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Wrath of Dagon

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Everything posted by Wrath of Dagon

  1. Is an inability to spell 'lighten' properly also "proper American spelling"? That was intentional. Also I had too much lite yoghurt. If non standard spelling was good enough for Shaksper, it's good enough for us stupid Americans.
  2. Good point, and if you study history, you'll notice there's a definite pattern to events.
  3. I thought QTE's worked great in Shenmue 2, and made a lot of sense in the context. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the button mashing minigame to open locks in console Mass Effect was the worst single piece of gameplay I've ever seen, and a huge and tedious waste of time for me because of all the reloading I had to do.
  4. Sounds like it's delayed, and if it is, there's no guaranty it'll come out in June either. Oh, well, so long as it doesn't become vaporware.
  5. That's right, dialog is proper American spelling, liten up.
  6. Great post, Guard Dog. I'm glad you posted first, I was going to post pretty much the same response but would've been too lazy to look up the sources. Another justice of the ilk of Bryer or Souter would be a complete disaster. At least right now Kennedy, who's half way reasonable, holds the balance of power.
  7. I think what he's trying to say is you can play it either isometric or over the shoulder.
  8. ROFL, Obama pretty much said he doesn't care what the constitution says, he wants judges to make it up as they go along, based on their ideology, which is the prevailing liberal view btw. Obama may seem like a centrist now, before he has power, and indeed his appointments so far have been quite reasonable. But there are several laws the Democrats will pass if they can which will do severe, long term, and probably irreversible damage to the US economy, as I mentioned before.
  9. I bet the 360 is the lead platform.
  10. It was a woman who tried to assassinate Ford, from the Manson family. Anyway, the Secret Service has become so good at their job there's very little danger.
  11. Seems like stealth and setting up traps / hacking should go together, I wonder how the division of skills is going to work.
  12. From the article it sounds like they're not really Jews, they only have a Jewish ancestor. Also from their ages it's probably their parents who moved to Israel, and probably for purely economic reasons, or perhaps they just hate their parents. Really not that strange, hitler himself was concerned he might have a Jewish ancestor, although that doesn't seem to be the case.
  13. If they're in puppet mode, you have to assign them a command for every single round, else they'll stand around and do nothing.
  14. That article confirms that Holder was involved up to his eyeballs, not just being inattentive as he claims. I think something that unconscienable should disqualify him from being AG. Gonzalez was hounded out for firing people he didn't like, this guy is guilty of deriliction of duty having helped a criminal and a fugitive get off scot-free. I hope this is all brought out during his confirmation hearing, and Republicans vote against him, although I'm not sure a filibuster would be appropriate, even if they have the votes. Note that I had a favorable impression of Holder while he was in Clinton's administration, until the Rich business came up.
  15. It's the energy that gets transferred that does the damage. So a bullet that tumbles inside the body will do a lot more damage than a bullet that passes clean through, other things being equal.
  16. Actually damage is proportional to energy, which is proportional to velocity squared. So a pistol of the same caliber would never do more damage than a rifle, not in this universe. Not that pistols usually use the same caliber ammo anyway. Aah, this reminds me of the endless discussions on Mass Effect forum about the damage from rail gun micro ammo back in the day.
  17. I thought it was stated the ammo was the same. Isn't up to you which ammo you load?
  18. Why? It's good advice, that's what I normally do.
  19. Holder was more involved than he lets on. He's the one who recommended the lawyer (Quinn) to represent Rich, although supposedly he didn't know who the lawyer was for. He also advised Quinn to take the case up directly with the White House. Sure smells like influence peddling.
  20. For the same reason clothes give you bonuses.
  21. Shorting means borrowing something, like a stock, then selling it immediately and hoping it'll drop in price by the time you have to return it. Try googling the terms you don't understand. Great article, really exposes the Washington attitude of "lets kick the can down the road, until is snowballs into a huge crisis". Also blindly following ideology without applying common sense. I remember ten years back there was a lot of discussion on the danger of derivatives, but nothing was done about it. And of course everyone knew there was a housing bubble, but again everyone made too much money to care.
  22. No game will ever make complete sense, no use obsessing over minor details. I think I assumed in IW that you had to give up your weapons to enter the bar.
  23. Actually it all started under Clinton: http://news.yahoo.com/s/bloomberg/20081119...rg/ad0ijcjt1p6k Obama will bring change all right, we're going to have the power grid of a 3rd world country because of his assault on energy suppliers.
  24. Pretty much a done deal I think. I don't know why no one ever appoints an actual diplomat as a Secretary of State, but whatever.
  25. No, ME sucks. Never noticed any popup in Gears, certainly nothing as horrendous as ME. Anyway, can't install since my disk is full and you still have to have the DVD in drive anyway.
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