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Everything posted by Aristes

  1. I have to admit, I laughed out loud.
  2. Wrong 'the man.' I'm like the awesome man, not the fuzz. Anyhow, I've had to tweak my garage door over the years, change out springs on the old one, which is a bitch to do, I assure you. Nothing like owning a house to encourage you to learn how to fix things.
  3. Yes, it was the remote, but it wasn't really broken. I just needed to reset it. Just press the buttons in the right order and you're good. The irony is she wasn't there when water got in the sensor and screwed it up. I had to take it off the mount, open it, let the water out, put it on the back patio to dry, then remount it. That was a pain, at least for someone who is self taught all of his home repairs.
  4. I remembered that strength affected weapon choices in Fallout, but I forgot how dramatic an impact it has. So, my three strength character doesn't have weapons worth a damn yet. Soon, however, I will luck into that alien blaster and then I won't give a crap about my low strength. Either that or I'll get some power armor.
  5. I fixed my garage door opener. My wife said to me, "you the man." Talk about language changing. She would not have said that before World of Warcraft. I mean, she was kind of joking, but still. (About using that phrase. I am, in reality, a man. Perhaps the man.)
  6. I do think folks are insensitive, but it's also tough to know when you can blab and when you can't. I think Oerwinde has a point. Folks were super careful about the book for a while after it came out, but then they became more careless over time and an increasing number of their friends had read the book. The movie comes out and a lot of folks erroneously assume that everyone interested in the movie has previously read the book. Oops. Still sucks, but it was probably not intentional. Just some poor bloke who figured everyone had read the book.
  7. They just don't make them like they used to I've got an old Commodore Amiga with a 100Mb Seagate harddrive. 15 years later, the drive still runs without any hiccups. One of my wife's friends bought a 500GB HDD without checking to see if she had ata. She didn't and so I have it now. I feel bad that she wasted the money, but I won't look a give drive in the mouth. I just need to figure out if I want to use it for my primary drive or just have the extra storage there. it's not as fast as what I have now, though.
  8. Okay, I'm playing Fallout again after at least three or four years. I'm trying something new in maxing the Luck stat. So, unlike most other games where my character could either fast talk or kill the raiders to get Tandi out of danger, I approached figuring for a tough row to hoe. I'd forgotten that I could just simply pay them off, look at what gear I'd take when I came back with better weapons, and left. Now I'm in junktown getting that better gear. Time to head back to the raiders camp and have more extensive talks with them. Oh, and I've got Ian in my party and he only has a pistol. I'm thinking of giving him the smg. It's been so long since I've had Ian go burst on somebody while I'm standing next to the target, I have to relive the experience.
  9. We watched Seven Pounds today with Will Smith. His career is uneven, but he is an excellent actor. The Seven Pounds reviews I'd read were overall quite tepid on the title, but I thought it was a great film. I will buy it. Certainly much better than Last Chance Harvy, which didn't deserve the chance I gave it. I thought Knowing had some eye-rolling moments, but I was actually impressed with both Cage's performance and the idea that The alienesque angels were a bit off-putting to me, as was the very last scene. I think the movie really should have gone more into the central idea of knowing, but it didn't. For a lot of reasons, I think the movie missed the boat for both the agnostic and the relgious crowds. Too bad.
  10. Yeah, otherwise I'm going to test the concept by painting a tatoo of a cat cleaning her own liter box on the side of my cat and see if that works in real life.
  11. The pocket plane was cool, but the camp idea is certainly workable. I always play a mage in at least one of my runs in every game, and I think mages get the shaft a lot, so I'm all for a mage heavy game. WooT!
  12. Alls I know is that for $5.99, I'm happy to use GoG. I would gladly get all the IE games there if I could. I'm hoping with you, Syraxis.
  13. I'm currently at the beginning of a new Fallout game. This time it's an uber luck build so I can get as many randoms as possible.
  14. And, with that, I have decided it is a good service. Currently, I'm downloading Fallout 2. Fallout 1 worked well enough to get out of the cave, go to the raider camp, and hit vault 15. All's good. Mods, if you're feeling a question asked/answered itch on your thread closing finger, I won't hold a grudge.
  15. We watched Last Chance Harvy. Basically a boring but otherwise inoffensive movie.
  16. Yeah, but what things, Gorth? What thing?!
  17. hahaha Very good, Oner. Many thanks. I just figured you guys would know the real link for sure and I wouldn't end up going to the wrong place and ending up with some Trojan horse or whatnot. I'm ordering Fallout e'en as we speak. If all goes well, then Fallout 2 will be in order.
  18. Oh. Well. I almost joined the church of Torment, but I got married instead. It amounts to the same thing. hahahaha Ahem, the wife is come over here. Gotta go.
  19. How the hell is someone 'stronger' not taking their medicine for bi-polar disorder. What the hell?
  20. Damn you all! I forgot I tried to post this. I tried it and then Obsidian went gonzo. I just wanted a link, you rat bastards. Get to crackin'! If I get a link to manga, I'm coming after you! *glares at Kaftan*
  21. Good Lord, ~Di, that made me sad just reading it. I thought you blacked it out because it was a spoiler, not to save us from depression.
  22. Cult is a dirty word because we make it so. In fact, the primary definition is not pejorative in any way. However, many religious folks use it as a way to attact the legitimacy of other faiths. In that regard we have sullied a perfectly fine word and made it into something distasteful at best or even evil at the worst. However, 'cult' has the same roots as 'culture' and 'cultivate,' and it is in no way a bad thing. So I am in no way insulted by being named as part of a cult. *nods at Deadly.* I take no offense at all. I've also had conversations via PM with one of the mods here who shall remain nameless. *nods at Gorth* He flat out asked me why I am Catholic and my first response is, "probably because I was raised to be Catholic." How is that for a candid response? haha ...But, I would not still be Catholic if I did not evaluate that faith and find truth in it. That's why folks have the faith they have. They find some truth in it. For that reason, I don't have hostility towards Scientology, although it does seem strange to me. I've just known too many good folks with strange views that have been good friends to me. Hell, I think Mormon beliefs are strange, and yet the ones I've known best have all been good decent people. I don't want to throw stones at Scientologist for fear that stone will hit a glass wall on my side of the line. However, I don't really know much about Scientology. I do think that religions should work for the benefit not only of the faithful, but of society as a whole. If Scientology is based on truly and demonstrably destructive beliefs, human sacrifice for example, then I would regretfully agree with banning it and treating it as an enemy to the state.
  23. Sounds cool, gfted. We went to the San Diego wild life preserve a while back, which is oddly not in San Diego. Maybe the county though. That looked sweet. I'll think of that while I'm having lunch with the inlaws today.
  24. Yeah, but I never think of us as vile. Maybe insane every now and then. Certainly mind-boggling strange from time to time. Not vile, though. I don't know. If AT&T just up and decided to do something to 4chan out of a desire to censor, I have less sympathy for them simply because I agree with the idea of a free and open internet. On the other hand, 4chan going after specific individuals for the fun of it?
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