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Skie Nightfall

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Posts posted by Skie Nightfall

  1. Seems to be happening anywhere, but I've managed to reproduce it.

    What it takes is quickloading a few time in a row straight away.

    I just managed to get this crash twice by quickloading quickly three times in Tikaware.
    My guess is that something doesn't finish to load properly or there's a leak/garbage somewhere, causing the function call to miss the derived class.

  2. So, other than the Zealous Aura that's stuck on characters as has been reported before. There's a bug with the gladiator sword and Skrim.


    After enchanting it, both Skrim effect and for some reason the Sharpened Blade effect, appear on Eder, even though he isn't using the sword.

    I went to an earlier save before enchanting it, and I can always reproduce the Skrim effect appearing on Eder when I enchant the sword, though not the Sharpened Blade effect.


    Attaching save before and after.

    You can reproduce by enchanting the sword.

    It doesn't seem to matter where the sword is placed when enchanting it.

    Also, if someone else is hold the sword, say Xoti, then the Skrim effect on Eder becomes Skrim [Xoti]


    Dropbox links for savefiles:

    After: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9y2yq2rqxq03pll/after.zip?dl=0

    Before: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zd9044gok36n3o8/before.zip?dl=0


    From what i can glean from the journal and time spent between saves (1 day in game), i can tell that during this period i talked to Orron and convinced him to leave Seduzo's ship, and then talk to Seduzo and get her to take Biha and ALL the kids.



    Hmm, funny that you say that, since I'm pretty sure I got it around the Gullet and I highly suspected the Orron interaction...

  4. I can confirm this happens to me as well on latest build + all DLC.

    You double click to split a stack, select an amount, and the item in the first slot of the ship's inventory gets selected.

    The way around it is the move to item you want to split to the first slot in the inventory. There isn't a way around it at the moment that I can see.

    Happens always.

    I can add a savefile later when home :)

  5. Can't find a specific cause. All I know that twice I crashed while quick loading at sea.

    Once during the conversation with Captain Furrante, and second time while I was on the ship after the scripted interaction with the gods, that happens after I started sailing toward Neketaka for the first time.

    Those crushes also don't seem to be creating dumps!

    And I'm having difficulties capturing the error massage since I can't see it clearly until all dies. I think it's a runtime crash though.

  6. After the scripted interaction with the pillar, conversation didn't start with companions (Eder and Xoti).

    My first playthough, didn't even know it was suppose to happen. All I saw when the scripted interaction was over, was a text on the log saying I wake up to someone bracing me with a hand on the back, which suggested a conversation should happen.

    At this point saving was also grayed out, until I exited the arena. Loading and doing the scripted interaction again resulted in the same behavior.


    I changed about loading that savegame again after exiting the game and restarting it at a later time. Now when I did the scripted interaction, the companion conversation started afterwards, and saving was possible when it was all over.


    I tried reproducing the glitch but didn't manage. It's always working now.


    Did anyone else experience something like that?


    Game version is 2.0 with all available DLC.

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