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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  2. Damn... I was hoping for a lil' inside info.
  3. Alan, be nice to the newbie. By the way, what the frak is up with the new DLC for Dragon Age?!?!?!
  4. You keep saying that yet show no proof of these studies. In my personal experience handguns have saved lives from criminals and miscreants. My personal experience trumps you keep saying "studies show" repeatedly without actually showing those studies every time. As long as there are criminals with guns, law abiding citizens should have guns. As long as government offcials and law enforcement have guns, then law abiding citizens should have guns. 2nd Amendment, Oblarg. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! Don't like it, then get out of the US.
  5. I have no need for roads. I walk. I have no need for schools. I have my own books. I pay a private telephone company for my communication needs.
  6. I place myself higher than I do society, Oblarg. You see, the only person that I have to live with is myself. I don't care about society and given my experiences in my life society doesn't give a rat's ass about me. I don't care what is best for society. I care what is best for me. No one else.
  7. How is a law abiding person owning a handgun harming you in any form or fashion if you do not intend harm on them? Please, tell me. How does it harm you at all? There are lots of benefits owning a gun, and the chief among them is protection. You are just too naive to see that the world is a dangerous and violent place. The only person you can count on to protect you is yourself, and no one else.
  8. Lets see here... A society is made up of what... Oh, let's see here... INDIVIDUALS!
  9. Better than you having a gun and shooting him instead, because there's a much better chance if you own a gun of you shooting someone in a situation which is not self-defense. Simple statistics. Murders involving guns *will* happen, the best we can do is design policies to minimize the number of them. As for how I know a gun is intended to do harm, that's what they are designed for. The gun is a weapon. Weapons harm people. There is nothing more to it. Target shooting is a paltry excuse. Hunting is a legitimate reason to own a rifle, I will not deny that, but there's no reason for anyone to own a handgun other than ego-boosting. Statistically, owning a gun is simply not a good way to defend yourself. It's not because I don't think you should, it's because you owning a gun is demonstrably bad for society. Owning a handgun for "self-defense" is selfish and short-sighted. Morals have nothing to do with it, it's simple logic - the needs of society come before the needs of the individual. Always. If you can demonstrate that the internet is dangerous and a detriment to society, you would have basis for that argument. Alas, such a claim is laughable. Sorry, I don't buy that "Star Trek" garbage that the "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one" crap. There have been instances where I live that a gun saved lives. In Des Moines a woman protected herself from an intruder in her apartment by killing the intruder with a gun. Another instance is that a Pizza Hut deliverer was ambushed by a bugger trying to steal his cash and if he didn't have a gun on him and shot his attacker he would have ended severely wounded or dead. I myself was robbed at gun point which could have ended very badly for me. If I had a weapon I could have killed that bugger before he had a chance to pull out his gun. If you take away guns from law abiding people then the only people who will have guns will be criminals. I rather rely on myself for defense than some cop who more often than not comes after the fact. Human society is filled with violence, hate, and greed. One does have the right to protect himself from that. To protect his life and the life of his loved ones no matter what.
  10. How many twenty somethings actually seen a foxhole do you think there are, Gorgon?
  11. As for moving some place cheaper I think it would be a great idea if the entire Obsidian complany moves to Iowa. Things are definitely cheaper here and our state government can actually pay its state tax refunds.
  12. Why yes, I do think that Megan could use a shovel.
  13. Count me in for this one. We'd all be eating mushrooms today, and there'd be one mad party on December 20th, 2012. That's the Mayans, not the Aztecs. On days of celebration we would be ripping the hearts out of our enemies, the basketball captain of the losing side in the NBA playoffs would be ritually murdered.
  14. For now I am using 2 liter bottles as weights and speed walking around the aisles at work. Add to the fact that I have also cut my food intake by more than half I am hoping that if I continue that I will see some results in the next few months.
  15. Personally I would like to have seen an alternative history in which the native populations of the Americas were mostly immune to the diseases that the European explorers brought, and was comparable in technology. Have the Aztecs invade Spain!
  16. Well, what if someone intended to do harm to me with a gun? Should I not have the ability to protect myself or should I wait 15 to 30 minutes for the cops to arrive after I am shot dead bleeding, Oblarg?
  17. If you have balls of steel you won't have to worry about any unplanned pregnancies. Might have a problem getting pass airport security though.
  18. Slug, you might be right on that, but I don't have the money to join a gym and it is way to cold to do it outside. I'll figure something out.
  19. That is what I have been told. Once the withdrawal ends I plan on starting to exercise, but one step at a time. By years end I like to lose about 100 or so pounds.
  20. The problem is that therapy costs way to goddamn much. So I am doing it myself by kicking a couple of bad habits of mine, starting with pop. At my worse I was a 12 pack a day pop drinker. It has been 4 days since going cold turkey. By doing this I have drastically dropped my caffiene intake as will all those sugars and corn syrup. I feel weird and have a bit of a headache.
  21. Logic is an abstract, therefore not proof. What is logical to one human may be illogical if not insane to another. Nice try, you lose.
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