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random n00b

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Everything posted by random n00b

  1. Yay incoherence!
  2. Interesting, but a few things he seems to be pretty sure about, I'm not sure I agree with. Specifically: No inherently good/evil choices, but dependant on gameworld/faction reactions - This simply isn't right, especially when dealing with settings where a clear good/evil definition is a fundamental element, such as SW or D&D. For his game it may work, but then, why did he use an EP3 example? If fans can convince us that some feature is silly, it gets shafted - If I was a capable game designer, I'd be designing games. My potential (un)worth as a game designer is completely unrelated to my ability to convince others or the skill with which I'm able to twist the truth to suit my purposes. Think politicians. Or, even better. Think how Obs listened to the fans, and chose to lift the level 20 cap for TSL. We're designing a game for hardcore RPG fans - This kind of statements always leave me wondering if I'm "hardcore" enough for this game. Or maybe I'm just insecure. Regardless of my reservations, AoD looks nice enough to keep an eye on.
  3. Starforce. Of course, Ubisoft had to drop that protection after all the uproar with broken drives and other nasty side-effects of integrating malware into their game. It's the main reason I never bought Chaos Theory, despite its great co-op mode. It's pretty much deprecated by now, though, save for some localized russian releases.
  4. The story is easily better than any of those games' (ME I can't judge, though), so you won't be disappointed in that regard. But, again, it may be advisable to wait for TSLRP to be finished, since otherwise you'll get a pretty bad "WTF?" moment when you finish the game for the first time.
  5. Tee hee! Hindo's Doom! Can you say it? Hindo's DOOOOOOOM. Most gamers are casual gamers and don't really care about their PC being chock full of malware, that even assuming they know about it.
  6. It's irrelevant if it's a minority or not. You pay for it, you should be able to play it in 5, 10 or 20 years, as long as you can bypass hardware difficulties that cannot be foreseen by the developer. And with those games it's difficult enough, without having to deal with Securom. I'd much rather not rely on others in the future to develop fixes to problems created artificially by overzealous publishers. Also, my thoughts on which games are worth playing may be different to yours, and to those of the people that create said fixes.
  7. -You are better off waiting for TSLRP to be finished. If it lives up to half of the hype around it, you'll get a far more fulfilling experience overall. -You need to have played the first one only if you want to get all the references to some "Revan" person, and some cameos of characters from the first game. -You really don't want to mess with K2 modding since it's messy and generally user-unfriendly if you want to use several mods simultaneously. Also, TSLRP will be incompatible with most mods, so that's really the only thing you'll want to use. -Graphics are looking pretty dated by today's standards. Character animations are what stands out as the worst, probably. Engine issue, since NWN2 anims weren't all that hot either. -Combat is a snorefest. Go make a sandwich.
  8. Not with SW games. The Rogue Squadron (save for the 1st) series, Obi-Wan, and EP3 games come to mind, but I'm fairly certain those aren't the only ones released as console-exclusive. The odds aren't good.
  9. -Your BMI is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.
  10. I object to people making my life more difficult for no good reason, on principle. Upgrading your OS before September will also be a must unless you are OK with losing your music. If it wasn't MS behind it, I'd wager it's intentional.
  11. And by "friends", I assume you mean "mortal enemies".


  12. I'm thinking of buying it, then cracking it, which shouldn't be too difficult with the speed cracks are released at and all. Problem is that might cut me off from updates, which is a rather undesirable side-effect of playing the game I have paid for at my leisure, essentially leaving me with the same thing as if I had pirated the game to begin with. So, this kind of crap protection system is actually encouraging people to download the game illegally rather than buying it legit, QED /pragmatism
  13. I think it's time the focus of the discussion shifted back to piracy. And by piracy, I mean me.
  14. All right, cut it out. I'm the devil's advocate around these parts, mkay?
  15. Yes. As I said, I'm very proud of myself.
  16. So, I make a blanket statement, and you choose to interpret it literally, countering with one of the most brilliant arguments ever to grace these boards, namely: ...just because I made the mistake of expressing an idea that is not of the liking of some of the regulars around here. You'll forgive me if I quietly withdraw at this point. The sycophancy and sheer absurdity in the thread are starting to make me feel real stupid for having been goaded into participating thus far. Carry on, carry on.
  17. As I said, yes. I know you stole a game that you would have bought otherwise just to prove your point. That is statistically relevant how? Who is living in la-la land, again? It sounds to me like you're shifting the focus of the discussion from piracy to me to compensate for a lack of substance in your argument.
  18. Seriously now. Do I really have to explain this to you? Stardock's business model success is actually fairly good evidence to support that those that pirate games likely wouldn't buy them if they couldn't steal them. How many people are willing to shell out $40-60 for a piece of software that they don't intend to get the most of (in the form of multiple playthroughs, updates, and extra content)? But yeah, I know you stole a game just to prove me wrong. Whoop dee ****ing do.
  19. Because I am sure that every single person that pirated the game would absolutely not have bought it otherwise The unfortunate thing is that the only company with a vested interest in demonstrating that piracy can result in lost sales are the companies themselves, which means if they ever do any type of study on it, people just casually dismiss it. I know that there are people out there with the idea of "Why pay for it when I don't have to?" because I actually live with one. That's anecdote unfortunately, so you can casually dismiss at your leisure. If you don't know of anybody that actually feels like that, then I'd wager you live a rather isolationist lifestyle, or you are in fact ignoring the blatant evidence. Especially since you only need ONE to show that piracy = lost sales (even if it's just one lost sale). No. Smart devs win. Whiners (and you) lose. Game over man, game over!
  20. My guess is they added that to counterbalance Carsomyr's dispel on hit ability, since Anti-paladins can't use it, and the Unholy Reaver in the game is just a plain +5 greatsword. It would have made much more sense to update the Unholy Reaver, though.
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