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Everything posted by Aristes

  1. I don't care what you guys say, I don't want called shots to the groin!
  2. I'll be sure to watch Wonder Woman, KQD. You make a good argument. Anyhow, we just got done watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. As far as the books go, they're not a bad read. Yeah, yeah. I can think of a lot of books that are either technically superior or simply more enjoyable, but the Potter books are a fun read. The movies generally suck, tho. I mean, the first two sucked. The third one had some good moments. I skipped the next two and I was actually impressed with the latest one.
  3. I'm interested in the Green Lantern movie, not so much Wonderwoman. The wife watched Miss Petigrew Lives for a Day. I endured it. Actually wasn't completely terrible. Just not my cuppa.
  4. I'm a complete square. I always buy copies of stuff and whatnot. What a sucker I am. I know a lot of folks who are more creative in that regard than I am.
  5. I know someone who got a hold of a bootlegged copy of the latest X-man movie before it hit the theaters. The swine! I don't think he single handedly brought down the gross for it, though. You bad, bad man, KQD!
  6. Frankly, I'm just confused as to the point. If the point is that WoW has a combat system you don't like, no biggie. Different strokes for different folks. If the idea is that KotOR has more complicated combat, then you're nuts. It's simply laughable. ...But I don't want to make assumptions about your point.
  7. I almost never preorder stuff these days. However, if I'm sure I'll get the title, I'm still open to the idea. On the other hand, I don't give a crap about the goodies. I'm sure the QA guys have played the game without the special items and finished. If they can, I can. HA! ...And someone going hogwild over the preorder bennies is nuts. Go breath into a paper bag for 30 seconds before you pass out.
  8. That's just disgusting, HK! Ewwww
  9. Jackass! Wow, you've got to be kidding me. Jackass isn't filtered? Go figure.
  10. doofus, I thought it was kind of a funny post also.
  11. Well, post the damned pictures already, LC!
  12. So what? Good Lord, who cares about the word? All sorts of words are in that list! I mean, if it's trivial and so it shouldn't be in the list, then it's trivial and we shouldn't care. haha Maybe I'm just tired, but I can't figure out for the life of me what any of this has to do with some jerkoff drugie with a bunch of explosives. This is what happens when you make a poll out of a rhetorical question. And, for the record, I've always thought that **** was as vulgar as **** or ****. Why is it that bastard and bitch are okay but **** is a nono? Come to think of it, if we don't blame Gorth for actually acting like a moderator, that's probably a better topic anyhow. I mean, truly bad words have to come from some sort of taboo, be it reverence or religion or bodily functions or some such. We can say turd but not ****. Since we have to be able to discuss the issue, feces is okay. We can tell someone on the board, "You're a mother copulating piece of feces!" ...And turd was a perfectly legitimate word that probably comes through old English and folks look down on the use but it's lost it's taboo. Now it's just kind of comical. I don't like using the word, "pee." My wife thinks that's funny. I explained that I don't find it offensive so much as it just always smacks me as a childish word. Why? It's not like it's a bad word or that it's child speak. In fact, most people probably use it, but I always say "urinate." My wife and I have actually argued about it, not because she thinks it's funny, but because she comments on it all the time because she thinks it's funny. So, one time she starts to giggle and says "pee! pee! pee!" I'm irritated, so I say, "I'd rather you said you had to take a whiz, a leak, or a piss or even go behind a tree and empty your bladder!" On second thought, is "piss" in the filter, because I know it used to be taboo. Why does pee get the nod while piss gets the shaft? Hell, pee is one letter shorter than piss. I remember on the old Interplay boards Josan changed the filter so wtf? was replaced by 'love thy neighbor!' That was kind of funny, I have to admit.
  13. heh I've never even thought of it. Maybe I'll give that a shot. Everyone's into MMORPGs these days, but we used to love Civ and Diablo and the like on the LAN.
  14. Back in the day, I loved LAN play. I remember one time we had 8 computers hooked up to the LAN and it was a blast. It's not that I don't understand the depth of feeling, it's just that LANning really isn't an option for me anymore. I only have a few of my computer gaming friends nearby and even though it's only 15 minutes between houses, it's still easier to hook up over the internet. It's hard for me to feel irate over something that doesn't hit me personally. Even if it did, I would probably mention the fact maybe once here and then just pass on the game. ...But I do understand that this is a perfectly reasonable place to bitch about the news, so I'm not casting stones.
  15. Aristes


