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Everything posted by Aristes

  1. I think mkreku's post was kind of poking fun at the leet one. Otherwise, we'd have to take his point as this one guy is fat. This one guy plays football. Therefore all football players are fat. That's just silly, though, so he couldn't have meant it that way.
  2. If I liked fish and chips more, I think I would have enjoyed it quite a bit. I met a friend there, a displaced Aussie, who explained to me how the English fish is inferior to Australian fish. Of course, this same fellow, meeting me in the US, told me how bad American coffee is. It actually was more funny than offensive, I assure you.
  3. What in holy hell are you talkin' 'bout, Walsh? Good Lord, man! I mean, the kid looks like a sweetie, but I know kids. You love 'em, but they still drive you batty. ...And they get in moods! Still, having the gaming system in your ride has to help keep the kid preoccupied during boring parts of the trip.
  4. We're making a trip to Mesquite soon. We want to hit the Shakespeare festival in Utah and my Birthday is coming up so my family wants to do some sort of dreadful 40 over the hill thing, I'm sure. ...But I don't think we're going to have as much fun on our week and half trip as you're clearly having in your home on wheels. The kid looks real cute grinding the cornmeal. Good stuff, man! Did she have enough to make a tortilla?
  5. England is great as long as you don't intend to eat. haha Seriously, though, I was not impressed by the food there. Except English breakfasts, of course. Mind, you're risking your health eating one, as each has a 50/50 chance of causing a heart attack because of all the fatty foods, but it's still good stuff! I've only been the England in Europe, so I can't really comment. If you head to Asia or the US, I have a lot of places I can suggest! Oh, and London is a metropolitan city, so you can find good food there, if somewhat on the expensive side. If you head to London, see the Elgin Marbles. I'll be visiting France at the end of this year/early next year, though, so let me know if there's any place specifically I should see.
  6. Take a leaf out of my book. I've never gone gonzo in a thread and flamed away at folks. ...And internet violence scares me. That's why I don't play Mafia wars. ...And also, when will we get news? WHEN?!
  7. I agree that this is actually a great sign. I think Witcher did it well and it seems that Dragon Age is putting their own twist on it. While I liked Witcher, I'm hoping for more interesting combat with better controls. To be clear, I despise the pathing and clunky movement and controls in Witcher. The game was wonderful, but that really detracted from my experience. If DA gives us a chance to see consequences unfold throughout the game, and not just in immediate consequences, I'll be quite happy.
  8. And overthinking exactly how realistic we want it to be. Sure, some grognard might want total fidelity, but I want a fun game. They apparently took it a direction with a little more camp, but I think that was good.
  9. This is what I want to know! I can't find my old disks, but I would love to play the games again. Hell, I can't even find PS:T and it's my fave.
  10. There are avenues of conversation in PS:T that essentially ensure Dak'kon's loyalty that transcend 'magic.' In fact, in terms of loyalty or sexual drive, the 'romances' in PS:T make the most sense to me personally. The sexual tension between Annah and The Nameless One are just that... sexual tensions, not full fledged romantic feelings. You can try to work from there if you want. The relationship between Morte and TNO is truly complex depending on how you interact with him. He has some guilt, as Enoch says, but you can also bolster him and befriend him from your part. I remember one line where he's forced to explain the notes you've left yourself warning not to trust the skull. He says something to the effect of, "you weren't like you are now." Dak'kon, if you finish the entire rings line and then teach him, swear complete loyalty to you in a way that is genuine that it is my favorite moment in any CRPG I've ever played. People talk about philosophy and navel gazing, but it is clear to me that the reason most fans hold PS:T in such esteem is due to the interaction between the PC and NPCs. Also, PS:T doesn't have a romance as such. I can think of very few game romances I have not outright despised. They are not only hasty and forced, but have no relevance to the actual game. Hell, the romance with Deionarra is the most genuine of the romances I've seen in a CRPG, and she's a ****ing ghost. At any rate, Enoch makes the point about sexuality (as opposed to romance) in the spy setting. On that level, I can accept it because, like a lot of things 'James Bond,' it's really tongue in cheek in the first place.
  11. hahaha That's great. I might pick this one up.
