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Everything posted by Trenitay

  1. It's a matter of the people who are doing it and their intent.
  2. It wasn't a defense as much as it was an... accusation? No, that's the right word, but anyway. I was just saying that everybody does bad things. Forgive and forget. Absolutely. Whoever did these things are terrible people. But blaming it on muslims today, is like blaming current Christians for the crusades.
  3. They're all just wrong. They should all move out and find some other to live. The whole thing is just stupid.
  4. How many years ago was this now? And besides that, what does it have to do with the "evils of Islam"? Every single group in the history of the world has done bad things. Get over it people. It's not like your ****ing Ghandi either.
  5. I was sitting at home for about the past 2 hours playing on the computer and when I started paying attention to the outside world again, everyone was gone. They all just left the house without telling me. Shows how much I'm noticed around here.
  6. Those groups probably should do something about it because the ignorance is getting a bit old.
  7. Ha! I laugh at all you backwards season people.
  8. Being the nerd that I am, I'm on the knowledge bowl team at my school. Today we went to a small practice competition. We did terribly. But it was fun anyway.
  9. They don't resist. They get it to stop as quickly as possible.
  10. most terrorists wouldn't. They'd tell the best lie they could come up with.
  11. That cat wasn't just sprayed with water.
  12. Wow, was it a seacow steak? Of course. I have to swim with them first though. That's the best way to determine which is the most tender. And then after you've gained their trust you slice them up and barbecue them.
  13. I went swimming and then had a dinner of steak and lobster.
  14. So false intelligence is better than none?
  15. So... What is this?
  16. You assume people are logical which they most certainly are not. Just because someone does something doesn't mean it works.
  17. I laugh at the stupid kid just as much as I laugh at the smart kids doing stupid things.
  18. But it doesn't work.
  19. Didn't there used to be one? I thought everyone scared off the conspiracy theorists.
  20. My problem with it isn't so much the notes themselves, but the fact that she had just finished critisizing Obama for using the teleprompter.
  21. Well, how armed are they really if they can't even use the weapon?
  22. I vote yes.
  23. Lift American Spirits.
  24. But how am I supposed play my awesome video game when the world is ending?
  25. So continuing with the family problems from earlier, after the "affluent" remark, my grandpa responded to his sister's demands for money. She says she wants it to pay for HER Jeep and a guy to shovel HER driveway. Somehow these things things are his responsibility. She was trying to force him into it by using what he said, "family helps family". He responded (with a great amount of wit I might add) that he had been taking care of the family for the past 40 years by letting them stay in his house rent-free for however long they wished. He has done this for six people in the past for a total of about 25 years. Right in the middle of this he had a house fire that destroyed everything they owned and they still allowed someone to stay with them in their new house without paying any rent. Currently there are two of my cousins staying at his house. He also pointed out that he came out here when he was 18 with his life savings (200 dollars) and built this life with none of their help. Her reply to this was "Why are you turning this into a pissing contest?". What? Really? Then she goes and tells her sister about it and she says something along the lines of "You really hurt her. You don't need to brag about your life. Not everyone is as lucky as you". That wasn't what he was saying at all. He was saying that he had done plenty of helping family and that there was no reason he should pay for those things.
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