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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. If a nation cannot stand on its own then it should fall.
  2. I don't think they have announced anything on that yet and it seems that there will be two DLCs. The Warden's Keep and the Stone Prisoner. http://kotaku.com/5376749/dragon-age-origi...ets-day-one-dlc
  3. Okay, but it turns out otherwise I am going to find you and shove a German Chocolate Cake down your throat.
  4. He was a great American communist, but a terrible Soviet communist. How's that for clarification?
  5. Legal conflict?!?!? Oh, that cannot be good. That could mean AP maybe going bye bye.
  6. It is not the school's job to raise kids.
  7. That's not the school's job, Volourn. That is the job of parents.
  8. Maybe they should adopt school uniforms in which all boys and all girls dress exactly alike. That would make everyone equal. At least in clothing.
  9. No one here is saying to lock the borders, Hurlie. I see more people here saying they want to open the borders more for LEGAL immigration. If we do not deport the ILLEGALS then how do we deal with them. Leaving them in the country undocumented is not an option, and neither is giving amnesty.
  10. The fight started because those children wanted to fight. They were just looking for an excuse to do it. If it wasn't for that kid they would have found some other poor kid to pick on. That is how bullies work.
  11. That is why we should have border patrols look for these tunnels and collapse them when they are found.
  12. Thanks for the Link, A-Man. Immigration reform that I want to see is not about closing the borders against all immigration. What I want to see is fairer immigration laws that allows people, regardless of education and nation of origin, to be able to come into this country without bias and without fear of being exploited by companies and businesses. To make sure that they do pay their fair share of taxes and services that they use. Simply put, make our laws easier for people to come into this country legally, but make the consequences for coming into the country illegally harsher. Not only for the immigrant, but also for the business and landlords that exploit them.
  13. Being in this country without proper documentation or expired documentation. What we need is immigration reform for our immigration laws become enforceable. So that those who come into this country can easily be rounded up and deported and target companies that exploit illegals, while at the same time make it easier and fairer for those who seek entrance into this country legally.
  14. You either break the law or you don't break the law. If they are in the country illegal they have broken the law. Where is the "gray" in this?
  15. As I said, if you don't like it don't buy the game and the DLC. Problem solved.
  16. Hey, that was just an example. Besides, maybe they wouldn't arrest me if I shared.
  17. Because it is the letter of the law that matters most in our legal system.
  18. No brainwashing, just common sense. Do I agree with all the laws out there? Of course not. Does that give me the right to break them? Nope. I can do what I can to change the law, but until the law does change I have to obey it or face the consequences of breaking it if I get caught. For example I am for the legalization of marijuana. Hell, there are some cops in my town that are for the legalization of marijuana. However, if these cops saw me smoking marijuana it would be their duty to arrest me.
  19. For godsakes, they didn't cut anything from the base game. While two teams were busy in converting the game to the consoles the PC team was just sitting on their thumbs. SO, instead of just having the PC team sitting on their thumbs this whole time they worked on making a DLC. While the base game is at the printers, which is a two to three week period before it hits the shelves, the console teams will be converting the DLC to their respective systems. THERE IS NO CUTTING OF THE BASE GAME! Stop your foul whining already. If you don't like this set up DO NOT BUY THE GAME OR DLC. It won't become industry standard if no one buys it.
  20. The Law is the Law. Just because you do not agree with the Law does not give you the right to break the Law. If you do not like the Law on a given matter seek to change the Law within the confines of the Law.
  21. If they are illegal they aren't a citizen. If they are illegal then they don't respect our laws and are criminals. They deserve to be treated as such.
  22. Don't like it. Don't buy it. Problem solved.
  23. Besides, humanity has been recycling plots and characters since the time of Shakespeare.
  24. I disagree. If the child is here illegally then that child should be deported. If the parents are here illegally and the child was born here, the parents should be deported and given a choice to take their chiold with them or not. You cannot enforce the law on one and not on another, regardless of the age, race, or gender of the individual.
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