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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Nobody every said that... Especially not me. You ever hear the term apples and oranges. I'm confused. Did anyone say that you said that? I downloaded the demo this weekend (for ArmA 2) but was too distracted by Empire Total War so I didn't play it hahahaa. I being quoted out of context, Hell Kitty is trying to start some inane rumour.
  2. Nobody every said that... Especially not me. You ever hear the term apples and oranges.
  3. I'm going to say this one time. PC code is often extremely sloppy, hence the requirement for more and more resources. I spent enough time speaking with the guys who ported HL2 to PS3 to realise that PC -> Console ain't a very good option. Porting code from a console to a PC isn't a trivial task, you'd think it would be, but actually the environment is vastly different, device/driver layer hell on PC. You'll always get the next big thing in GFX's on a PC, but you won't ever get the same kind of polished experiences on PC. PC game development budgets tend to be alot lower. Then you have piracy... Etc... The list goes on, in short it's not a very attractive platform to develop for when the budgets for games are what they currently are, which is in the millions. I don't recall hearing of many if any PC exclusives that aren't MMO's in the past few years with budgets in the region of $40 million. Lots of console games do have that, and that money, most of the time used wisely by a team, does ensure quality.
  4. I didnt mean a machine SPECIFICALLY for Call of Duty, more that a monster rig costs a packet, and what am I going to do with all that horse power? Play Crysis? Play the next latest and greatest FPS? Or I could just buy CoD run at 60FPS etc... etc... Don't worry, I'm sure the PC will start to shine again soon, just right now, no point.
  5. Better be a 720p TV, cause console games look like **** scaled up to 1080p. I use my 360 with my 1920x1200 monitor and its just a big smudgy with varying degrees of grain. GTA4 looks so ugly that its almost unplayable. It's 1080p. It genuinely also depends upon what you're playing. GTA 4 just looks plain ugly period. You'll not find me arguing that a console can produce high quality visuals at the same resolution as a PC. GFX horsepower isn't everything, if I'm playing COD I'm still running at 60 FPS, sure it could look better if I was playing it on a PC, but I frankly don't want to shell out
  6. I still don't understand why people use this as an argument. There's nothing stopping you from using the TV as your monitor and using the 360 wireless controller if you can't use KB/M on the couch/whatever you sit on. The problem is the setup. The living room is not a work area. The 50" may be great for gaming, but it's not a work monitor. I don't know anyone that would be willing to drag a full tower around just to use the big ass TV for gaming. It's possible, but it's not convenient. Comparing a 19" monitor to a 50" plasma still isn't fair. A $1000+ TV versus $100-300 monitor? When you start tossing in comparable display set-ups, PC gaming can get quite expensive compared to console gaming, but I still wouldn't trade my dual screen solution for a larger single screen. Oh I have a dual screen solution all day, and at home... and a laptop I could easily hook up to the TV, I just don't see the point, I'm not getting anything extra anymore.
  7. I still don't understand why people use this as an argument. There's nothing stopping you from using the TV as your monitor and using the 360 wireless controller if you can't use KB/M on the couch/whatever you sit on. The TV isn't an arguement, I just really have no interest in anything that has been released on PC at all. It's been over a year nearly since anything has been released that has been a PC exclusive that I am interested in. It was more that I haven't even entertained the IDEA of playing Shift on a PC. I don't specifically know why, but for some reason I prefer playing games on consoles, and I was certainly a PC fanatic for oh, atleast 15 years. I can't think of a game that is coming out in the future that is PC only, and interests me. My PC pretty much acts as a file server unless I'm playing something like Fallout or BG or NWN's etc...
  8. I never thought I'd say this, but I don't even bother with PC games anymore, well unless they're some kinda PC only thing like SOZ. :| Seems that developer life has degenerated me down to the level of a console tard and I'm no longer worthy of being a member of the PC master race! OR MAYBE JUST MAYBE! I have a 50" Plasma TV and my 19" monitor can't compete.
  9. The sad part is that I think they were trying to make the driving in GTA4 realistic. Edit: Emphasized the wrong word. Indeed, I think they were.
  10. Sounds like someone has been driving the Ford GT with the default setup You lose out on a lot of input when using a joypad, when a car is about to lose traction and lift off the ground, you can feel it wobble in the wheel, but with a pad it looks like everything is fine until you suddenly shoot off the road. When it comes to arcade driving, I like it more when its really not even trying to be realistic like GTA4 or Saints Row :D Played it with a wheel on the XBox as well as with a pad on PS3. I've given it a fair crack.
  11. You're just jealous because they made a game that both looks good, and has real car physics, unlike Dirt Shift just isn't fun, and it's certainly NOT a good looking game, with real car physics. This is a proposterious claim which isn't founded in reality Kaften, the cornering tries to act like an arcade game while the breaking tries to be sim-like. It's just a bit bland and broken. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with any other product. I went and picked up NFS : Shift expecting something that was fun, but instead all I have is a poor man's forza. The fun factor is none existant and frankly when I look at a racer I want fun first and foremost. Shift is in my opinion exactly what I said it is, tasteless, without style, and void of passion. Too many steps away from being a simulator, and too many steps away from being arcade fun, so frankly I don't see where it fits in the market at all. To top it off the game is also far far too easy. Is it better than all the recent NFS titles, you're damn right it is, but does it come out as a shining example of a racing game? Not really, it's a bit lackluster. Eurogamer (Strangely enough) echo's a very similar opinion of shift as I do, and if you look at the metacritic, you will find that after all the reviews are in it ranks below ALL said competitors. See NFS : Shift is a good effort, it's simply that there are better racing games available at the moment, and with Forza 3 and GT 5 due out soon, it genuinely is a waste of money if you want a simulator style racer, there are also far better arcade racers on the market.
  12. I shalle quote myself on this one because I reckon I nailed it. "A racing game for those without taste, style, and passion. NFS : Shift is as easy as it is bland."
  13. Picked up NFS : Shift, I'm not that impressed, visually it looks bland, and it plays like a bag of spanners. A racing game for those without taste, style, and passion. NFS : Shift is as easy as it is bland.
  14. You know what? I think you're saying that because you dont think being a magician is a real career. Well, let me tell you buddy, it is! You wouldnt happen to be hiring 3d artists at the moment, would you? You may apply. We liek Swedes in Guildford.
  15. Yeah. Thumbs up, mate. Upset 240 passengers and eleven people on the ground's families. Why don't you just tapdance a little? Internet Humour Fail!
  16. So I just finished Halo 3.... Meh, It were alreet.
  17. Obviously no one from the team took the game journalists out for dinner and a show. They're feeling cranky and unloved. While true, it's actually a fair and objective review of the game. Alot of bad decisions happend in the two years since I left. Edit: Who would have ever expected me to say that about games journalists.
  18. First review is up... http://uk.xboxlive.ign.com/articles/102/1021370p1.html Oh yeah 5.3/10 :D That's more than half right lol
  19. :| I lasted 3 days playing the WoW trial. Pretty much hated the game INSTANTLY!
  20. I left 2 years ago. . . Dag Nabit, I hid those bugs well.
  21. On another note, it's also currently rated THE WORST GAME ON THE XBOX EVER! Which is kinda funny considering its 3 year development cycle. This is where I know state "I ONLY WORKED ON THE PROTOTYPE!"
  22. I believe the deal was exclusive to Microsoft, so no Sony Home . But a PC version does exist. Its not likely to legally see the light of day and it's probably a few years out of date. It was actually the PC prototype version I was mostly involved with.
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