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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. Definitely, last thing the world needs is another heroin den dweller [like the father]. Small query: you weren't a woman originally? Not since the last time I checked.
  2. Just found out I'm going to be an uncle... and my sister's boyfriend is a ****ing loser. I mixed with emotions, I honestly don't know how I should feel.
  3. Doesn't seem like many will complain about that. Now about BG3, NWN3, etc...
  4. I'm really looking forward to this now; more so than Dead State. I'm with Purkake on this, I want the full version in my possession.
  5. I'm going to wait for a price drop for DS3; not really my type of game tbh.
  6. Why? They got some good long term plan going on?
  7. Went to the Phillies game today (free tickets!); was good fun.
  8. Duke, what happened to your balls of steel?
  9. My friend got so pissed at his he threw it against a brick wall
  10. From what I hear; EMT's could go on for hours about these kind of stories.
  11. So it's DMC with a young, angsty Dante. I'll bite.
  12. For just SP? I couldn't recommend them; they're really short (~4-6 hrs).
  13. PSP has been getting some gems as of late.
  14. The controller is like an oversized gamegear
  15. On mine as well. But to quote a gaf poster: "where does the umd go?"
  16. Seems a lot of people share your opinion.
  17. Breath Ken.... breath....
  18. Hrmm nope, still not adopting.
  19. Are they IN the city? They said that they were GOING to the city. Doesn't matter to me; just wondering why designers are obsessed with the area.
  20. Yet another NYC battle.
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