  12. Translation: Will I get to see a half-second of naked ass-cheek? (Editorial comment: The idea that either the ME or KotOR "romances" were at all "deep," or even worthy of the name "romances" is pretty laughable. Call it what it is-- they threw some sex into the game for titillation and fan-service purposes. Obsidian is essentially doing the same with AP, but I'm a bit less hostile to it, because the idea of one-off disposable "conquests" with no discernible "romance" is so ingrained in Bond films/books that establish much of the audience's expectations for the genre. Criticizing a Bond-inspired film/book/game for having sexual content absent well developed romantic plotlines is a bit like criticizing an AC/DC album for being to loud and vulgar.) I agree with this post completely.
  13. Well, then, I want to drive around in a wheat thresher criting the crap out of everything. Good Lord!
  14. Hey, good luck with the proposal, KQD. Hell, forget the family. We want to be there. Do you think they'd be suspicious if you put up a webcam on the chandelier?
  15. I don't have time to play a second MMORPG, otherwise it would be LotRO. However, I really did enjoy CoH. I'm starting to grow weary of WoW, but I just don't see being able to switch any time soon.
  16. Oh, my bad then. Not bad at all. In fact, that made me think that I could probably play through the harder settings to see something different in 1. I liked it, but not enough to grind through twice more. 2 I liked well enough to do that.
  17. Iirc . I'll have to do that, bhlaab. I guess it's like Painkiller. No saves on hardest difficulty probably. *grrr* No, Oner, you're thinking of the first one. In 2, I guess I'm playing Max Payne 2 again. Luckily, I thought it was an awesome game.
  18. Oh, I don't know. Basketball is an American sport as well and they're a pretty lean bunch. Football players might look fat, but they're extremely conditioned and they can take a huge amount of punishment. Hell, even baseball players can't be fat playing in most positions. However, I can't be snarky with you, bro. I find baseball boring as hell. Except when I watch it with my dad. Then it's cool just to shoot the breeze with the ol' guy!
  19. I finished Max Payne 2 earlier. Depressing, but quite impressive. Yeah, I can see where the style might not be for everyone. However, within that style, it was absolutely splendid. The voice acting was excellent, which is a rare thing in my experience. The graphics still look good to me some years after release. The Music was wonderful and fit the game perfectly. The story was damned depressing, but that was also good. It's a nice dark game for introspection. Balance it out with Farmville on Facebook and you've got a fun time that doesn't make you feel like adding holes to the back of your head with a shotgun.
  20. Err... has it? Can you give a few examples so we know what you're referring to specifically, and what standards are you measuring against? There were parts of Fallout 3 that really stood out to this DC-area resident. The Metro stations, the Capitol, Dupont Circle, and the National Archives were particularly impressive. I was on the lookout for ghouls on my commute for weeks. That's a good example, and what I'd like to see for FO:NV, but if there really is just one mansion for the Taipei run, it doesn't make sense. There's a good chance that folks would complain that it looked like any western location. Sometimes realistic doesn't look authentic to folks. Now, if it took place in a large portion of the city, they could really try to capture the feel for the player, but I don't think it's worth the risk on such a small scale, you know? I'm not unsympathetic, just sceptical.
  21. I think the point is, google map for Alpha Protocol sounds pretty stupid. Sorry, my sympathies only extend so far. If we've got a very narrow slice of territory in Taipei, it's stupid to do anything more than give it an authentic Asian feel, even if it isn't authentic. Authentic locations only mean something if 1. The player knows the area well enough to tell the difference and 2. cares. If a sufficient number of people don't care, then it's not worth it to research and implement. I mean, sure, I would appreciate it, but I also know that there are several areas of Las Vegas that, seen in isolation, would not look like the 'real' Las Vegas to most players. Half of them would complain that the locations don't look 'realistic' for Las Vegas. What would it then benefit the design team to implement that sort of level design?
  22. Well, if the Old Ones come, at least we'll be driven out of our ever lovin' gourdes and it won't matter by the time we bite it.
  23. Actually, I really do plan on buying some. You know I'm a steam fan.
  24. *sigh* No, Alan, I suppose they didn't really come out and say they were producing a new game. I still think the rereleasing of old games on STEAM is perhaps a bit much for the hype engendered in such a short time in this thread. So, you get a TOMBS point for catching the error. Yay. I still think it's funny.
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