

    It's also certainly the best kickstarted game I played (though FTL is a close one :) ).


    I can't right away think of suggestions. Maybe after a few more playthroughs.

    The game sure could use more polish at places, and get more bug fixes.


    I'm mostly worried that changing too much would hurt the core, which I think is quite good, so Obsidian, just don't ruin what you have.


    Here are some of my thoughts, part of them are in context at what was suggested above me.


    1. No pre-buffs in combat.

    2. No IE clone

    3. No 20+ companions. I prefer a few rich companions instead of 20 one side quest and some banter. I think most of the ones in PoE are rich, but could be improved upon.

    4. I think some kickstarter goals were silly (e.g. in game characters).

    5. I actually on the side that likes the weapon groups. They do spice things up and make it different. However, I do agree they can be restricting and odd as well. Like, I wanted to do a character that uses pikes, and poleaxes, but nope :) Wouldn't mind flexibility there. Like, the option to create your own more minimized group? I dunno.

    6. Game needs a better experience balance and progression.

    7. The stronghold needs fixes. Either improve it, or minimize it to something more simple. It has a lot of potential though.

    8. I found the game very immersive, with good music and hook, other than the lack of casual people you could talk to for more immersion. Game does indeed 'show don't tell' a lot of stuff. It is very well done.

    • Like 3
  5. My 1.06 cipher had:

    Might:               15

    Constitution:     6

    Dexterity:          15

    Perception:       12

    Intellect:            18

    Resolve:           12


    This might not be as good for 2.0 though after the changes.
    I preferred using a bow. You could start with a big gunblast sure, but in my game the speed of the bow gave me more focus than just using guns. The bow Persistence simply had amazing damage and speed :)

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