    Hey, I love it and I'm Catholic. Talk about a group he pretty much mangles in the poem!
  16. Personally, I'm not worried about breaking setting. I just don't want it to establish setting, either. If, as jjc says, they just want to have an empty palette for painting... wait... I guess I mean canvas. Anyhow, as long as they're leaving stuff open to use or not use as the various designers see fit, I'm fine. I just don't want to leave the post apocalyptic setting to move into alien warfare. I've been a fan of Fallout 3, and I might enjoy the alien game, but I don't really want Fallout to become centered on what was essentially a trivial element in the first two games. Now, I won't cry and lament it, but, as a gamer, I'm still going to come here and give my two cents, especially in light of what I'd like to see for Fallout: New Vegas.
  17. Aristes


    I'm rereading Paradise Lost. Alas, I always forget how boring the heavenly parts are. Now, while I don't agree with folks who say that Satan is the hero of the piece, I have to admit that he does keep the story moving! haha Seriously, though, the devils do come across as heroic even if they are clearly the bad guys. The same is true of the Divine Comedy. Hell is the most interesting place in the piece. However, you've got to remember that the primary purpose of both works is didactic. Sure, they're entertainment, but the essential goal of both authors is to teach.
  18. Eeeewwwww I mean, I'll be buying it also, but they're not sticking their hands, probes, or other apperati anywhere near my cavities. These threads always kind of make me chuckle. I mean, every time a developer or publisher announces anything of this sort, folks go hogwild waving the boycott stick. Sometimes, I agree, although I always thought the most effective boycott was the silent decision not to buy the game. I know I was virtually certain to buy Hellgate: London before folks mentioned how the loot system would work as pay per DLC. I simply didn't buy the game and still haven't even when I've seen it in the bargain bin. I don't mind folks coming here to complain, but the LAN thing is trivial to me personally. While I feel folks pain in a 'brotherhood of man' sort of way, I certainly won't join a boycott when the vast majority of my gaming with friends over the past several years has been impossible without internet gaming. Even before folks started moving away, we were already getting to the point where it was more convenient to play when we wanted over an internet connection.
  19. Hey, jerks, name songs amidst your damned cynical carping crap! Hey -- Pixies And I like the Beatles, Aerosmith, and Metalica. At least some of their songs. I must admit that I don't really know much about Radiohead. I wikied their music, but didn't recognize anything by name. ...And I love to hear about new music. Have some great tunes I've added to my library that way!
  20. I'm not a fan of the mother****er zeta, but I don't care that much as long as the other games aren't forced to assume that it happened.
  21. Yeah, but that's just a reasonable difference between folks who've lived their lives in different places. You're more used to and partial to New York and I'm more partial to Las Vegas. Both are probably over-rated. For example, Las Vegas is a real playground for some folks. Now, to be honest, if you don't drink, smoke, gamble or carry out some sort of excessive sort of behavior, I think the typical out of towner experience in Las Vegas is not for you. However, I know a lot of folks who just LOVE Vegas. I'm not an out of towner, though. I mean, I no longer live there, but I'm essentially a local. Yeah, I go to the strip from time to time because some of the buffets are awesome. I've rarely gone to shows in Vegas. I never go just to gamble, but then again I rarely give a damn about the typical sorts of things that people want to see when they go to Vegas. The idea that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas doesn't appeal to me since it's not true for me in the first place and it wouldn't matter if it were true because I don't want to do stupid crap that the folks in Vegas remember. New York, for me, is crowded, difficult to navigate, and not very friendly. Of course, New York has gotten a friendlier reputation over the past several years and they seem to have gotten a handle on the crime, so that could be different. Both cities have strengths and weaknesses, but I would suggest that finding good lodgings with access to a lot of unique shows is cheaper and easier in Las Vegas than New York, but I have to admit that the price for food has also gone up. Used to be you were sure to find the best prices for steak dinners and the like on the strip, but the quality of the food has increased significantly and the price for it has kept pace or increased faster. Still, Las Vegas is what it is. For me, Las Vegas is family and friends. ...And what I love is the outlying area at any rate. I love Red Rock, Lake Mead, Valley of Fire, and the desert. God, I hate the damned heat, but I love the desert. I love it enough to grill for hours out in Valley of Fire. Don't know why it's that way, but it is.
  22. Well, I'm a lazy stalker and I was going off of a distant memory.
  23. New York is quite over-rated. However, it really is a monumentally important city. I've always been partial to the desert, but that's because I was born there, I guess. I tend to go to Henderson or Vegas to visit various family. I'm not much for the strip and I gamble very rarely. I don't have any problem with it in principle. I just don't want to risk my money unless I know I'm going to get it back. Since that defies the definition of risk, I simply don't gamble. When I used to drink a lot more, I would gamble and get free drinks. Most of the time, the gambling covered my drinks and occassionaly I'd end up ahead to boot.
  24. Yeah, I was going to lure you into my van and have my way with you, you yutz! I should really grief you more often and give Calax a rest.
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