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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. As long as the Communist Party is in control of China I will consider them the enemy and they should be treated as such.
  2. As far as I am concerned it does. Communism is the enemy of freedom. China will always be the enemy.
  3. In a Communistic government there is no individual rights, no consideration of the individual at all. There was no consideration for the man's illness nor his incompetency to stand trial.
  4. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. He knew what the consequences were, what did he expect? To just walk free? What part of him being MENTALLY ILL do you not understand? Being MENTALLY ILL means that he did not know what the consequences were. that he was incompetent to stand trial. He was unable to aid in his own defense. HE WAS MENTALLY ILL!
  5. Free and fair? I highly doubt that. it was probably as free and fair as the last election in Iran. They were people who wanted change, LoF. People who wanted more freedom than the shackles they were forced to wear under communistic rule. Communism is the enemy of freedom. Always has and always will.
  6. Name one person who was executed in the US that was solely charged as a drug smuggler in the last 20 years, LoF. Name just one. It has everything to do with the government being communist. Communism does not recognize individual human rights. never have and never will. Communism is the enemy and those who practice that form of government should be treated as enemies.
  7. Communism and democracy don't mix. After all the first and foremost need for a proper democracy is the freedom of speech and press which every single Communistic country DO NOT HAVE! Hell, even Hugo Chavez has squashed freedom of speech and press in his country, showing that he is no better than a petty dictator. If communism didn't fear the rights such as freedom of speech and the press we wouldn't have had the Tienanmen Square Massacre. NEVER FORGET! NEVER FORGIVE!
  8. Here is another fraking reason to hate the Communist Chinese government: http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/12/2...gler/index.html I just like to know when will the Western Europe and the US realize that China is the enemy. You do not make treaties with the enemy. You do not try to reason with the enemy. You treat them as enemies and have no dealings with them whatsoever. You do not trade with them. You do not talk to them. You have nothing to do with them, and if they get in your face about it you bring arms against them. As long as the communist regime is in power, China is the enemy. You do not execute a mentally ill individual for simple drug trafficking. That is wrong.
  9. It only works if you are naked, Walsh.
  10. That isn't just a company failing, Taks. That is abusing one's workers big time.
  11. I have to agree with GD's assessment as well.
  12. Now this sucks, and may fan the flames in LoF's favor... http://www.wltx.com/news/story.aspx?storyi...238&catid=2
  13. Nothing made by man will ever be perfect, Lare. You can enjoy life's imperfection, or be miserable seeking perfection.
  14. I do prefer the rogue over the warrior to be honest.
  15. LoF, the point of business is to make money. The corporation purpose is to make money for its owners and its stockholders. That is their primary mission. Everything and anything else is secondary. The workforce have a choice. If the place they work for does not live up to their expectations they can leave and find a better job, or form a union and set up a strike. If the corporation abuses their workforce they will find that they will not have a workforce and thusly will not make any money. Prime example of that happened a few years ago where I live. This company which ran the McDonald's restaurants via franchise was abusing their workforce, and they were doing this to both the burger flippers and lower management. Long hours, little or no raises, and overall crappy benefits. Other fast food places got wind of this and started to increase base pay, added benefits, and whatnot. The employees got wind of this and migrated to Culver's, Burger King and Wendy's. Bereft of a quality workforce sales plummeted, and they even had to permanently close one of the restaurants in a college student infested area where they should have been doing the most business. In the end the company lost its franchise rights and the restaurants went under corporate control, but have yet regained their status. The workforce will do what is in its best interest and so will the corporation, as it should.
  16. If those games were available when I was 7 I would have played them.
  17. Let see here... Dragon Age Fallout 3 Mass Effect Fallout 1 Planescape Torment Fallout 2 Baldur's Gate 1 Neverwinter Nights 2 Baldur's Gate 2 Jade Empire The next best ten... Ultima 4 Bloodlines Icewind Dale 2 KoTOR 2 Icewind Dale Oblivion Crysis Ultima 7 KotOR 1 Wing Commander 3 This is also with all the assorted expansions and DLCs being included. Of the old 8 bit Nintendo there was only one game I could stand playing and I loved it... BATTLETOADS!
  18. So does murder. So does rape. So does armed robbery. So does arson. So does kidnapping. So does assault. As long as humans exist there will be laws and there will be people willing to break the laws. Your point being, LoF?
  19. Nice photo LOF, now why don't you start living in the 21st century. Also, I am kind of curious of where in the United States that slavery is legal. Please tell us.
  20. Wow. Nightshape is channeling me there. I love it.
  21. Intergrated or not, it is an Intel chipset. Best to stay away from those if you want to do any sort of gaming.
  22. My favorite Nic Cage movie was Face/Off with The Rock being a close second.
  23. Without Capitalism, Yuusha, and putting in a fully socialistic system why would there be any further advancement in our technology? One of the driving goals for humans is greed, the accumulation of stuff. Without it all we do is just sit like lumps on a log. If the government gives us all that we need, and takes all what we want, then there is no reason to do anything and our civilization and species will stagnant. Yes, capitalism brings conflict, brings out our most cruel and darkest emotions, but it also brings progress and advancement. That alone makes it worthwhile and necessary.
  24. Human Noble Woman with a great sword. And Iona...
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