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Skie Nightfall

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Posts posted by Skie Nightfall

  1. ****! Does this confirms physical copies are DRM free too then?

    That means I'm gonna up my pledge <.<

    Obsidz has already said that you get to choose between STEAM or no for the hard copy. I'm going for STEAM, but you won't be forced to do so. In fact, I'm going to look for it now.


    EDIT: here you go! :Cant's cheerful smile icon:




    Thanks! Awesome!

  2. I like the Vancian system but it needs a lot of lore around it to fit a setting (e.g. I liked how it was explained in the DragonLance novels).

    Regardless of how much I like it, it fails in computer games, because there's no place for most spells at all. Even a lot of spells that did make it to BG2 are useless (BG1 was small scale anyway). Most use was combat oriented spells.


    This brings me to another point, no matter what magic system they end up using, I hope they but general and toolkit spells in and have a use to them! Really, I think the Quest for Glory series had the best variety of useful magic.


    A Mana system could work, in my opinion, if it doesn't regenerates. Combine it with the elements from Vancian, that you'd have to rest to recover your "mana". It also doesn't have to recover fully! It should be like health, making you think carefully about how you use it, without having to memorize specific spells.


    A systems like ad&d sorcerer could also work. Having a certain amount of spells you can cast from each "power level".

  3. It kinda sounds the exact opposite of RP, so the topic is wrong.

    A warrior shouldn't care how is armor looks but how good it is in keeping us alive. That's roleplaying a warrior.

    "Roleplaying" your ugly armor is beautiful doesn't sound so valid to me.


    (Indifferent toward the idea itself, but at least make your point valid)

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