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Everything posted by Aristes

  1. Damn it, I meant to put the zombie invasion as it's own category. Too late to modify the poll now. Instead, it's either other or stuck with some stinkin' mutated animals.
  2. I've had massive sanity failures twice and shot myself with the shotgun once. Good times. That's straight out of CoC, though.
  3. Yeah, I did get past that part. I mentioned how I did it on the last page, but to recap, the island never zoomed in and the lights never appeared. So I shot randomly, but no go. Then I looked up some screen shots and they didn't help. Then I looked up the youtube video and, after several more tries, I got it. The controls on the bloody gun are terrible! This was much worse than the bookcase that I could never move by pushing it forward and only managed to work around by facing the opposite direction and pushing with my back so my game didn't crash. Yeah, that one only took me an hour to figure out. Forget the bugs. Some of the design decisions on Dark Corners are insane. By that, I mean gibbering while drooling on your shirt insane. Nevertheless, I'm absolutely amazed at how well they managed to capture Lovecraft's setting. It leaves me jonsin' for more. I'll probably finish it tonight sometime. I'm on Devil's Reef and it really feels like things are coming to a head.
  4. Yes, that's how the world ends!
  5. "john doesn't know what that means, so he gets to ride it out till he understands." Is this a predetermined position on your part, or are you open to his continuing to stay a member if he decides that he has reverence to a higher power. Just curious.
  6. I'm in Devil's Reef in my Cthulhu run.
  7. Okay, hows this for a cheesy ****ing work around? I had thought to try to hit things randomly, but it didn't work. I looked around and found a some screen shots of where the gun was pointing, but they were so terrible it didn't do me any good. Then, I watched a youtube video someone had done. I managed to hit the three assbite mages blind to get through the area. What a crock.
  8. I might make a copy of my saved game, install the game over on my wife's computer, play past the glitch on her XP system, and then switch it back to my own. Really have to say this sucks, though.
  9. Not to go any more off topic, but it's at the boat. Apparently, it's my Vista 64 that's preventing me from finishing Dangerous Voyage. As far as NV goes, hopefully they can fix all the minor glitches I've seen and apparently the ugly ones that others have had also. I only had a few ctds, and I've come to expect them over the years. You would think that the next game using the same engine should have some improvement in stability though. Wouldn't you?
  10. I was lucky on that one. By and large very stable for me. I wish that Call of Cthulu Dark Corners of the Earth didn't have a game ending bug on my system, though.
  11. It's probably easier to collaborate with Bethesda if they stick to Gamebryo. I think the FO system is fine if they made some improvements. Anything they do to VATS will probabably be an improvement. Doing something with skills and skill points would be very nice. I thought the mini-games were okay, even if I'm not a big fan of mini-games in general. Altogether, I'm not unhappy with FO3 engine. The area with room for radical change isn't in the game engine/ruleset. If there are substantial tweaks to get the most out of the engine, then Obsidian has the chance to make the story shine. That's what I want to see.
  12. I don't even have anything against them using the Onyx engine. I'd just be surprised if they wanted to change that much. Even if it's not hard coded, it's still easier to use something with everything set than to start plugging in different numbers. I don't know how it would work, but it seems it would require at least some effort.
  13. Well, here's the sucky part. I'm at the place where you use the ships gun to kill people on the beach. Sadly, there are no people on the beach. According to what I've found on the 'net, there is no way past this without downloading a saved game. Since I don't want to download someone else's saved game, I guess I won't finish Dark Corners. I'm going to try monkeying around with the resolution and anti-aliasing later just to see what I can do.
  14. You know, insult to my intelligence aside, I do not take for granted that changing the entire system to adequately take advantage of the SPECIAL system is the same thing as "taking a blank notebook and functioning pen" and writing in different languages. For one thing, I would assume they'd have to take extra time to put in all the skills and attributes, which is certainly something that I don't have to do when I pick up a pen and notebook to write something.
  15. Is Onyx set to use the SPECIAL system?
  16. I remember Heretic fondly. I'm at the Esoteric Order of Dagon right now. I'm a tad confused as to what to do next, but I've rarely had to look at the online guide so far. Very frustrating in places, but after you realize that's the design, soon after you run for life in the hotel, it's not so bad.
  17. It always involves you, Llyranor. You are the root of all internet evil. My take is... I don't think this will be significant. Bioware will still put out it's own games. It might mean some more tinkering with the ToR, but I don't have much interest in that personally.
  18. hahaha Good Lord. Bio-butthurt. That's funny. I don't know. There are several folks who seem to be anti-Dragon Age, but most of them even say they plan on buying it at release. I don't plan on buying it straightaway, but I will buy it as soon as I get some good word from my fellow forum monkeys.
  19. Oh, it's an Aristes' thing. Any exchange of ideas must be an argument. haha Anyhow, this has served to whet my appetite for DA. Strange, almost the exact same thing happened with FO3. I read Killian's report and then I saw that Hell Kitty liked it. I had been tepid on the title before that and then figured I'd give it a shot. I'm very glad indeed.
  20. I get the feeling that we're arguing two different sides, MC, and I don't want that at all. It's not that I refuse to argue with folks, and I'd be a liar if I said I never did. It's just that you needn't defend DA to me. I'm clearly not as much of a Bioware fan as some folks in this thread, but I do enjoy many of their games and have owned a majority of them. Since you brought up Fallout 3, I like it even though I didn't agree with specific design decisions and I suspect the same will be true for DA. I don't have to get my way in every way. I just want something I can sit back and enjoy. If DA provides that, it won't really matter what I theoretically want or don't want before I play it. Since I'm going the campfire singing and holding hands route, I will add that I tend to listen to most folks generally when considering purchases. I also read your opinions regarding games carefully as well. Take from that what you will.
  21. Hey, I'd rather not have elves. I like 'em well enough. I just think it would be refreshing to have a fantasy game without them. ...But I'm actually leaning a little towards getting the game. Probably not on release, but it really helps to get my disappointments out of the way early. That way, I go in knowing what I'm getting and it usually makes me very happy with what I get. haha
  22. I've been playing Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth. I actually like it quite a bit, even if it is unpolished and has some dreadful design decisions. I'll probably write a little review about it when I'm done for the hell of it.
  23. Hey, put that camera to use and take a pic of your garden, LC. We wants to see the pretty flowers. Did you ever play Fallout, leet person? Walsh has been dipped and so he'll outlive us all. Mad as a hatter, but his singing voice has deepened.
  24. I might say Blizzard had something to worry about with ToR, but having tried to play Warhammer Online, I don't think WoW is going to be squeezed out of the market. Of course, Mythic might have learned from the past. You never know. EA certainly has the money to throw into making an MMORPG. Let's just see if Bio/Mythic has the expertise to take advantage of all that cash.
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